====== Super Skills ====== Super Skills for [[.:Dark Champions]] Also see the [[..Fantasy Hero]] [[..Wuxia Skills]], [[..Peasant Magic]], [[..Bizarre Spell Ideas]] and the humorous [[..seemingly_silly_things]] ===== Combat ===== * **Augh! What did you Eat!**: (21 ponts) Entangle 1d6, 1 DEF (Stops A Given Sense Group Sight Group, Stops A Given Sense Group Smell/Taste Group), Works Against EGO, Not STR (+1/4), Takes No Damage From Attacks All Attacks (+1/2), Based On EGO Combat Value (+1), Range Modifiers Apply (-1/4) (75 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x3 END; -1), Susceptible Common (Not versus those who would not be disgusted by this attack, may be washed off; -1/2), Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4), Normal Range (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Limited Range (-1/4) - //(OddHat)// *Through a combination of incredible muscle control and a diet filled with hot peppers and poorly digestible foods, you are able to projectile vomit at will! Further training has allowed you to target the semi-liquid stream thus produced. While foes who are berserk or expecting this may be immune, most will find this hideous spray so utterly shocking as to stand, paralysed and open to attack, for several seconds. * **Just Go With It**: Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points); Only Against HTH Attacks (-1), Can Only Be Used Once Per Phase (-1), Side Effects, (takes double knockback from attack used against; -1/2) - //(GamePhil)// * **Fight Past the Pain** (20 points): The character is absolutely focused during combat, shrugging off injuries that should have crippled him. Pain means nothing, muscles flex and tighten to hold broken bones in place just another few seconds, the character seems unstoppable. After the combat ends, the body must pay a heavy price. 15pd/15ed Force Field, Side Effect: Always takes 2d6 KA when power is turned off (-1/2). - //(OddHat)// * **Improved: Fight Past the Pain** add +20 STUN and +10 CON only vs. being stunned. - //(Checkmate)// *Think Nicolas Cage in Con Air when he got shot in the arm and just kept walking towards the guy like nothing happened (talk about a presence attack) * **Heroic chin** Missile Deflection, bullets and shrapnel (15), not vs heavy missiles (-1/4), only vs shots near his gigantic jaw (-1/2), Always On (-1/2), Zero End (+1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Inherent (+1/4). 18 Real/41 active - //(tgaptte)// * **"Nicked an artery"**:1d6 Body Drain NND:Inhuman physiology recover:5 points, continous, uncontrolled (stopped by successful Paramedic roll at -2). 0 endurance, Must do body to the target. - //(Katherine)// * **Reflection Shooter**: This is bought as +3 Penalty Skill Levels versus Reflection Penalties (see DC page 197). Cost: 4 points with one attack, 6 points with a tight group, or 9 points with all attacks. - //(BobGreenwade)// *The character can shoot at something in a reflection as easily as if he were looking at the target directly. * **Savage Brawler**:Tranform (Target into target with injury such as broken arm, temporarily blinded in an eye, twisted leg, etc):4d6 Major transform. HKA must do body (can also be done with various drains) Linked:1d6 HKA. - //(Katherine)// * **Serpentine**: By running back and forth in a zig zag fashion, the character is able to avoid even concentrated attack. Further, the character is able to share this power with one ally by shouting "Serpentine!" +6 levels in DCV, useable by one other simultaneously (+1/2), only while running (-1/2), Active Cost: 45 Real Cost: 30 - //(OddHat)// * **Weapons Master**:+1d6 hka Focus:Any weapon, require a WF -0. - //(Katherine)// ===== Coolness ===== * **Sure Plays a Mean Pinball**: Cosmetic Transform 5d6 (Video Game into Won Video Game) (25 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4), Requires A KS: Arcade Games/Pinball Roll (-1/2), No Range (-1/2), IAF: Quarter (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4) - //(Sketchpad)// * **Special Effects Mastery**:Image vs Sight, Sound, Smell -8 Perception 0 endurance, extra time:5 hours (Only to start), requires tools and equipment, concentrate 1/2 dcv to start. Trigger:Hidden controls gestures, images must be pre designed. - //(Katherine)// ===== Detective ===== * **Akashic Library Card** (83 points): Your character has near-complete access to the Akashic Record. If anyone, anywhere has ever known it, your character knows it as well. Note: this relies on the "Impossible Uses of Skills" optional rule. This power is as unbalancing as it gets, and then some. KS:All Human Knowledge 30 or less, SS:All Human Science 30 or less, AK: Everywhere Humans Have Been 30 or less, Universal Translator at INT. - //(OddHat)// * **.... if it wasn't for those crazy kids!!