==== Critical Hits ==== Occur on a roll of 3-5 (unless a 4 or 5 would actually miss..!), but a 3 = -1 and a 5 = +1 on the table. * 2-3: Max damage +4. If blow penetrates armor: limb is severed or rendered useless, and victim bleeds a minimum of 1 body/turn until healed. If location is x1 body or greater, victim falls unconscious, suffers severe bleeding, and will die in his REC – 1d6 turns. If 0, and the blow was to the head or vitals, death is instant. * 4: Max damage +3. If blow penetrates armor: location automatically disabled, and the victim bleeds a minimum of 1 body/turn until healed. * 5: Max damage +2. If blow penetrates armor: automatic 2/3 impairment. If blow lands on a x1 body location or greater with penetration: victim bleeds a minimum of 1 body/turn until healed. * 6: Max damage +1. If blow penetrates armor: automatic 1/3 impairment. **At this point and below, armor at that location is destroyed after damage is taken.** * 7-8: Max damage. If blow penetrates armor: automatic 1/3 impairment. * 9-11: +2 damage up to maximum (+2d6 for normal damage). * 12: +1 damage up to maximum (+1d6 for normal damage). **At this point and below, the target’s armor is damaged (-1 rPD) or destroyed of DM’s option.** * 13: You gain the advantage against your opponent. Gain +2 OCV for next round, as well as taking the initiative. * 14: +1 OCV next round against your opponent, as well as gaining the initiative. * 15: You gain the initiative against your opponent in melee next round. If not in melee, nothing happens. * 16: You gain +2 initiative against your opponent in melee next round. If not in melee, nothing happens. * 17: You gain +1 initiative against your opponent in melee next round. If not in melee, nothing happens. * 18-19: Sorry, please try again! === Critical Strike === A DEX-based thief skill that allows criticals on a 6, and also improves criticals (on rolls of 3-6). If the Critical Strike skill roll is made, the thief may roll on the critical table on attack rolls of 6, although at +2. For every two points the roll is made by, the thief may subtract 1 from rolls on the critical table.