====== Gear ====== When you want access to a particular piece of gear, say what it is and write it on a slot in the gear section. There are 3 types of slots, each requires a different amount of time: * **Ready**: You already have it in hand. * **Slung**: It takes a couple of breaths and a bit of fumbling, but you can get it. * **Packed**: It takes nearly a minute and both hands to get into your pack and retrieve it. Depending on which slot you use to declare a piece of gear the Grandfather may tick a clock or impose other consequences. If the item is part of your playbook, or is something common it costs nothing. Otherwise it may require an [[..:..:play:moves:acquire]] roll or a [[..:..:play:flashbacks|flashback]]. The Grandfather will ask who supplied it for you, and it will affect their resources. [[..:..:play:moves:acquire]] is a [[..:..:play:movetypes#downtime_moves|Downtime Move]] and as it's not a normal move, you can't do a [[..:..:play:flashbacks|flashback]] to get it which ideally should have been made before your required the gear. You can instead accrue **Paradox** for your coterie and use your next available downtime action to organise to have this gear supplied retroactively. Mark the **Paradox** box on your [[..:coterie:start|coterie playbook]] and hope no one else needs to use paradox. Clear the box when you use the **Acquire Asset** move in your next **Downtime** ===== Armour ===== Armour you must choose to wear before you start a scenario, it's one of the rare exceptions to "when you need it, you decide to have it". Armour causes reactions in all that see it - especially Faction Paradox Armour - and you cannot retroactively say you were wearing it. Armour takes up a **Packed** gear slot. ===== The Shadow that Cuts ===== If you have a [[..:..:play:moves:shadow]] - it always counts as readied and never takes up a gear slot.