** 16d6 major transform. Monster into previously introduced bit player. delayed effect half hour. OAF overly complex 'monster trap', immobile once deployed. One charge per week. Requires actions of all 5 team members to activate - //(PoorWandering 1)// * **Impossibly Skilled** (60 points). +9 overall levels, only to offset penalties (-1/2). The Ultimate Pulp or Action hero. Leap from car to car on a moving train using Acrobatics, climb the walls of any building using your bare hands, hack almost any database, have your every lie believed with Persuasion, Mimic anyone, throw together a convincing disguise in minutes, fall any distance, ignore range penalties, adjust any task up to three levels down on the time chart. Many cinematic heroes seem to have this. - //(OddHat)// * **Know It All**: Detect Trivia Answers 11- (no Sense Group), Discriminatory, Analyze, Sense Powers Cost: 17 - //(GamePhil)// * **Master Sleuth** 17 Detect "Inobvious conclusion from known facts", Sense, Discriminatory, Analyze - //(tgaptte)// * **Mega Memory** Eidetic Memory, requires INT roll - //(tgaptte)// * **Mister Expert**: +3 with all non-combat Skills, Usable By Other (+1/4), Uncontrolled (Duration: Until task is completed or 1-2 hours have passed.; +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (54 Active Points); Limited Power Only For Subjects Mister Expert knows (-1), Extra Time (1 Minute, Only to Activate, Time To Explain The Expert Way To Do It; -3/4) - //(Eodin)// * **One Call Away**- The character has so much influence over his contacts they are available 24/7. Summon, must be in campaing city limits -1/2, takes extra time (an hour) -21/2?, only contacts from list -1/2, requires contacts roll -1/2. - //(jack-o-lantern)// * **Perfect Comprehension**: Detect Meaning (Unusual Group), Discriminatory, Analyze, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Range, Rapid (x100), Sense (33 Active Points); Affected As Sight/Hearing Group As Well As Unusual (-1/2). Total cost: 22. - //(GamePhil)// *Some people have a knack for understanding (sometimes poorly worded) instructions, picking up on hidden meanings or subtle inuendo, and so on. This is not the same as Universal Translator: the character must know the language (or have that other Talent) being spoken, he just immediately comprehends what is being described. * **Super skimmer** Speed Reading, requires both INT and DEX rolls. - //(tgaptte)// * **"the way home"** Detect, path home. OAF bread crumbs. 1 continuing charge lasting 1 night, expendable, fragile. Not useable in an area with small birds. - //(PoorWandering 1)// * **The Greatest Thief In The World**: +10 8-point Skill Levels; Only To Counteract Skill Penalties (-1/2), Only For "Thief/Rogue" Skills (-1/2) Cost: 80 active, 40 real - //(Chuckg)// *Using the optional "skill at -10 equals impossible difficulty task" rule and this, you have a truly cinematic super-thief. Crack the world's most advanced electronic locking system with a paper clip and a quarter? No problem. Sneak past fifteen separate security cameras in an interlocking grid by carefully timing their every arc and field of view? Piece of cake. Climb a sheer wall by the tiniest cracks? Like walking down the street. Con a guard with a totally incredible story? Fake out a disguise that fools a man's own butler? Forge a perfect copy of a security badge just from a photograph of a real one taken by a telescopic lens? Smuggle the Crown Jewels through customs hidden in your socks? Crack a masterwork safe while underwater in 10 seconds, working solely by touch? Sure. * **You Can Run, But You Can't Hide**: N-Ray Vision, Requires A Deduction Roll, Only To Locate