====== Countess Elsbeth Curo ====== **SPOILER WARNING:** If you are reading the game logs and don’t want any secrets revealed before their time - or are a player - then don’t read any further! Countess Elsbeth Curo (b. 693- ), the "Star of the North," who claims decent from the the first kings of Serelind and the House of Tane through her father, the leonine Hemisen Curo (d. 717), who dug and early grave with his teeth; and House Elendsa through her mother, Princess Vanua Elendsa, King Mingath's youngest sister, who dies of consumption shortly after giving birth (d. 693). Countess Curo was groomed to be her father’s heir from a very young age and assumed many of her father’s duties while he was still alive, passing judgement in Court and seeing to sensitive affairs. She also, as heir appaerent of House Curo, scandalized many of the Realm's more provincial nobles by training with arms and hunting with the men at every opportunity. She has held the title of Countess of Neph in her own right since her father's death in 717. Elsbeth is a 27 year old sophisticate, reknowned for her lavish hospitality, patronage of the Church, and sharp sense of fashion. She amazes the ladies of the realm with a wardrobe containing exotic fabrics and elegant designs brought from the length and breadth of Lythia, and has considered the barometer of Kaldoric Chic since coming of age. One of Kaldor's favorite beauties, Elsbeth cuts a dashing figure with dark hair, fair skin, and intense sapphire eyes. She is also an avid huntress. Her pack of Great Harbalese hunting dogs, as well as her trained Sorkin Eagles, are the finest in Kaldor. She is married to Sir Pallon Bernan, the brother of Sir Daynes Bernan, the Constable of Kyg. They have no children. Countess Curo's feminine and urbane persona has led many nobles to assume she is little more than a wealthy dilettante with a flair for the dramatic. In reality, however, she is an intriguer of the first order and a consumate machiavelle. She is also a woman of immense pride and prejudice, having an accute sense of class, status, breeding, and station. She is addicted to what she refers to as the "Great Game" and views the realm's other nobles as rivals or competitors. She can be extremely ruthless and vindictive when crossed. Her one soft-spot is her love for Baron Reinhardt Maddox, but theirs is an unlikely and ill-advised match. Elsbeth is well supported by her carefully chosen vassals, and an excellent network of agents. Her connections among the merchant class keeps her well informed of events well beyond Kaldor's borders. Her paternal aunt is Dame Sophia Curo, Knight-Commander of the Order of St. Claudia, while her paternal uncle, Sir Hardeth, is married to Meliara Kynn, the sister of the Archbishop of Kaldor. Her most recent court coup, being appointed Sheriff of Osselshire, still resonates throughout Tashal, as does her decision to appoint Sir Reinhardt Maddox to serve as the “baron” of a large tract of undeveloped wilderness. Countess Curo is known to have a claim to the throne through her mother, but has made no overt motions to pursue her claim. Many suspect she intends to play King Maker - in opposition to Earl Troda Dariune - instead. ====== Secrets ====== Countess Curo was appointed Sheriff of Osselshire in exchange for her promise to back the legitimate male line of House Elendsa in the Succession Council. She believes this to be Sir Conwan Elendsa, the Sheriff of Semethshire, who is barred from the throne by an inconvenient oath. She has begun secret negotiations with the Church, but has no intention of following through. She is also sitting on the realm's only gemstone mine - the droits of the Crown - in the