====== Older news items ====== [[start|Back to the main page]] * **Eosin** has added [[resources:urban_fantasy_hero:union_city|Union City]] for Urban Fantasy --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2009/08/20 18:41// * Added a [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:cloud|Word Cloud]] plugin and a [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:meta|Meta data plugin]] --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2009/05/07 18:45// * Moved [[resources:urban_fantasy_hero:new_crobuzon|New Crobuzon Hero]] into this wiki --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2009/04/03 00:31// * Tidied up some layout to make it more uniform (sorry folks if that messed it up for you) and added the Urban Fantasy genre as well as the other setting books for Fantasy Hero --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2009/03/03 14:34// * There's a new version of dokuwiki out, I'll be upgrading this wiki soon --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2009/02/16 14:47// * Upgrade seems to have gone without a hitch, now running 2009-02-14 version --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2009/02/17 17:09// * **jkeown** added the [[resources:n.o.r.s.e]] to [[resources:star_hero]] \\ Also added "Recent Changes" to the toolbox --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2009/02/11 14:55// * Added a multitemplate plugin so different namespaces can have different templates. Unfortunately the only one that seems to work currently is monobook (wikipedia style) --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2009/01/26 22:03// * [[resources:fantasy_hero#campaigns|Atir campaign]] by **Rune Science** added --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 08/10/2007 17:13// * [[resources:fantasy_hero|More resources for Fantasy Hero]] added, including the [[resources:vast_underground|Vast Underground]] by **Jeffery Keown** --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 29/07/2007 16:55// * [[reviews:doj|More reviews]] of Hero System books by **Gordon Feiner** --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 29/07/2007 16:55// * Added [[http://wiki.splitbrain.org/plugin:tag|Tags!]] which are really neat. Add any tag you like to a page, then create a page for that tag - and you can collate a list of all pages with that tag. Have a look at the link for the documentation on its use --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 15/07/2007 19:35// * Rolled back the Database plugin - doesn't work with current version. Oh well. --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 15/07/2007 18:59// * I'm in the process of install the [[http://wiki.splitbrain.org/plugin:database|Database]] plugin for the wiki. It has the potential of being quite useful to any author. [[database:test|Here's a test database]] --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 15/07/2007 18:46// * [[reviews:start]] added at the suggestion of Ghost-Angel --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2007/03/04 20:23// * [[resources:fantasy_hero:the_fan_project:start]] group added and most members registered --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2007/01/05 15:18// * [[resources:fantasy_hero:the_fan_project:slayers]] added by Edsel --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2007/01/02 19:26// * Happy new year! --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2007/01/02 19:22// * [[Spam attack]] - some security hole allowed a spammer to upload a whole bunch of porn website pages into the media section. Deleted now, and hopefully my changes to htaccess and the new patch will stop it from happening again. Something to keep my eye on. * [[Release Notes]] have been updated for the new version of DokuWiki I just installed. * [[resources:dark_champions:creepy_hotel|Creepy Hotel]] added by AlHazred --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2006/10/15 21:21// * As we are starting to get more pages, I am going to create more namespaces for subjects (ie more subdirectories in other words) - this means I will be moving pages around and modifying links. Don't be phased if you can't find a page - no pages are lost, they may just be temporarily unlinked to during this period --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2006/09/27 15:58// * [[ws:index]] added - plus 130 pages that I previously had on RPG.net --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2006/09/21 21:51// * The template has been changed (to [[http://wiki.splitbrain.org/wiki:tpl:ach|ACH]]) - --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2006/09/20 20:07// * [[kamarathin:start]] added --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2006/09/18 20:26// * Many pages added to [[Resources:Fantasy Hero|Fantasy Hero Resources]] by Jeffery Keown --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2006/09/17 13:56// * [[Resources:Thaumobabble]] and other fantasy words for all occasions. added --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2006/09/14 00:56// * [[Rules:Start|Alternate Hero System rules]] added --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2006/08/01 16:00// * [[Resources:Bizarre Spell Ideas]] added --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2006/07/26 16:32// * [[Release Notes]] for the upgrade to the latest version of DokuWiki that happened this morning. More features have been added. --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2006/04/23 19:01// * [[resources:adventure_seeds|Adventure Seeds]] and [[[[resources:fantasy_hero_packages|Packages]] for [[resources:fantasy_hero|Fantasy Hero]] created --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2006/04/18 15:46// * {{characters:HeroWIKI.hde}} Hero Designer export template added. Simply export to this text file, then cut and paste into the wiki --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2006/04/11 18:52// * [[characters:fantasy|Western Shores characters]] added --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2006/03/16 20:16// * [[resources:seemingly_silly_things|Seemingly Silly Things]] added --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2006/02/26 21:50// * [[resources:pulp:wunderwaffen|Wunderwaffen!!! - Secret German Warmachines of WW 2]] created --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2006/02/26 20:49// * [[resources:pulp:pulp_plot|Pulp Plot Seeds]] created --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2006/02/26 20:49// * [[resources:fantasy_hero#the_chronicle_of_counter-harn|The Chronicle Of Counter-Harn]] pages created and updated by **David Queenann** --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2006/02/15 11:39// * [[resources:d_d_conversion|D&D Conversion]] pages created and updated by **CUnknown** --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2006/02/13 15:46// * [[conversions:fantasy_hero|Conversions to Fantasy Hero]] page updated --- //[[curufea@yahoo.com|Peter Cobcroft]] 2006/02/11 15:46// * [[resources:dark_champions:super_skills]] for [[resources:dark_champions:dark_champions]] created * [[galactica:start|Encycopaedia Galactica]] created for [[resources:star_hero|Star Hero]]