Selected Target 360 Degree Vision, same Limitations +X to Sight Perception, same Limitations - //(GamePhil)// *This is to simulate the Detective (such a character deserves the capital "D") that sits back in his overstuffed chair and figures out from what he knows of you where you are RIGHT NOW! It's Amazing! *Adding in "Clues Of Opportunity" or changing the Skill to Tracking are some further options. ===== Interaction ===== * **Crashing Bore** This character is so boring that when he talks he puts people to sleep. Mind Control (1d6), Cumulative (+1 1/4, x8 (48 pts)), Telepathic (+1/4), Zero END (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Inherent (+1/4), Area of effect: 4" radius (+1.25), Personal Immunity (+1/2), Always On (-1/2), No Range (-1/2), Incantations throughout (-1/2), Set effect (only to put audience to sleep) (-3/4) 8 real/27 active - //(tgaptte)// * **Dazzling Smile**: Sight Group Flash 4d6 (20 Active Points); Effect Ends After Victim's Next Phase Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2), Limited Range (5"; -1/4), Reduced By Range (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4), Requires Light To Use (-1/4). Total cost: 8 points. - //(GamePhil)// *Some heroes have such brilliantly white teeth that light reflecting off of them just right can blind an opponent. This only lasts for a moment, ending immediately after the target's next Phase even if there are segments remaining on the effect. Proper dental care is essential for this ability to be used (represented by the Real Weapon Limitation, though it is not a weapon). Obviously, this is not an appropriate Power for most Dark Champions games, but might be appropriate for a comedy game or some DC: TAS settings (especially ones patterned after Saturday morning cartoons with a "moral": See what I can do because I brush and floss!). * **Enormous Distraction** - Your character really knows how to make use of what he or she has, and many hours in the gym or under the surgeon’s knife have made what your character has even more impressive. With a quick wiggle at the right time, opponents of the opposite sex can be distracted, sometimes fatally. Opponents of the opposite sex also have trouble concentrating on actually striking at your character. +20 PRE, only for making distracting presence attacks against targets of the opposite sex (-1.5), +4 DCV only against foes of the opposite sex (-1/2). 21 points. - //(OddHat)// * **Expert at Reading People**: Telepathy 6d6 - 0 Endurance Cost (+½)(45 Active Points); Extra Time (5 Minutes; Only to Activate; May Take No Other Actions; -1¼), Must Be Able to Closely Observe Subject, Including Facial Expressions (-½), Surface Thoughts Only (-½), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-¼). Real Cost: 13 Points. -//(Worldmaker)// * **I Know A Guy** (27 points): You have friends, everywhere. If you don't have a friend, it takes you only a few minutes to make one. People like you. These people might not be the most powerful or the best placed to help, but even in the most unlikely places you always find someone willing to lend a hand. Contact (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (x3) (27 Active Points) 14- - //(OddHat)// * **Master Con Man/Woman**:Mind Control 8d6:One Command (Believe my offer), Incantation, Extra time:20 minutes, must be able to speak with target. - //(Katherine)// * **Master Torturer**:Mind Control:8d6 Extra time:1 hour, Gestures, Incantation, No range. Must be able to injure target, Inflicts 1/2d6 rka on target per use. One command:Tell me what asked. - //(Katherine)// * **Master Ventriloquist**: Hearing Group Images 1" radius, +/-3 to PER Rolls, Invisible Power Effects, Source Only (Fully Invisible; +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (28 Active Points); Limited Power Only Sounds Normally Formable With Voice (-1), Requires A Ventriloquism Skill Roll (-1/2), Limited Range (Normal Voice Range (8"); -1/4). Total Cost: 10 points. - //(Eodin)// * **Oh, I know**: (11 points) You are incredibly good at getting people to confide in you. So long as you can keep them talking long enough, they'll tell you almost anything. Hopes, fears, gossip, romantic aspirations, dark secrets, anything. Even