====== The Witchblood ====== Your ancestors gifted you with extra senses or extra ways to manipulate or bypass how everyone interacts with the laws of physics. Also known as Time Sensitivity or Time Awareness. * Examples: Tharils(([[https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Tharil|Warrior's Gate]] TV episode)), Justine McManus(([[https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Justine_McManus|Alien Bodies]] novel)), Marielle Duquesne(([[https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Marielle_Duquesne|Christmas on a Rational Planet]] novel)), Octavia Sutherland(([[https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Octavia_Sutherland|The Book of the War]] novel)) ===== Background Options===== Choose one: * **Cursed**: All my life I've been cursed with the Sight * You default to paranoia when using you special senses. You have Advantage when you [[..:..:play:moves:discern]] in combat * **Blessed**: All my life I've been blessed with the Sight * When calmly investigating or studying a situation outside of combat you have Advantage with [[..:..:play:moves:discern]] * **Exploited**: All my life I've been exploited because of my abilities * Whenever you act on a result from [[..:..:play:moves:discern]] you take +2 Forward {{tag>character background witchblood}}