===== Pixie ===== Character created with [[https://secure.compnetco.com/herogames/browse.jsp?categoryID=2|Hero Designer]], version 2006051510 \\ Alternate Identities : \\ Player Name : \\ Genre : \\ Campaign : \\ ==== CHARACTERISTICS ==== ^ Val ^ Char ^ Base ^ Points ^ Roll ^ Notes ^ | 3 | STR | 10 | -7 | 10- | HTH Damage 1/2d6 END [1] | | 8 | DEX | 10 | -6 | 11- | OCV 3 DCV 3 | | 8 | CON | 10 | -4 | 11- | | | 8 | BODY | 10 | -4 | 11- | | | 8 | INT | 10 | -2 | 11- | PER Roll 11- | | 8 | EGO | 10 | -4 | 11- | ECV: 3 | | 0 | PRE | 10 | -10 | 9- | PRE Attack: 0d6 | | 14 | COM | 10 | 2 | 12- | | | 1 | PD | 1 | 0 | | 1 PD (0 rPD) | | 2 | ED | 2 | 0 | | 2 ED (0 rED) | | 2 | SPD | 1.8 | 2 | | Phases: 6, 12 | | 3 | REC | 3 | 0 | | | | 16 | END | 16 | 0 | | | | 14 | STUN | 14 | 0 | | | | 1" | Running | 6 | -10 | | | | 1" | Swimming | 2 | -1 | | | | 0 1/2" | Leaping | 1 | 0 | | | **-44** Total Characteristics Points ===EXPERIENCE POINTS=== Total earned: **0**\\ Spent: **0**\\ Unspent: **0**\\ Base Points: **35**\\ Disad Points: **15**\\ Total Points: **27** ====POWERS==== ^ Cost ^ Name ^ END ^ | 11 | **//Easily Hidden: //**+8 with Concealment (16 Active Points); Self Only (-1/2)| | | 40 | **//Hard to Hit: //**+8 with DCV| | | 15 | **//Glow: //**Sight Group Images 1" radius, +/-4 to PER Rolls, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (44 Active Points); Only To Create Light (-1), No Range (-1/2), Always On (-1/2)| 0 | | 5 | **//Pixie Wings: //**Flight 5" (10 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (Wings; -1)| 1 | **71** Total Powers Cost ====DISADVANTAGES==== ^ Cost ^ Name ^ | 15 | Physical Limitation: Minuscule (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) | **15** Total Disadvantages Cost ====APPEARANCE==== Hair Colour: Varies \\ Eye Colour: Varies \\ Height: 0.11 m \\ Weight: none \\ Description: ===BACKGROUND=== ===PERSONALITY=== ===QUOTE=== ===POWERS/TACTICS=== Pixies are most known for their ability to glow softly like fireflies. ===CAMPAIGN USE=== This creature is often used as a summoned light source. == Character created by Blue Jogger ==