====== M41 Armor ====== ^ Cost ^ Name ^ END ^ | | **Tactical Dreadnought Armour (Terminator Armour)**| | | 20 | 1) **//Plating: //**Armor (12 PD/12 ED) (36 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4)| 0 | | 7 | 2) **//Servos: //**+10 STR (10 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)| 1 | | 19 | 3) **//Life Support: //**LS (Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing)| 0 | | 7 | 4) **//Commlink: //**Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group) (10 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)| 0 | | 5 | 5) **//IR Sensors: //**IR Perception (Sight Group)| 0 | | 35 | 6) **//Power Fist: //**EB 9d6, Double Knockback (+3/4) (79 Active Points); First 6d6 Only Cancel DEF (-1/2), OIF (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4)| 8 | | | **Space Marine Armour (Sealed Armour)**| | | 15 | 1) **//Plating: //**Armor (9 PD/9 ED) (27 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4)| 0 | | 3 | 2) **//Servos: //**+5 STR (5 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)| 1 | | 19 | 3) **//Life Support: //**LS (Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing)| 0 | | 7 | 4) **//Commlink: //**Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group) (10 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)| 0 | | 5 | 5) **//IR Sensors: //**IR Perception (Sight Group)| 0 | | | **Power Armour (Unsealed Armour/No Helmet )**| | | 13 | 1) **//Plating: //**Armor (9 PD/9 ED) (27 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4), Limited Coverage (5-18) (-1/4)| 0 | | 3 | 2) **//Servos: //**+5 STR (5 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)| 1 | | 7 | 3) **//Commlink: //**Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group) (10 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)| 0 | | | **Eldar Mesh Armour**| | | 11 | 1) **//Mesh: //**Armor (5 PD/5 ED), Half Mass (+1/4) (19 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4)| 0 | | 19 | 2) **//Life Support: //**LS (Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing)| 0 | | 7 | 3) **//Commlink: //**Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group) (10 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)| 0 | | 5 | 4) **//IR Sensors: //**IR Perception (Sight Group)| 0 | | | **Eldar Aspect Armour**| | | 15 | 1) **//Mesh: //**Armor (7 PD/7 ED), Half Mass (+1/4) (26 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4)| 0 | | 19 | 2) **//Life Support: //**LS (Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing)| 0 | | 7 | 3) **//Commlink: //**Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group) (10 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)| 0 | | 5 | 4) **//IR Sensors: //**IR Perception (Sight Group)| 0 | | | **Ork Mega-Armour**| | | 10 | 1) **//Plating: //**Armor (12 PD/12 ED) (36 Active Points); Double Mass (-1 1/2), OIF (-1/2), Limited Coverage (4-18) (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4)| 0 | | 19 | 2) **//Life Support: //**LS (Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing)| 0 | | 26 | 3) **//Power Claw: //**HKA 3d6 (3 1/2d6 w/STR) (45 Active Points); First 2d6 only Cancel DEF (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4)| 4 | | 30 | 4) **//Shoota: //**RKA 2d6, Autofire (3 shots; +1/4), Armor Piercing (+1/2) (52 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Beam (-1/4)| 5 | | | **//Flak Armour: //**Armor (4 PD/4 ED) (12 Active Points); Limited Coverage (10-13) (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4)| 0 | | | **//Carapace Armour: //**Armor (6 PD/6 ED) (18 Active Points); Limited Coverage (10-13) (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4)| 0 | | | **//Ceramite Armour: //**(Total: 48 Active Cost, 30 Real Cost) Armor (6 PD/6 ED) (18 Active Points); Limited Coverage (10-13) (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4) (Real Cost: 10) **plus** Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points); Heat and Fire Only (-1/2) (Real Cost: 20)| 0 | | | **//Reflec Armour: //**(Total: 48 Active Cost, 30 Real Cost) Armor (6 PD/6 ED) (18 Active Points); Limited Coverage (10-13) (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4) (Real Cost: 10) **plus** Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points); Lasers Only (-1/2) (Real Cost: 20)| 0 | | | **//Ork Armour: //**Armor (3 PD/3 ED) (9 Active Points); Limited Coverage (10-13) (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4)| 0 | | | **//Ork 'Eavy Armour: //**Armor (7 PD/7 ED) (21 Active Points); Limited Coverage (4-6, 9-18) (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4)| 0 | | | **//Refractor Field: //**(Total: 23 Active Cost, 14 Real Cost) Armor (6 PD/6 ED) (18 Active Points); Not Vs Melee Attacks (-1/2), OIF (-1/2) (Real Cost: 9) **plus** Change Environment 1" radius, -1 to Concealment Roll (Real Cost: 5)| 1 | | | **//Conversion Field: //**(Total: 47 Active Cost, 27 Real Cost) Armor (7 PD/7 ED) (21 Active Points); Not Vs Melee Attacks (-1/2), OIF (-1/2) (Real Cost: 10) **plus** Sight Group Flash 3d6, Explosion (+1/2), Nonselective Target (-1/4), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Trigger (Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger requires a Turn or more to reset; Shield takes more than 7 points of damage; +1/4) (26 Active Points); No Range (-1/2) (Real Cost: 17)| 3 | | | **//Displacer Field: //**(Total: 27 Active Cost, 24 Real Cost) Danger Sense (self only, in combat, Function as a Sense) 11- (Real Cost: 17) **plus** Teleportation 5" (10 Active Points); Linked (Sensors; -1/2) (Real Cost: 7)| 1 | | | **//Cameleoline: //**Invisibility to Sight Group (20 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)| 2 | | | **//Cloak of St Aspira: //**(Total: 20 Active Cost, 16 Real Cost) Energy Damage Reduction, 25% (10 Active Points); Real Armor (-1/4) (Real Cost: 8) **plus** Physical Damage Reduction, 25% (10 Active Points); Real Armor (-1/4) (Real Cost: 8) [**Notes:** The Cloak of St Aspira is a Holy Icon.]| 0 | | | **//Pentagrammic Ward://** (Total: 150 Active Cost, 69 Real Cost) Negative Combat Skill Levels (-3 to opponent's DCV), Area Of Effect (2" Radius; +1) (30 Active Points); Only Vs Daemonic Opponents (-1) (Real Cost: 15) **plus** Negative Combat Skill Levels (-3 to opponent's OCV), Area Of Effect (2" Radius; +1) (30 Active Points); Only Vs Daemonic Opponents (-1) (Real Cost: 15) **plus** Negative Combat Skill Levels (-3 to opponent's OCV), Area Of Effect (2" Radius; +1) (30 Active Points); Only Vs Daemonic Opponents (-1) (Real Cost: 15) plus Negative Skill Levels (-3 with Any Skill), Area Of Effect (3" Radius; +1) (60 Active Points); Only Vs Daemonic Opponents (-1), OIF (-1/2) (Real Cost: 24)| 0 | | | **//Hexagrammic Ward: //** (Total: 23 Active Cost, 15 Real Cost) +5 Mental Defense (7 points total) (5 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) (Real Cost: 3) **plus** Damage Resistance (7 Mental Def.) (3 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) (Real Cost: 2) plus Armor (5 PD/5 ED) (15 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) (Real Cost: 10)| 0 |