===== The Whiskey Priest ===== Character created with [[https://secure.compnetco.com/herogames/browse.jsp?categoryID=2|Hero Designer]], version 2007020606 \\ Alternate Identities : \\ Player Name : \\ Genre : \\ Campaign : \\ ==== CHARACTERISTICS ==== ^ Val ^ Char ^ Base ^ Points ^ Roll ^ Notes ^ | 12 | STR | 10 | 2 | 11- | HTH Damage 2d6+1 END [1] | | 11 | DEX | 10 | 3 | 11- | OCV 4 DCV 4 | | 12 | CON | 10 | 4 | 11- | | | 11 | BODY | 10 | 2 | 11- | | | 15 | INT | 10 | 5 | 12- | PER Roll 12- | | 15 | EGO | 10 | 10 | 12- | ECV: 5 | | 53 | PRE | 10 | 3 | 20- | PRE Attack: 10 1/2d6 | | 10 | COM | 10 | 0 | 11- | | | 2 | PD | 2 | 0 | | 2 PD (0 rPD) | | 2 | ED | 2 | 0 | | 2 ED (0 rED) | | 3 | SPD | 2.1 | 9 | | Phases: 4, 8, 12 | | 4 | REC | 4 | 0 | | | | 24 | END | 24 | 0 | | | | 23 | STUN | 23 | 0 | | | | 6" | Running | 6 | 0 | | | | 2" | Swimming | 2 | 0 | | | | 2" | Leaping | 2 | 0 | | | **38** Total Characteristics Points ===EXPERIENCE POINTS=== Total earned: **0**\\ Spent: **0**\\ Unspent: **0**\\ Base Points: **50**\\ Disad Points: **45**\\ Total Points: **95** ====POWERS==== ^ Cost ^ Name ^ END ^ | 12 | **//Priest Rituals: //**Multipower, 40-point reserve, (40 Active Points); all slots OAF (Holy Vestments; -1), Only When Serving The God's Purposes (-1/2), Requires A Ritual Roll (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4)| | | 1u | 1) **//Sanctify Holy Water: //**Minor Transform 2d6 (Normal Water to Holy Water) (20 Active Points); Limited Target ([Very Limited]; -1), OAF (Holy Vestments; -1), No Range (-1/2), Spell (-1/2), Only When Serving The God's Purposes (-1/2), Requires A Ritual Roll (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4)| 2 | | 1u | 2) **//Turn Undead: //**+40 PRE (40 Active Points); Only to Dispel Undead Power does not work in Very Common Circumstances (-1), OAF (Holy Vestments; -1), Spell (-1/2), Only When Serving The God's Purposes (-1/2), Requires A Ritual Roll (-1/2), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4), Incantations (-1/4)| 4 | | 1u | 3) **//Exorcise: //**Dispel Possession by Demons or Spirits 12d6 (36 Active Points); Extra Time (5 Minutes, -2), OAF (Holy Vestments; -1), Spell (-1/2), Only When Serving The God's Purposes (-1/2), Requires A Ritual Roll (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4)| 4 | **15** Total Powers Cost ====SKILLS==== ^ Cost ^ Name ^ | | Everyone Skills | | 0 | 1) Acting 8- | | 0 | 2) Climbing 8- | | 0 | 3) Concealment 8- | | 3 | 4) Conversation 20- | | 0 | 5) Deduction 8- | | 0 | 6) Language: English (idiomatic) (4 Active Points) | | 0 | 7) Paramedics 8- | | 0 | 8) Persuasion 8- | | 0 | 9) Shadowing 8- | | 0 | 10) Stealth 8- | | 0 | 11) TF: Small Motorized Ground Vehicles | | | Priest Skills | | 3 | 1) Language: Latin (completely fluent) | | 2 | 2) PS: Priest 11- | | 3 | 3) Oratory 20- | | 3 | 4) Ritual 11- | | 3 | Scholar | | 3 | 1) KS: Christian Theology (4 Active Points) 13- | | 2 | 2) KS: Church Structure and History (3 Active Points) 12- | | 1 | 3) KS: Demonology (2 Active Points) 11- | | 1 | 4) KS: World Religions (2 Active Points) 11- | | 3 | Research 12- | | 1 | Language: Arabic (basic conversation) | | 2 | Language: Greek (fluent conversation) | | 2 | Language: Hebrew (fluent conversation) | | 5 | Cramming | **37** Total Skills Cost ====PERKS==== ^ Cost ^ Name ^ | 3 | Fringe Benefit: Priest | **3** Total Perks Cost ====TALENTS==== ^ Cost ^ Name ^ | 2 | Environmental Movement (no penalties on drunkeness) | **2** Total Talents Cost ====DISADVANTAGES==== ^ Cost ^ Name ^ | 0 | Normal Characteristic Maxima | | 5 | Age: 40+ | | 5 | Money: Poor | | 15 | Psychological Limitation: Alcoholic (Common, Strong) | | 10 | Psychological Limitation: Wrestles with Faith (Common, Moderate) | | 5 | Reputation: Crazy, nutcase priest who was involved in that incident, 8- | | 5 | Distinctive Features: Messy and unkempt (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) | **45** Total Disadvantages Cost {{ characters:whiskey_priest_lores.jpg|}} ====APPEARANCE==== Hair Colour: Brown \\ Eye Colour: Grey \\ Height: 1.78 m \\ Weight: 71.00 kg \\ Description: The Whiskey Priest is a tired, haggard-looking man in his late forties/early fifties. He has a messy mop of greying hair, and a perpetual three-day growth of beard. His general appearance conveys sickness and resignation. His skin is guant, his eyes vacant, and he smells like an alcoholic. He tends to wear his clergy shirt and clerical collar with fading blue jeans, and an old, torn trenchcoat with deep pockets. He tends to wear the same clothes day-in and day-out and the items tend to be a bit soiled from overuse. ====BACKGROUND==== Many years ago, the Whiskey Priest was a typical parish priest in a small northern community. He enjoyed the work, and felt a real calling for the priesthood, and easily imagined himself tending to his parish for the rest of his life. Unfortunately, he found himself overly-curious about the comings and goings of a few influential people in his parish. The details of what happened next are sketchy, but the events culminated in a fire that destroyed several buildings in town (including the church), and several of the townsfolk were killed. After that incident, the Whiskey Priest was a broken man. He didn't know what he believed any more, and tried to numb his pain with alcohol. He left his parish town, and found his way to the big city. He never showed up at any of the meetings his church superiors insisted upon. Instead he fell into a bottle and spent several years in an alcohol-induced stupor. And then it happened again. A homeless woman asked for his help, and he was dragged into another confrontation with evil horrors. And this time, he decided that if that kind of evil exists in the world, there must also be something good. The second encounter helped to restore a small part of his broken faith. And now, he's trying to pull his life back together; he's forgotten a lot of what it means to live, but when he's fighting monsters, he feels a bit more alive than he usually does. ====PERSONALITY==== "Let's just get one thing clear, right here and right now. You think I'm a drunk. Well, I am a drunk. I drink, I cuss, and I get into trouble. But if you'd seen some of things that I'd seen, you would too. I've seen poverty, misery, and demonic horrors from other dimensions. I've seen things that ate my parishoners alive. I've seen horrific cult murders. "And, at times, I suspect that my bosses know more about all this than they let on. "All that, and people come to me for uplifting spiritual guidance. Gimme another swig of that bottle, kid." ====QUOTE==== "So this priest goes into a bar... no, it's a joke. Really." ====POWERS/TACTICS==== As far as the official church hierarchy goes, the Whiskey Priest is pretty much on the outs. But he does have a good grasp of all of his training, and can still summon three important rituals: 1) The ability to sanctify normal water into holy water, good for splashing on Vampires or Demons; 2) The ability to turn the undead -- to command them to stay their distance, or back away from innocents; and 3) The ability to perform an exorcism ceremony to banish possessing spirits from the bodies they inhabit.The Whiskey Priest is also fairly well-versed in research, and can make his way around libraries quite well. He has a solid grounding in a number of languages, and can read rare texts in Latin, Hebrew, Greek and Arabic. == Character created by BC == == Character art by Storn Cook ==