====== The Wisdom of the King's Men ====== "Maximize Casualties!" * King's Men Battle Cry "No Survivors!" * King's Men Battle Cry for special occasions \\ "One for all,\\ And all for one,\\ If he's out of arms reach,\\ Then go for your gun." * The King's Musketeers \\ "Kill it before it dies!"\\ "If you hit them hard enough, they can't complain."\\ "You must lure the enemy into the open: Ride ten times around the town fountain." * Excerpts, King's Men Battle Manual \\ "Well, you can just die then." * Excerpt, King's Men Diplomacy Manual \\ "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time...and that should be enough to get you through."\\ "You can kill some of the people all of the time, and you can kill all of the people some of the time, but you can't kill all of the people all of the time...because then who'll grow the food?" * Excerpts, King's Men Political Manual \\ "Live bodies fall faster than rocks fall faster than dead bodies."\\ "We have found after extensive research that living human cannonballs are only marginally effective, and can only be used once."\\ "Using living humans for terminal guidance has been completely ineffective on all spin-stabilized rounds." * Excerpts, King's Men Scientific Research Manual \\ "Avoid the sharp, pointy end at all costs." * Excerpt, King's Men Survival Manual \\ "If I shoot you, and you shoot me, who will be left to shoot them?" * King's Men Philosophical Riddle \\ "He who shoots first lives longest."\\ "That which does not kill me merely annoys me."\\ "That which does not kill me just injures me severely."\\ "That which does not kill me does not kill me. And I am grateful." * Traditional King's Men Proverbs \\ "Many are called, but few survive." * Motto over King's Men Induction Center \\ "Don't be too worried about a Head hit. For most of you it won't make any difference."\\ "Your shots will be more consistently accurate if you keep your eyes open." * Sgt. Schustec, King's Men Drill Instructor \\ "Congratulations, you are now King's Men! Get weapons and armor from the pile of bodies on your right. The fight is down the corridor to the left." * Paul Maul, Battle of the Red Temple membership drive