====== Totun ====== __Symbol__: The Panther \\ __Official Languages__: Nab'ee Maya' Tzij \\ __Capital__: Cholula \\ __Date__: 2207 R (Roma dating, the Totun use multiple calendars) \\ __Government__: Theocratic Monarchy \\ __Head of State__: God Emperor \\ __Head of Government__: Priest Kings \\ __Deliberative Body__: None, administrative duties performed by priesthood \\ __Area__: 4.9 million square miles \\ __Population__: 110 million \\ __Establishment__: 532 R \\ __First Emperor__: Itzamna\\ __Current Emperor__: Hunahpu \\ __Official Religions__: Totunan (Animistic Pantheism). The Totun, among their other religious beliefs, hold that their Emperors are living gods. Human sacrifice is practiced to honor the gods, the land and the God Emperor. ====== ====== Back to [[start]]