====== The Helpful Old Lady ====== By Basil ([[http://www.herogames.com/forums/showpost.php?p=894204&postcount=52|original post]]) If anyone takes the stairs, down from the 3rd, or any higher, floor (2nd floor for the British ) he will meet an old lady, who will insist on "helping" him down the stairs. She shows up every time the N/PC goes down the stairs, joining him on the 3rd floor, or the landing if he's going through. She's fluttery, scatty, but not too trembly/unsteady. No amount of insisting help isn't needed will get rid of her. That is, until the N/PC asks around about who she is. She isn't registered at the hotel, no-one knows her name or anything about her. Once a person asks about her, he'll never see her again. ====== ====== Back to [[..:creepy_hotel]]