====== Kaldor Timeline ====== //Chronicler's Note: This timeline is specific to the Kingdom of Kaldor to 1 Helane 719.// ===== Early History ===== **Prehistory-113:** Jarin tribes settle in the Kald river valley and develop petty fiefdoms; the legends of these tribes hold the pagan gods they worshipped lived in the fabled city of Azadmere in the Sorkin Mountains, which was inaccessible by mortals, but filled with immeasurable wealth. **113-120:** Lothrim 'the Foulspawner,' a Melderyni rebel and one of the leaders of the Heresy of the Dark Trimvir, conquers and rules an empire stretching from the Kald region to the Thard until his failure to return from and expedition to Kiraz. His empire leaves numerous monuments behind and serves as the impetus for many of the tribes he conquered to strive for 'civilization.' **120-178:** The heartlands of Lothrim's empire, the Kald region, fall into chaos. The Four Kingdoms period begins: Nurelia, Kephria, Pagostra, and Serelind. ===== The Four Kingdom Period ===== **125:** Arthwys Sanric the First founds the Kingdom of Nurelia (Olokand area), first mention of the Sword of Calsten - the Lion's Blade. **128:** City of Tashal and Kingdom of Kephria founded by Shala of Kephria. **137:** Prince Hain Parlis founds the Kingdom of Pagostra **178-240:** Migration Wars with surrounding tribes. **178:** Battle of Hosat - Kath barbarians destroy the largest Kephrian settlement in the Kathela hills **180:** Battle of Noneth - King Medrik I of Serelind defeats the eastern Taelda tribes **182:** Pagostra invaded by Pagaelin barbarians, King Orsin Parlis appeals for aid to Serelind. **183:** Battle of Kobing - Pagaelin defeated, King Orsin Parlis of Pagostra swears fealty to King Medrik Tane of the Kingdom of Serelind, Orsin becomes the first Earl of Pagostra at Kiban **187:** Battle of Lareb Hill - King Torbet of Kephria slain battling the Kath barbarians leaving only children as his heirs. King Medrik of Serelind marches into Tashal to "aid the leaderless people of Kephria against the barbarians" ===== Kaldoric Unification ===== **188:** Kingdom of Kaldor proclaimed by Medrik I as he annexes Kephria and joins it with Serelind and Pagostra. Nurelia remains independent. Claudia Tane becomes a figure of national legend, and is credited with converting Medrik I and the great houses of Kaldor to the Monist faith. Her relationship to Medrik I is a matter of controversy. Ancient manuscripts describe her as being his sister-wife, but many argue this is not possible and, as a result, suggest she was his niece. Other manuscripts refer to her as beinga Nurelian Princess given to Medrik in thrall. A warrior and poet, she eventually becomes the patron saint of the Order of St. Claudia Our Lady of Paladins. She is one of the central figures in the ballads comprising the Lionsbane Cycle (earliest manuscript 232). ===== Tane Dynasty ===== **188-377:** Tane dynasty rules Kaldor **235:** King Lotin the Grey of Nurelia dies fighting the Taelda barbarians leaving a fourteen year-old son Prince Brant. Nurelia (Olokand area) occupied by King Kalabin Tane of Kaldor. **237:** Disappearance of Prince Brant of Nurelia, held at Olokand, and the Nurelian crown jewels and the 'Tome of Ethelyen'. **238:** Baronial Revolt over Prince Brant's disappearance, Battle of Olokand, King Kalabin victorious **362:** King Maranos dies, Aidrik II becomes King **362-377:** Kaldoric civil war between Aidrik II and his bastard elder brother Fierth 'the Usurper' of Qualdris when many Barons support Fierth's bid to usurp his brother **377:** Fierth of Qualdris wins over Aidrik II at the Battle of Kiban when Aidrik is betrayed by Earl Parlis of Pagostra. Fierth rewards Earl Parlis by executing him. ===== Oragel Dynasty ===== **377-406:** Oragel dynasty established by King Fierth Orgael **378:** Baron Qywald Dariune elevated to Earl of Balim by King Fierth Orgael **379:** Clan Elorieth elevated to Baron of Nubeth by King Fierth Orgael **379:** Clan Ubael elevated to Baron of Uldien by King Fierth Orgael **380:** Clan Pierstel elevated to Baron of Tonot by King Fierth Orgael **385:** King Fierth Orgael dies, his son Uthred becomes King **385-406:** Major baronial revolts against King Uthred **391:** Uthred formally recognizes the creation of the "Kaldoric Church" in exchange for Monist support against the barons. He is granted the power to choose the archbishop in exchange for a substantial grant of lands. The Melderyni Synedros recognizes the Kaldoric Church as a regional sect and not an independent entity. It continues to serve as the central arbiter of the faith. **400:** The Kaldoric Church beautifies the Prophet Sapprian, Tiran I of Melderyn, Kohelet I of Chybisia, and Cluadia Tane. **406:** King Uthred Orgael assassinated by a band of knights while hunting. Baronial Succession Council offers crown to Aidrik II's only surviving son who is in exile in Chybisa. He becomes Aidrik III and changes clan name to Artane ===== Artane Dynasty ===== **406-599:** Artane dynasty, restoration of the house of Tane **406:** Clan Meleken elevated to Earl of Osel by King Aidrik III **407:** Clan Elendsa elevated to Earl of Olokand by King Aidrik III **421:** Order of St. Claudia, Our Lady of Paladins founded. **561:** Clan Indama elevated to the Baronial Title of Getha. **588-599:** King Iemald Artane, Last Artane King dies