====== Advantages Icons ====== ^ Advantage ^ Description of Icon ^ Icon ^ ^ Affects Desolidified | | | ^ Alternate Combat Value | | | ^ Area Of Effect (Radius) | 7 hexes with a line | {{:roleplaying:hero:characters:iconsheet:advantages:advantages_area_radius.png?100|Area Of Effect (Radius)}} | ^ ... Accurate | target symbol | | ^ Area Of Effect (Cone) | 6 hexes in an angle | | ^ Area Of Effect (Line) | 3 hexes in a row | | ^ Area Of Effect (Any Area) | hexes with a question mark | | ^ Area Of Effect (Surface) | hexes with a rhombus | | ^ ... Damage Shield | outlined person silhouette | | ^ ... Explosion | explosion | {{:roleplaying:hero:characters:iconsheet:advantages:advantages_area_explosion.png?100|... Explosion}} | ^ ... Nonselective | 3 target symbols | | ^ ... Selective | 1 target symbol | | ^ ... Mobile | wheel | | ^ Armor Piercing | bullet | {{:roleplaying:hero:characters:iconsheet:advantages:advantages_armor_piercing.png?100|Armor Piercing}} | ^ Attack Versus Alternate Defense | | | ^ Autofire | | | ^ Charges | | | ^ Cumulative | | | ^ Damage Over Time | | | ^ Delayed Effect | | | ^ Difficult To Dispel | | | ^ Does BODY | | | ^ Does Knockback | | | ^ Double Knockback | | | ^ Duration Advantages | | | ^ Hole In The Middle | | | ^ Indirect | | | ^ Invisible Power Effects | | | ^ MegaScale | | | ^ Penetrating | | | ^ Personal Immunity | | | ^ Range Advantages | | | ^ Ranged | | | ^ Reduced Endurance | single teardrop crossed out | {{:roleplaying:hero:characters:iconsheet:advantages:advantages_reduced_endurance.png?100|Reduced Endurance}} | ^ Sticky | | | ^ Time Limit | | | ^ Transdimensional | | | ^ Trigger | | | ^ Uncontrolled | | | ^ Usable On Others | | | ^ Variable Advantage | | | ^ Variable Special Effects | | |