====== Magadha ====== __Symbol__: The Lion \\ __Official Languages__: Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit, Greek, Latin, Aramaic, Putonghua \\ __Capital__: Pataliputra \\ __Date__: 2760 R (uses Roma dating) \\ __Government__: Absolute Monarchy \\ __Head of State__: Emperor \\ __Head of Government__: Emperor \\ __Deliberative Body__: Extensive nobility, bureaucracy and administration \\ __Area__: 1.9 million square miles \\ __Population__: 100 million \\ __Establishment__: 411 R \\ __First Emperor__: Chandragupta Maurya \\ __Current Emperor__: Ashoka Gupta \\ __Official Religions__: Buddhism (official state religion), Hinduism. As the source of world Buddhism and the meeting place of West and East, Magadha exercises cultural, economic and moral influence disproportionate to its population and military power. ====== ====== Back to [[start]]