intelligent and strong willed people tend to babble the most intimate details of their lives to you. Telepathy 1d6, Standard Effect, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Invisible Power Effects, Hide effects of Power (Fully Invisible; +1), Cumulative (48 points; +1 1/4) (takes 16 phases)(19 Active Points); Language Barrier (-1/2), Must Chit-Chat With Target (-1/4). Note that this power is blocked completely by 3 or more points of mental defense. - //(OddHat)// * **Psychological Manipulation**:Transform:4d6 Major (Alter, add, remove Psychological Limitation and personality). Based on ECV (works vs Ego)Takes Several days of talking and conselling, possibly psychoactive drugs, etc -1 Requires a skill roll:Psychology at no penalty, subject to a resisted Ego roll - //(nexus)// * **12 (sound of a whip)**: 4d6 Ego Attack (Humans), Extra Time: Full Phase, Must Make Eye Contact, PRE defends if higher than EGO, Only if target is conscious, Visible (Audible [the name], Visual [making of eye contact, effect on target], you don't want to know why it's visisble to the third extra sense group...) - //(WhammeWhamme)// *A lot of PC's are scary, and intimidating. However, a very rare trick indeed, is the ability to subdue someone through sheer intimidating fear... Either used (repeatedly) on an individual to reduce them to semi-comatose whimpering, or on the leader of a crowd to get them all to back down, this is nasty... * **The Touch**: The character may apply his or her touch to pressure points and sensitive areas in such a way as to induce pleasure, pain, or altered emotional states. This greatly enhances the effect of PRE attacks and PRE skills on a single target. +25 PRE (25 Active Points); Conditional Power Power does not work in Common Circumstances (Must touch target of PRE attack or skill, requires skin contact; -1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Provides no PRE defense; -1/4) Real Cost: 14 points - //(OddHat)// * **Too cute to kill**: Damage reducion:RSR:Seduction or Comliness roll....."I tried to kill her...but I just kept holding back!" - //(pinecone)// * **winning smile** +4 skill lvls w seduction/persuasion/bribery requires successful conversation roll (-1/2), only useable opposite sex/sexual orienatation (-1/2). Cost 10 pts. *The character can really turn on the charm to get what he or she wants. - //(jack-o-lantern)// * **You can't resist me, baby**: Some people just have "it". By moving and posing in just that certain way, the character is able to paralyze sighted weak willed targets of the appropriate orientation with overwhelming thoughts of lust, at least until the target is able to force him or her self to concentrate on what is hapening at the moment. Entangle 3d6, 3 DEF, Works Against EGO, Not STR (+1/4), Takes No Damage From Attacks All Attacks (+1/2), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense applies; +1), Range Modifiers Apply (-1/4) (75 Active Points); Only versus sighted targets of the correct orientation Common (-1/2), Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4). Real cost: 33 points - //(OddHat)// *Note that Area of Effect and Ego Attack versions of this power also exist, as well as the insidious form of mind control sometimes refered to as "Walk this way." ===== Movement===== * **Back-Seat Driver**: +4 to Combat Driving, Usable on Others, Incantations. - //(CandidGamera)// *"Nononono, that way!" *"Turn left! LEFT!" * **Experienced Climber**: Clinging (Normal Strength) (10 Active Points) - Cannot Resist Knockback (-¼), Cannot Cling to Ceilings (-¼). Real Cost: 7 Points -//(Worldmaker)// * **Do You Trust Me?