event war erupts. ====== Post Generation Notes ====== None ====== Mechanical Notes ====== **Stats:** STR: 10 (11-); DEX: 14 (12-); CON: 13 (12-); BDY: 10 (11-); INT: 13 (12-); EGO: 11 (11-); PRE: 18 (13-); COM: 20 (13-); PD: 2; ED: 3; SP: 3; RC: 5; EN: 26; ST: 22\\ **Movement:** Run: 6" Swim: 2" Leap: 2" **Combat Block:** ECV: 4 Phases: 4, 8, 12 **Skills:** AK: Her Domain & Holdings 11-; AK: Kaldor 11-; AK: Tashal 11-; Acrobatics 8-; Acting 13-; Animal Handler (Birds, Canines, Equines, Raptors) 14-; Bribery 13-; Bureaucratics 13-; Conversation 13-; CuK: Kaldoric Culture 11-; Deduction 12-; Disguise 8-; Eavesdropping 12-; Gambling (Dice Games) 12-; High Society 17-; Interrogation 8-; Jack of All Trades; PS: Countess 11-; PS: Dance 11-; PS: Huntswoman 11-; PS: Machiavelle 17-; PS: Scribe 11-; PS: Sheriff 11-; PS: Trendsetter 11-; Language: Harnic (Imitate Dialects; Literate); Navigation (Land) 8-; Persuasion 13-; Riding 14-; Scholar; KS: Fashions of the Known World 11-; KS: Finance& Investment 11-; KS: Fine Wines& Cuisines 11-; KS: Fuedal& Royal Law 11-; KS: Geography 8-; KS: History 8-; KS: The Mercantile World 11-; KS: The Noble World 14-; Shadowing 12-; Streetwise 13-; Survival (Forests) 8-; Tactics 8-; Tracking 8-; Trading 13-; WS: Blades 12-; WS: Dodge 12-; WS: Shields 12-; WS: Shortbow 14- **Perks:** Countess of Neph; Sheriff of Osselshire; Contact: Intelligence Network (Very Useful, Organization) 13-; Contact: Bardo the Moneylender (Significant Contacts, Very Useful Skills, Good Relationship) 11-; Contact: Dame Sophia (Major Access, Useful Skills, Very Good Relationship) 11-; False Identity; Lands, Holdings, Tributes, and Investments (Filthy Rich/12); Reputation (Lavish Hostess; All of Kaldor) 14-, +2/+2d6; Reputation (Patron of the Church; Kaldoric Gentry, Churchmen, Devout Merchants) 14-, +2/+2d6; Reputation (Ladies and Wealthy Merchants' Wives) 14-, +2/+2d6 **Talents:** Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED); Not In Heavy Armor (-1/4) **Powers:** Luck 2d6 **Disadvantages:** Psychological: Consumate Machiavelle (Common, Total); Psychological: Pride& Prejudice (Common, Strong); Psychological: In Love With Reinhardt (Common, Strong); Psychological: Ruthless Vindictive //Ternagant// When Crossed (Uncommon, Strong); Rivalry: Her Competitors in the Halls of Power (Professional; As Powerful; Multiple Rivals; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry); Social: A Woman In A Man's World (Frequently, Minor); Hunted: The Crown & Other Nobles (More, NCI, Limited Area (Kaldor), Easy to Find, Watching); Distinctive Features: Chic and Fashionable (Easily; Noticed); Distinctive Features: Dark Haired Fair Skinned Beauty (Easily; Noticed); Distinctive: Dashing Air About Her, A Woman of Charm and Wit (Easily; Noticed) **Cost:** Characteristics: 46; Skills: 119; Perks: 71; Talents: 5; Powers: 10\\ **Breakdown:** Base: 100; Disadvantages: 110; Protagonist Bonus: 41; Experience: 0\\ **Total Character Cost:** 251 ====== Design Notes ====== Elsbeth is designed to be a major mover and shaker in the campaign, and is Baron Reinhardt Maddox's liege and potential love interest. She has some combat skills, but aside from her ability with a bow (honed by hunting), doesn't make her particuliarly dangerous. Its her political and financial influence that makes her potent. To facilitate speed of play in the PBEM medium the Chronicles of Counter-Harn does not use the the Speed Chart, Combat Values, Combat Levels, and Weapon Familiarities. Instead, combat is handled on a "turn by turn" basis and uses opposed skill rolls to determine hits (e.g., Sword vs. Sword, Sword vs. Shield, Sword vs. Dodge, etc). Speed is handled abstractly in the narrative.