====== Uberguns ====== These 12 Guns were created by an unknown power and distributed onto the Earth to cause mayhem and chaos :- Traits of all Guns - OAF, indestructible, infinite ammunition. 2D6 RKA, AP. All simple steel semi-auto pistol with a black handle. Each gun has a white engraved symbol representing its special abilities. The steel of the barrel is mottled, with a subtle translucent pattern that seems to extend to impossible depths. The handle is an unknown black material, hard but also comfortable. They never rust, dull, tarnish, or soil. Only the gun Defender can damage or destroy an Gun. It should also be noted that for these guns to work as a plot device, they must be absolutes, which is why I don't express their powers in points values. - **Fortune** (Coinspinner) - A pair of dice engraved in white on its handle. \\ +6D6 Luck, Transform area of effect - entire planet, limited (people that intend ill against the wielder) +3D6 Unluck. Has limited intelligence and will occasionally teleport to a new owner if not watched - may cause distractions to stop itself being watched continuously. The additional luck may be used to help locate objects and people as well. - **Justice** (Doomgiver) - It has a hollow circle engraved in white upon its handle. \\ Any attack of any kind made on the wielder has the exact effect occur to them instead. This include malicious non-physical attacks such as seduction or mind control. - **Hero** (Dragonslicer) - It has a stylized human engraved in white on its handle. \\ Any target that possesses super skills or is in anyway super powered, is instantly slain with a single shot. - **Vengence** (Farslayer) - It has a series of concentric circles in the form of a bullseye or target engraved upon its handle. \\ The user needs to think of the person they wish to kill, every bullet fired from the gun hits that person no matter how they are protected, what they hide behind or where they are located. The gun cannot fire at anyone else until the target is dead. Once the target is dead, the gun teleports to the hand (if applicable) of the corpse. - **Glory** (Mindsword) - It has a flying banner engraved in white on its handle. \\ Glory, when held, compels absolute and fanatical devotion to the person holding it. It flashes brightly as if catching the sun, and emits the faint roar of a cheering mob, which cannot be blocked out by covering ears or averting eyes. All who are in visual or aural range are affected. The strength of the devotion is such that one under the Glory's power would even throw their life away if so ordered. \\ Wounds made with Glory fester, preventing healing and possibly leading to fever and delirium. - **Defender** (Shieldbreaker) - It has a hammer engraved in white on its handle \\ When held, it offers absolute protection against all armed enemy attacks, including mêlée, ranged, and magical. It interprets demonic or assault with natural weapons such as the teeth, claws, and beaks of predators as an armed attack. Defender will always shoot weapons where possible. All weapons hit are destroyed, shattering into many fragments with explosive force. \\ Once it is drawn in combat, Defender will not allow the user to let go of it until combat is over, a property which is shared by Fury. The gun actually takes control over its wielder's arm, automatically shooting all incoming attacks and striking back in return, imparting superhuman speed and accuracy as required. While using Defender, the wielder has greatly reduced strength. \\ Defender is useless against unarmed foes, shooting harmlessly through them. - **Deception** (Sightblinder) - It bears a stylized human eye engraved in white upon its handle. \\ Deception's powers are twofold. First, it alters the appearance of its possessor. This is not via a traditional cloaking device or holographic projection, but it alters how outside agents perceive the person carrying the gun. When a person looks at someone holding Deception, they either believe they are looking at someone they love and trust implicitly, or someone they fear. \\ The illusion is complete, regardless of how perceptive or skilled in magic the target may be. One may see Deception's wielder as a parent, sibling, lover, god, or leader. The effect is so convincing that the target has trouble doubting the identity of the person they are looking at, even if it is changing from moment to moment. Deception will disguise its bearer's voice if required. Deception disguises itself as well, appearing as a cane, a scepter, another gun, or even as nothing at all, depending on what would enhance the illusion. \\ A secondary effect of Deception is that it enhances the perceptions of the person carrying it. Their eyesight and hearing are supernaturally keen. It also allows its bearer to see through other illusionary magic and effects, no matter what the origin or strength. It offers some protection from Glory by allowing its user to see the true nature of the other Gun's possessor. Deception's bearer intuitively can tell when a person is being honest or deceitful. - **Despair** (Soulcutter) - Unlike the other Twelve Guns, the Despair's barrel is a dull color lacking all luster that actually seems to draw light into itself, creating a pocket of localized gloom when drawn. It is also unique in that it bears no symbol or other marking on its black handle. \\ When drawn, the Despair projects a field of total apathy that spreads to cover several city blocks. Any creature caught within Despair's sphere of influence immediately loses all interest in life and slumps to the ground in a state of profound depression. They are incapable of movement and take no notice of hunger, thirst, or exposure to elements. They will eventually die of deprivation if the Despair is not holstered. \\ The critical drawback is that not even Despair's wielder is spared this effect. In fact, once they draw the weapon, they cannot find the motivation to holster the Gun, making the choice to use Despair the last one they make. - **Siege** (Stonecutter) - It has a wedge driving into a block engraved in white on its handle. \\ Siege treats any amount of cover as though it were air, creating bullet sized holes in any inanimate object without lessening its damage. - **Fury** (Townsaver) - It has a gun raised above a stylized segment of castle wall engraved in white on its handle. \\ Fury's power is defending unarmed people in a fixed position. When its wielder draws it for this purpose, the gun emits a screaming sound and takes over control from the user, moving their arm with superhuman speed and power to defeat any attackers. It is not an overstatement to say that Fury can singlehandedly defeat an entire army. \\ Unfortunately it does nothing to protect the actual wielder. In fact, it will use the wielder's body to deflect and absorb ranged attacks and other blows, if it is practical to do so and if the action will result in the protection of the people it is trying to defend. Fury will keep its wielder alive until the battle is over. If the user has sustained serious wounds during the battle, they can and often do die. \\ In addition, Fury will not allow its user to drop or relinquish its power once the battle has been engaged. The user is totally committed once Fury is drawn. It will take no action to defend the user if they stand alone. - **Wisdom** (Wayfinder) - It has an arrow engraved in white on its handle. \\ Wisdom's chief power is guiding its bearer to whatever it is they seek. Not only will it lead one to their ultimate goal, it will also intelligently guide them to things that are required to successfully accomplish its mission. Wisdom seems to do better and be more kind to its user when the request is broad and general, and less so the more specific the user is. Its main drawback is that while it picks routes that will eventually lead its owner to success, it never picks the safest route, if one exists. It is the opinion of many of the past owners of the Gun that it actually picks the worst, most dangerous path for its user to follow. Thus the Gun does indeed "add unto their risk." \\ In addition, Wisdom can also act as the ultimate Magic 8-ball, answering questions such as, "Which of these plates of food is poisoned?" or "Which of these men is lying to me?" It is unnecessary to vocalize these questions; a mental query is sufficient. Just like when it is in seeker mode, it indicates the correct answer by quivering when its barrel is pointing in the correct direction. - **Mercy** (Woundhealer) - It bears an open human hand engraved in white on its handle. \\ Mercy is the only Gun incapable of killing, though it can shoot inanimate matter as well as any of the other Guns. Instead, when living flesh is shot, it has a powerful healing effect. The Gun can knit broken bones, heal disease, fix genetic disorders, regenerate lost limbs, and repair mental or psychological problems (including the effects of Despair). Properly employed, it can enable its user to sustain extensive damage without dying. Its healing effect can prevent amputation of entire limbs if the Gun is in active use. ---- Go back to [[.:Dark Champions]]