**: Gliding 1", Usable Simultaneously (up to 2 people at once; +1/2); Limited Power Only to Survive an Impossible Leap / Fall (-1) Total Cost: 1 pt. - //(levi)// *Take this character's hand and you will both land safely from seemingly impossible distances. * **Escape the Dragnet**: Teleportation 10", Position Shift, x64 Increased Mass (Vehicle, Driver and Passengers) (55 Active Points); Limited Power Only While Driving (-2), Limited Power Only to Escape Multiple Pursuit Vehicles (-1/2); Requires a Combat Driving Skill Roll (-1/2) Total Cost: 14 pts. - //(levi)// *Some Drivers can escape from multiple vehicles in pursuit even when they are seemingly completely blocked in usually by using the other vehicles against each other or by taking alleys that no sane person would attempt. * **I Can Drive Anything Running**, +29", x4 (total) Non-Combat Movement, 0 END (+1/2) (94 Active); Turn Mode (-1/4), OIF (vehicle of opportunity; -1/2), speed limited by vehicle (-1/2), Not with vehicle larger than Size 6 (-1/4), RSR: Combat Driving (-1/2) (31 total). Plus +35 STR, 0 END (+1/2) (52 Active), OIF (vehicle of opportunity; -1/2), STR limited by vehicle (-1/2), Not with vehicle larger than Size 6 (-1/4), RSR: Combat Driving (-1/2), Only to carry and make Move Through/Move By attacks (-1/4) (17 total). Total cost: 48 points - //(Basil)// *Given an automobile (but not an out-and-out racecar), motorcycle, pickup, or panel truck (or anything of comparable size) that travels on the ground, a character with this superskill can drive it magnificently. *NB: the top speed comes from the Lamborghini Diablo, The Hero System Vehicle Sourcebook, page 19. A Size of 6 is enough for a panel truck (HSVS, p.13). This uses the STR of the Panel Truck, and assumes a character with a STR of 10, and 6" of Running. * **Lane Jockey**: Desolidification , Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Usable Simultaneously (Car and up to 8 people at once; ; +1) (100 Active Points); Limited Power Only To Change Lanes WIthout A Collision (-1 1/2), Requires A Background Skill (Transport Skill: Autos) Roll (-1/4) - //(Eodin)// * **Light on his/her feet** 1" Flight, Invisible power effects (+1/2), Zero END (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Inherent (+1/4), only to resist falling (-1), only on a surface (-1/2) 2 Real/5 Active - //(tgaptte)// * **Skilled at moving through obstacles** Desolidification, not through solid objects (-1/2), does not protect against damage (-1), requires a dexterity roll (-1/2) 13 Real/40 Active - //(tgaptte)// * **Super Cabdriver**: Elemental Movement -- 4 points, for use in automobile traffic, Useable on Vehicle. - //(Maelstrom)// * **Take My Hand!**: Clinging (+10 STR) (13 Active Points); Limited Power Only to Hold Willing Subject and supporting structure or vehicle (-1/2), Cannot Resist Knockback (-1/4); Limited Power Must be anchored to a Vehicle or Stable Surface (-1) Total Cost: 5 pts. - //(levi)// *The character grabs his partner / DNPC from the edge of a volcano/cliff/car about to go off a blown up bridge and holds on for dear life. * **That Is Truly The Way Of The Ninja**: Flight 6"; Not Really Flying (+1/4); Only Along Reasonably Horizontal Or Climbable Surfaces (-1/2) (15 active, 10 real) - //(Chuckg)// ===== Stealth ===== * **Master of Disguise**: Shape Shift (Sight, Touch, Hearing Groups), Limited Group of Shapes (Humans Only) - 0 Endurance Cost (+½)(39 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Hour; Only to Activate; May Take No Other Actions; -1¾). Real Cost: 15 Points -//(Worldmaker)// * **Stealth God**:Invisiblity to sight and hearing. 0 Endurance, Terrain must offer SOMETHING to reasonably hide behind, cannot attack. (The character can move by darting from cover to cover with inhuman timing) - //(Katherine)// ===== Technology ===== * **Expert Lockpick**: Minor Transform (Secured/Locked Locks to Unsecured/Open Locks and Vice Versa) 2d6 (20 Active Points)- Limited Target: Locks (-1). Real Cost: 10 Points -//(Worldmaker)// * **Master forger** This character can forge any type of document! 1d6 Cosmetic Transform - Blank paper into exact copy of source document Limited Target - blank paper (-1) Gestures throughout (-1/2) Requires a Forgery/Documents skill roll (-1/2) Extra Time: 5 minutes (-2) Limited Power: Must have a reference document to work from (-1/2) 1 Real /5 Active - //(tgaptte)// * **Master Mechanic**:Transform (Broken machine to fixed/functional), Minor:3d6 Extra time:20 minutes, gestures, incantation, focus (Tools), must have skills to repair (Ks, Mechanics, Electronics, etc) -0. - //(Katherine)// * **McGyver** VPP (20) 20 Pool Cost 6 Control Cost, Requires OAF equipment of opportunity (-1), only what could be created by basic or advanced science (-1/2), Half phase action to change pool (+1/2) 26 Total cost - //(tgaptte)// * **Salvage Master**: Transform junk into equipment: Major, 1D6 (15 Active Points); Expanded Class: Equipment (+1/2), Extra Time (1 Hour, -3), OAF (Junk -1), Final Cost: 4 - //(Blue Jogger)// *This person can find turn junk into something useful, possibly even superior to what's available new. It won't look brand new, or possibly even safe, but definately a work of art. The skill electronics, mechanics, and gadgeteering may be a prerequisite depending on what is being built, but you'll never be at a loss for recycled parts. "Ain't she a beaut? I built it myself." * **Ultimate Gunsmith**: Major Transform 1d6 (Any Gun into More Powerful Gun, healed from if power is not re-applied for a day) (15 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Hour, -3), OAF Immobile (gunsmithing workshop; -2), Limited Target (guns; -1/2). Final cost: 2. - //(GamePhil)// *This Super-Skill allows the character to make modifications to a handgun and/or its ammunition in order to get a bit more "kick". It can give the weapon up to a single Advantage of up to +1/2, or up to 15 points to the base Power. If using the optional Equipment Points rules, these must be paid for normally. Weapons so improved must be constantly maintained, or they return to normal, whether because the enhancements were damaged, used up, or because a bit of grit gets in the wrong place. * **Ultimate Hacking**: Telepathy 8d6 (Machine class of minds), Visible To Sight And Sound Instead Of Mental Senses (+0), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (60 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), minimum; -1 1/4), Limited Class Of Minds (non-AIs only; -1), OIF (computer equipment of opportunity; -1/2), Arrangement (-1/4), Requires A Computer Programming Roll (-1/2), Stops Working If Mentalist Is Stunned (-1/2), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Limited Range (needs some form of network connection to system targeted; -1/4). Total cost: 10 -//(GamePhil)// * **Well prepared** VPP (10) - Gadget Pool. Control (5) - No skill roll required (+1), Only technological items that are currently available in society (-3/4), Must have access to car/backpack/location of stored items to change pool (-1/4), Extra Time to change pool: 5 minutes (-2), Must be some sort of a focus (IIF, IAF, OIF, OAF) (-1/4 minimum) 12 Real/20 Active - //(tgaptte)// *Somehow your character always has what's needed in a pinch...need a coat hanger to open your car? No problem? Wearing high heels and need running shoes? Easy! Need a personal fold out hang glider? Yep, got that too! ===== Other ===== * **Bargain Hunter**: Detect Best Deal 11- (Unusual Group), Discriminatory, Sense, Tracking. Total cost: 17. - //(GamePhil)// *The character always knows where to get the best prices or deals on anything. If it is not readily available, he can track down the item needed fairly readily, as long as some form of lead already exists (newspaper ads, Internet sites, and so on). * **Fortune Favors the Bold. . .**: 3d6 Luck, Only when facing mortal danger (-1), 7 points - //(Metaphysician)// * **. . .But Also the Prepared**: 3d6 Luck, Only for Preparation Effects (-1), 7 points - //(Metaphysician)// *The first one works like normal Luck, but only is usable when seriously running the risk of death ( especially extremely dangerous stunts ). The second is used to represent prior preparations, such as deciding to carry just the right gadget, having stocked away a cache of weapons and gear nearby years back, and so forth. * **Mister Monkeywrench**: Negative Skill Levels (-2 with Any Skill), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Invisible Power Effects, Source Only (Fully Invisible; +1/2), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2), Uncontrolled (Until Job Is Completed or 1-2 Hours Pass; +1/2) (60 Active Points); Limited Power Only For Skills Mister Monkeywrench Knows (-1), Extra Time (1 Minute, Only to Activate, Time To Survey Situation And JuryRig A Response; -3/4), Physical Manifestation (Based On Special Effect; -1/4). - //(OddHat)// *In Other Words, putting rice crispies in the hall to foil Stealth, putting coal dust in a white area to foil Concealment, using Whoopie Cushions to foil Seduction, etc.