====== Imperium Romanum ====== __Symbol__: The Eagle\\ __Official Languages__: Latin, Greek \\ __Capital__: Roma\\ __Date__: 2760 R (2760 years since the founding of the city of Roma) \\ __Government__: Constitutional Monarchy \\ __Head of State__: Emperor \\ __Head of Government__: Emperor \\ __Deliberative Body__: Shared between the Emperor, the Consol for the Plebeians, and the Consol for the Patricians \\ __Area__: 2.4 million square miles, not including the Meadowland Colonies \\ __Population__: 180 million \\ __Establishment__: 722 R \\ __First Emperor__: Augustus \\ __Current Emperor__: Claudius IX \\ __Official Religions__: Roma Numina (Animism), Roma Genius (Ancestor Worship). The city of Roma itself is worshiped as a god, and all emperors are considered to be invested with divinity upon their ascension to office. Greco-Buddhism is widely spread and officially sanctioned. ====== ====== Back to [[start]]