=====Small Robot===== Genre : Science Fiction\\ ====CHARACTERISTICS==== ^ Val ^ Char ^ Base ^ Points ^ Roll ^ Notes ^ | 8 | STR | 10 | -2 | 11- | HTH Damage 2d6 END 2 | | 8 | DEX | 10 | -6 | 11- | OCV 3 DCV 5 | | 5 | CON | 10 | -10 | 10- | | | 5 | BODY | 10 | -10 | 10- | | | 13 | INT | 10 | 3 | 12- | PER Roll 12- | | 5 | EGO | 10 | -10 | 10- | ECV: 2 (Machine) | | 5 | PRE | 10 | -10 | 10- | PRE Attack: 2D6 | | 10 | COM | 10 | 0 | 11- | | | 2+ | PD | 2 | 0 | | 5 PD (3 rPD) | | 2+ | ED | 1 | 1 | | 5 ED (3 rED) | | 2 | SPD | 1.8 | 2 | | Phases: 1 2 3 4 5 **6** 7 8 91011**12** | | 10 | REC | 3 | 7 | | | | 10 | END | 10 | 0 | | | | 12 | STUN | 12 | 0 | | | | | Running | 4" | | | | | | Swimming | 1" | | | | | | Leaping | 1" | | | | **-35** Total Characteristics Points ===EXPERIENCE POINTS=== Total earned: \\ Spent: \\ Unspent: \\ Base Points: \\ Disad Points: \\ Total Points: ===MOVEMENT=== ^ Type ^ Total ^ | Run (4) | 4" [8" NC] | | Swim (1) | 1" [2" NC] | | H. Leap (1") | 1" | | V. Leap (0") | 0" | ===DEFENSES=== ^ Type ^ Amount ^ | Physical Defense | 5 | | Res. Phys. Defense | 3 | | Energy Defense | 5 | | Res. Energy Defense | 3 | | Mental Defense | 0 | | Power Defense | 0 | ====COMBAT INFORMATION==== OCV: 3\\ DCV: 5\\ Combat Skill Levels: 0 ====SKILLS==== ^ Cost ^ Name ^ | 10 | Short: +2 DCV | | 4 | Short: +2 to Stealth Rolls | | -4 | -2" Running | | -1 | -1" Swimming | | 2 | PS: Robot Helper 11- | **11** Total Skills Cost ====PERKS==== ^ Cost ^ Name ^ | | | **0** Total Perks Cost ====TALENTS==== ^ Cost ^ Name ^ | 3 | Absolute Time Sense | | 3 | Lightning Calculator | | 5 | Eidetic Memory | **11** Total Talents Cost ====POWERS==== ^ Cost ^ Name ^ END ^ | 9 | 3PD / 3ED Armor | | | 10 | 2d6 Luck | | | 50 | LS: Total Life Support | | **69** Total Total Powers Cost ====EQUIPMENT==== Build-in Toolkit (Flashlight, Hammer, Screwdriver, Drill, etc.) ====DISADVANTAGES==== ^ Cost ^ Name ^ | 15 | Physical Limitation (small) | | 10 | 2d6 Unluck | **25** Total Disadvantages Cost ===APPEARANCE=== Hair Colour: Varies \\ Eye Colour: Varies \\ Height: .9 meters \\ Weight: 12.5 kilos \\ Description: Your basic annoying small robot \\ ===BACKGROUND=== These small utility robots can be quite useful, but they can also be annoying. \\ Classic ones are R2D2, Twiki, Muffit (a daggit), GIR (a malfunctioning SIR Unit) ===PERSONALITY=== Robots often develop strange glitches in their programming which give them a unique character. ===CAMPAIGN USE=== The relationship a robot develops with the hero often help defines the hero's true inner nature. == Character created by Blue Jogger ==