====== Complications Icons ====== ^ Complication ^ Description of Icon ^ Icon ^ ^ Accidental Change | | | ^ Dependence | | | ^ Dependent NPC | | | ^ Distinctive Features | | | ^ Enraged/Berserk | | | ^ Hunted | PRE symbol in crosshairs | {{:roleplaying:hero:characters:iconsheet:complications:complications_hunted.png?100|Hunted}} | ^ ... Less powerful than PC | less than sign | | ^ ... As powerful as PC | equal sign | | ^ ... More powerful than PC | greater than sign | | ^ ... Extensive non-combat influence | sack of cash | {{:roleplaying:hero:characters:iconsheet:complications:complications_hunted_nci.png?100|... Extensive non-combat influence}} | ^ ... Limited area | north america outline | {{:roleplaying:hero:characters:iconsheet:complications:complications_hunted_limited.png?100|... Limited area}} | ^ ... PC is easy to find | television | {{:roleplaying:hero:characters:iconsheet:complications:complications_hunted_easy.png?100|... PC is easy to find}} | ^ ... Watched | PRE symbol in eye | {{:roleplaying:hero:characters:iconsheet:complications:complications_hunted_watched.png?100|... Watched}} | ^ ... Mildy punish | PRE symbol in hand | {{:roleplaying:hero:characters:iconsheet:complications:complications_hunted_punished.png?100|... Mildy punish}} | ^ Negative Reputation | | | ^ Physical Complication | | | ^ Psychological Complication | EGO symbol | {{:roleplaying:hero:characters:iconsheet:complications:complications_psychological.png?100|Psychological Complication}} | ^ ... Strong | EGO symbol with exclamation mark | {{:roleplaying:hero:characters:iconsheet:complications:complications_psychological_strong.png?100|... Strong}} | ^ ... Total | EGO symbol with three exclamation marks | {{:roleplaying:hero:characters:iconsheet:complications:complications_psychological_total.png?100|... Total}} | ^ Rivalry | | | ^ Social Complication | crowd silhouette with question mark | {{:roleplaying:hero:characters:iconsheet:complications:complications_social.png?100|Social Complication}} | ^ ... Major | crowd silhouette with exclamation mark | {{:roleplaying:hero:characters:iconsheet:complications:complications_social_major.png?100|... Major}} | ^ ... Severe | crowd silhouette with three exclamation marks | {{:roleplaying:hero:characters:iconsheet:complications:complications_social_severe.png?100|... Severe}} | ^ ... Not limiting in some cultures | north america outline | {{:roleplaying:hero:characters:iconsheet:complications:complications_social_limited.png?100|... Not limiting in some cultures}} | ^ Susceptibility | | | ^ Unluck | | | ^ Vulnerability | | |