====== Frequently Asked Question ====== ===== Questions ===== === Where can I experiment with the Wiki? === Try editing in the [[Playground]] === How do I create a new page? === Creating a page is simple. * [[how_do_i_edit_a_page|Edit an existing page]], and [[how_do_i_create_a_link|create a new link]]. * Click on the new link and create the page. It's important to make sure that new pages have unique names, otherwise you may be putting in a link to an existing page. For this reason, and to help organise Wikis, there are "[[namespace|namespaces]]". === I keep getting boxes in my pages === If you copy and paste from a document in a word processing program, text editor, or from another webpage - you may see boxes appear when you save the page. Boxes are caused by lines that start with two spaces or tabs. Edit the offending line and remove them. === Do you have a template in wiki format for character formatting? === There is a template in the characters section (or namespace) if you create a new character page, you get a fill in the blanks type template. To create a new page in a different namespace, separate it with a colon. For example a new character would have a link of double square open brackets then characters then a colon then the name of the character then double square close brackets. [ [ characters : Name of Character ] ] * I have written a Hero Designer export template that will export the file in a Wiki format that can be simply cut and pasted into this wiki. You can download it here: [[http://www.curufea.com/herowiki.hde]] === How do I add an image or other file? === While editing a page, click on the button to insert an image - it's the stylised landscape with two mountains and a sun {{http://www.curufea.com/hero/lib/images/toolbar/image.png}}, next to the signature button. The second from the right. Browse to the file. Upload it. Then use {{}} to link to the image * You can also add HDC, HDE and HDP files with this dialog. Make sure the filenames are lowercase, or they won't link properly. Note: you can upload HD files to the [[http://www.herodesigner.com|Hero Designer website]] now. ===== Discussions ===== == The Characters Template == Is this template (in the characters namespace) suitable for creating new pages about characters? Should it be formatted differently? --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2006/02/23 20:36// == Other Templates and Namespaces == Should I create more namespaces and templates to go with them? For example - if we have a page for each superskill/wuxia power or each package, should they be kept together and use a template to make their creation easy and uniform in layout? Any other templates? --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2006/02/23 20:36// == Wiki stylesheet == If anyone has come across a template for the entire DokuWiki they think is better than the default you currently see here, let me know --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2006/09/18 15:31//