====== The Ex ====== Either you've got a hole in the head, had your memories expunged, spent 40 years in exile and made non-existent through time travel, or were a forgotten plastic android when the universe was rebooted - but something happened that stopped you hanging about with the Doctor, permanently. * Examples: Adam Mitchell(([[https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Adam_Mitchell|Dalek]] TV episode)), Donna Noble(([[https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Donna_Noble|Doomsday]] TV episode)), Zoe Heriot(([[https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Zoe_Heriot|The Wheel in Space]] TV episode)), Jamie McCrimmon(([[https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Jamie_McCrimmon|The Highlanders]] TV episode)), Amelia Pond(([[https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Amy_Pond|The Eleventh Hour]] TV episide)), Rory Williams(([[https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Rory_Williams|The Eleventh Hour]] TV episide)) ===== Background Options===== Choose one: * **Traumatised**: When I was left behind I was devastated * You've worked through your issues and have moved on. Ignore the first time your Stress would give you a Trauma and just reset your Stress instead. * **Tabula Rasa**: Something happened, there's years of my life missing but I don't know why * At some unique event/encounter tell an anecdote. This has triggered your memory return. You are incapacitated for this scene but come back with a new Move. * **Idealist**: Enough skipping out on the consequences - I want to make a difference! * Mark XP whenever you save someone else from Harm by taking the Harm yourself. {{tag>character background ex}}