====== Incandescent Bulbs Only ====== By Basil ([[http://www.herogames.com/forums/showpost.php?p=895982&postcount=89|original post]]) There are no compact fluorencent bulbs in the hotel. If asked, the staff simply says they've proven unprofitable. If a PC puts a compact fluorencent into one of the hotel's sockets (in, say, their room), about five minutes after the first time it is switched on, in will shatter---indeed, explode is not too strong a word. If the PC replaces the compact fluorencent, the second one will explode immediately upon being switched on. This does not occur if the compact fluorencent is in a free-standing lamp, with the lamp plugged into an outlet. The problem only occurs with compact fluorencents in the built-in sockets. ====== ====== Back to [[..:creepy_hotel]]