====== Campaign Turn ====== | Go back to ^ [[:games:wargame:fpff]] | This is an expanded version of the normal campaign turn. If we house rule in extra detail and narrative, I'll put the new steps in here and mark them bold. ===== Step 1 ===== ==== Travel ==== - **Flee Invasion** (pg69) if one is occuring \\ 2d6, 8+ to leave without fighting an Invasion Battle - Choose to **Travel** (pg69) \\ $5 in fuel for ship or $1 per crew for passage - **Starship Travel Event** (pg70) \\ d100 table - **New World Arrival** (pg72) - Check Rivals \\ 5+ the Rival follows you - Dismiss Patrons \\ Only persistent Patrons follow - Check Licensing Requirements \\ 5+ License is required (costing $1d6 or get a forged one) - World Traits \\ d100 table ===== Step 2 ===== ==== World ==== - **Upkeep** (pg76) - Crew \\ $1 for up to 6 crew, $1 for each additional - Ship Debt \\ Debt is increased $1 if less than $31, otherwise by $2. If debt is $75 or more then 2d6 of 2-6 and ship is seized by authorities. - Ship Repairs \\ 1 hull point is repaired. Additional repairs cost $1 per hull point. - Medical Care \\ Crew in sickbay and bots in repair reduce time by 1 turn. Additional turns can be bought off for $4 each. - **Crew Tasks** (pg76) \\ Up to 2 crew can be assigned to the same task * __Find a Patron__ - Go look for someone to hire the crew. \\ 1d6+Crew sent+$ spent+existing Patrons. 5= 1 new, 6= 2 new Patrons. * __Train__ - Go to the gun range and the gym. \\ Get +1XP for that crew member * __Trade__ - Try to score some new equipment. \\ d100 table (pg79), 1 roll per crew sent, additional rolls $3 each. * __Recruit__ - Expand your crew. \\ If <6 then each member sent recruits a new member. Otherwise 1d6+Crew sent = 6+ to recruit a new member. * __Explore__ - See the sights around town. \\ d100 table (pg80), 1 roll per crew sent. * __Track__ - Look for a Rival for a Showdown. \\ if 1d6+Crew Sent+$ spent = 6+ then you Showdown with Rival of choice in **Step 3** * __Repair your Kit__ - Try to fix broken items. \\ 1d6+Savvy+$ spent+1 if Engineer. 6+=repaired, natural 1=destroyed. * __Decoy__ - Help avoid Rivals finding you. \\ Each crew member gives +1 to roll for Rivals tracking you down. - **Job Offers** (pg83) \\ Specifically Patron Jobs - Roll Patron - Roll Danger Pay - Roll Time Frame - Roll Benefits, Hazards and Conditions - **Quartermaster** (pg 85) \\ Assign equipment between crew members and your stash as you wish - **Rumours** (pg85) * If not on a quest then 1d6<=Rumours and you get a Quest * If on a quest then any rumours become Quest Rumours (pg120) - **Choose Battle** - Check for Rivals \\ 1d6<=Rivals then you must battle a random Rival instead of doing any other kind of job. - If Rivals have not tracked you down you may: * Battle an Opportunity Mission * Showdown a Rival of choice if you successfully Tracked them * Continue a Quest * Perform a Patron Mission ===== Step 3 ===== ==== Tabletop Battle ==== * If not an **Invasion** - Deployment Conditions (pg88) - Notable Sights (pg89) - If not an attack by a Rival * Objective (pg89) * Determine Enemy \\ d100 table (pg94) - If attacked by a Rival * Determine Rival Attack Type (pg91) * Determine Enemy if they are a new Rival \\ d100 table (pg94) * **Invasion** (pg92) \\ Hold out for 6 rounds against +2 enemies, there are no win conditions. Any crew leaving the table prematurely are casualties. * **Number of Enemies** (pg93) \\ 2d6, take higher result with modifiers * If you face 3-6, one will be a Specialist * If you face 7+, two will be Specialists * If you face 4+, one will be a Lieutenant * If not facing Roving Threats or an Invasion then 2d6 of 9+ and you also get a Unique Individual - **Set up Terrain** (pg 108) \\ For 2x2 area, at least 2 Large, 4 Small and 2 Linear terrain pieces * At least 2 should be climbable * At least 1 should offer a high elevation firing position * At least 1 should be enterable - **Randomly Choose Side** - **Set up Enemy** (pg111) \\ Based on their AI - **Battle** - **Seize the Initiative** (pg112) - **Round** - Reaction Roll (pg113) \\ (Deployed Crew d6 rolls, <=Reaction to activate for Quick, otherwise Slow) - Quick Actions \\ Optional Move then optional Combat in that order (using two Free Actions and you get no Combat action). May Snap Fire. - Enemy Actions \\ Optional Move then optional Combat in that order based on AI - Slow Actions \\ Optional Move then optional Combat in that order (using two Free Actions and you get no Combat action) - End Phase (pg 114) * Running Away - test enemy morale * End the battle if: * You achieved your objective * You Held the Field (all enemies are fled or casualties) * All you crew are fled or casualties * You played "It's Time to Go" Optional, after round 2 and round 4 you may roll for a Battle Event (pg116) ===== Step 4 ===== ==== Post Battle Sequence ==== - **Rivals** (pg119) * If you didn't fight a Rival on 1d6 of 1, they become a Rival * If you fought a Rival, 1d6 of 4+ and they stop being Rivals. +1 if you Held the Field, +1 if you Tracked them, +1 if you killed a Unique Individual - **Patrons** * If you succeed on a Patron mission, they become a regular Patron contact for this planet unless it was a one-time contract - **Quest** (pg120) * If you fought a mission that was part of a Quest, 1d6 <=3 the Quest fails, 4-6 get a Quest Rumour, 7+ conclude the Quest, the next Quest mission will be a Straight Up Fight with +1 enemies that are fearless * Add +1 to this roll for every Quest Rumour. -2 if you did not win the battle * If you got 4+ rol 1d6, on 5+ the next Quest mission is on another World. - **Payoff** (pg120) * Earn 1d6 for the battle unless it's an Invasion. * If it's a concluding Quest roll 2d6 and take the higher and add +1. * If you completed the objective and it wasn't a Rival fight, treat any roll of 1 or 2 as a 3. - **Battlefield Finds** * If you Held the Field roll on the d100 table (pg121) - **Invasion** * If the enemy you faced is listed as an Invasion Threat roll 2d6 on a 9+ the World is about to be invaded next campaign turn. * +1 if you acquired Invasion Evidence * -1 if you Held the Field - **Loot** * If not an Invasion roll once on the Loot Table (pg131) * If it was a final Quest mission roll three times instead - **Injuries** * Casualties (that weren't taken out just by stun) must roll on the injury table (pg122) - **Experience** (pg123) * Crew that aren't Bots earn and may spend XP - **Advanced Training** (pg124) * One crew member may attempt to get training $1 and 2d6 of 4+ to get in. * The course cost may be paid with unspent XP and/or credits - **Acquisitions** (pg125) * $3 per roll on the Military Weapon, Gear or Gadget Table (pgs28-29) * $1 to buy a Handgun, Blade, Colony Rifle or Shotgun * 3 undamaged items may be sold for $1 each * You may acquire a ship if you don't have one * You may get ship upgrades - **Campaign Event** * d100 table (pg126) - **Character Event** * Randomly choose a non-Bot, non-Soulless crew member and roll on the d100 table (pg128) - **Galactic War Progress** (pg126) * 2d6 roll for previously invaded worlds