in 599 without a clear heir **599-603:** Succession War. House of Artane dies and fifteen claimants fight for the throne **603-636:** Haldan of Elendsa proclaimed as the new king with support of Earl Alessa Dariune ===== Elendsa Dynasty ===== **603-present:** Elendsa dynasty **603:** Clan Firith elevated to Lord Baron of Kobe by King Haldan Elendsa I **604:** Clan Bastune granted Barony of Kolorn under Earl Caldeth by King Haldan I **636-651:** Haldan II of Elendsa **651-669:** Haldan II's wife, Imelene, becomes Queen Chelebin III, Proclaimed a "new birth of chivalry" Started the royal tournament at Olokand. A shrewd woman, the barons lose much power under her rule. **669-693:** King Torastra Elendsa, eldest son of Haldan II and Chelebin III, rules Kaldor. He is known as a warrior king. **672-675:** Prince Miginath, Torastra's 2nd eldest son, meets Lesel Harabor, a common merchant's daughter, and their son, Maldan Harabor is born **672-673:** Salt War with Thardic League **672:** Battle of Chelen Gap, Kaldor's 'Tournament Army' resoundingly defeated by Thardic League ambush by experienced Legions **673:** Battle of Ramala gap, dramatic victory for Kaldor & very favorable peace terms **673:** Torastra exiles Miginath from the royal court in anger **674:** Orsin Firith is born, grandson of Torastra through his eldest daughter Lenera and the Baron of Kobe **674:** Artifact 'Sword of Calsten' - 'The Lion's Blade,' stolen from King Torastra's treasury **675:** Prince Miginath and Lesel Harabor have 2nd son, Koris Harabor, but Lesel dies in childbirth. King Torastra forgives his grieving son and welcomes him home. **675:** Erelar Hirnen is born, grandson of Torastra through his 2nd eldest daughter Erelora and the Baron of Nenda **675-78:** Treasure War. King Torastra hears that the Sword of Calsten is in Kingdom of Chybisa and declares war and marches south. This creates immense tensions between Kaldor and Melderyn. **678:** After 3 years of siege Chybisa surrenders and becomes a Kaldoric fief. Balesir, king of Chybisa goes into exile to Melderyn **687:** Conwan Elendsa is born, grandson of Torastra through his third son Brandis and his wife Erelene Urilis **687:** Balesir raises an army by promising fealty to the King of Melderyn. **687:** Battle of Geda, King Balesir of Chybisa reclaims his kingdom by defeating Kaldor's forces. Balesir does not comply to his vow to the king of Melderyn and proclaims independence **690:** King Torastra's eldest son, Haldan, dies at age 40 **692:** King Torastra of Kaldor dies of old war wounds on the last day of the year **692:** Princess Vanua, Torastra's youngest daughter, marries Hemisen Curo, Earl of Neph ===== Reign of Mingath Elendsa ===== **693-present:** At the Succession Council, Torastra's second son, Miginath Elendsa, becomes King of Kaldor with key support of Earl Scina Dariune, Earl of Balim over the Cheselyne Elendsa faction (Torastra's grand-daughter through his dead eldest son Haldan). Cheselyne Elendsa departs the royal court in anger. **694:** Princess Vanua dies giving birth to her only child and Earl Hemisen Curo's heir, Elsbeth. **696:** Arlin Alsar is born, great-grandson of Torastra through Haldan's daughter Lerela **696:** King Miginath rumored to take Dame Erila Kaphin as his lover, widely seen together throughout the year at major public events **696:** Tulath Kaphin is born, son of Dame Erila Kaphin and (rumored) King Miginath **699:** Prince Brandis Elendsa (Miginath's younger brother) dies at age 38 **704:** Erelar Hirnen becomes Baron of Nenda when his father Arlin Hirnen dies at 52 **705:** Dame Sophia Curo, the sister of Earl Hemisen Curo, only 25, becomes Knight Commander of the Order of St. Claudia **708:** Archbishop Kalabin Elendsa murdered by unknown assailants, Bishop Edine Kynn becomes Archbishop of Laranian church **714:** Troda Dariune becomes 20th Earl of Balim when his father, Scina, dies at age 74 **715:** The Chelebin Order of Chivalry founded at the Olokand tourney (Chelebin Tourney) **715:** Orsin Firith becomes Baron of Kobe when his father Jerin Firith dies at age 59 **715:** The Army of the Chelmarch engages in a series of skirmishes with Tharda in the Chelen Gap. There is a partial mustering of the Chivalry of Kaldor. The fighting is inconclusive. After several rounds of shuttle diplomacy both nations stand down, returning to the accepted status quo. **716:** Princess Erelora Elendsa, the King's 2nd sister dies at age 47 **717:** Lady Elsbeth Curo becomes Countess of Neph when her father, Hemisen Curo, dies at the age of 51 **718:** Tulath Kaphin becomes Sheriff of Vemion and marries Baron Verdreth's daughter, Elana Verdreth **718:** Lady Verahl Ethasial is killed in a tragic accident leaving a party thrown by Sir Daynes Bernan, the Constable of Kyg, in Tashal. **718:** Earl Sedris Meleken leaves Qualdris to track down the murderer of his cousin in the spring **719:** Princess Lenera Firith, the King's younger sister dies **719:** Prince Merik Elendsa, Sheriff of Oselshire, Miginath's last sibling and youngest brother, dies at 57 **719:** Countess Elsbeth Curo is appointed Sheriff of Osselshire in a stunning and unexpected court coup. She appoints Oaternal her uncle Constable of the Shire ====== The Game is Afoot. ====== **1 Helane 719-Present:** [[resources:CounterHarn_Resources_Hisory_Game|Game Timeline]]