====== Welcome to Vissertown ====== ===== (But Don't Push Your Luck) ===== "I turned and froze, held by the light of the Visser beauty. We stared at each other for a moment, but were shocked back to reality by the chaos surrounding us. I never saw her again." * Jason \\ "Even now, on the eve of Election Day, the campaign battle is undecided. But, inside sources say Generalissimo Puerco's forces have a strong lead, holding 26 of the 31 registered ballot stations." * Free State Radio \\ "We are pleased to announce that Generalissimo Puerco, alias Jonathan Sunshine, alias Ronald Unreasonable, alias None of the Above, has won the election by a unanimous vote." * Free State Radio * "The Voice of Reason" \\ "In a surprise move to show that he too is making sacrifices, his excellency, El Puerco has blown up his presidential palace." * Free State Radio * "All truth, all the time" \\ "This is not a coup. Parliament still makes all the decisions. We're just here to make sure they make the right ones." * Brandy Charlatan, Station Manger, KViSR Radio \\ "Welcome to Vissertown.\\ But don't push your luck." * Sign at the edge of BC40 \\ "Just because we're supposed to look like Vissers doesn't mean we have to act like them." * Esteban Teller "I'm just getting into character." * Gil the Treacherous \\ "You know those Visser prisoners we have? I think we've found a place for them. * Esteban Teller \\ "What could be a better world? We have food, free time...and total anarchy." * Crestus Throle \\ "Happiness is smashing a friendly lock with an axe." * Tagger Mirk * (Friendly Locks received their name for the pleasant manner in which they told most bondsmen they would not be admitted past a door. \\ "A Fist in the Groin,\\ A Boot in the Head,\\ Accidents Happen\\ But at least we get fed" * Standard Chant for Game Participants \\ "I don't want food. I am nourished by their suffering." * Braxudrev \\ "Remember, all you folks playing the Game...If you swallow your pride, you can swallow more food." * Brandy Charlatan \\ "Carrying a gun in town is like painting a bullseye on your back." * Arris Boylen, Alpha Team Member \\ "After all I've done for these people, what do I get? Pig jokes." * El Puerco \\ "My friends, I foresee the dawn of a new age. I foresee a time when Vissertown will stand united, and be a shining example for the rest of the world. And, I foresee only the greatest of prosperity in the years ahead." * Excerpt from Manuel Puerto's Acceptance Speech, upon his election to the post of President for Life of Vissertown "I foresee you needing some more bodyguards. Soon." * Commentary by Jonathan Sunshine, during his Election Analysis broadcast. \\ "Every time Puerco enters a champion in the Game, he puts on a few more pounds." * Jonathan Sunshine \\ "I don't care what this all means. They just wanted a killer, and I'm the best." * Braxudrev \\ "Coffee, Tea, or X7MP?" * Menu, Toxic Cafe \\ "Well, I'd say either the latest fashion in hats is legs, or that's the Monitor on Osgood's head." * Alexander Century \\ "If you don't like my snoring, you can go sleep with all the ghosts in the cyst. Sweet dreams." * Durken \\ "The Normals out on their farms are about as interesting as the food they grow." * Humbert No-Doze \\ "Not only would I give my life for the Capo, I'd give yours, too." * Harry the Hitter \\ "No, Osgood, we can't just starve it out. It's a Spectral, you Visserbrain." * Alexander Century \\ "Yeah, well, the Monitor slipped by, but we sure taught them Urchins a lesson." * Arris Boylen, Alpha Team Member \\ "President-For-Life El Puerco has given his personal assurance that this will be a Kindler and Gentler war." * Free State Radio \\ "Seeing how your bat is metal and mine is wood, why don't you just go ahead and take the last apple. No, really, it's no problem." * Butcher Barnes, Bondsmen Community 40 (Vissertown), Day 24