=== All Sphere === == First Level == *[[Bless]] *[[Combine]] *[[Curse]] *[[Detect Evil/Good]] *[[Purify Food/Drink]] == Second Level == *[[Create Food/Water]] *[[Prayer for Power]] == Third Level == *[[Astral Projection]] *[[Holy Word]] *[[Word of Recall]] === Animal Sphere === == First Level == *[[Animal Friendship]] *[[Locate Animal]] *[[Invisibility to Animals]] *[[Speak with Animals]] *[[Summon Messenger]] == Second Level == *[[Animal Growth]] *[[Charm Mammal]] *[[Insect Swarm]] *[[Repel Insects]] *[[Shrink Animal]] *[[Snake Charm]] == Third Level == *[[Animal Summoning]] *[[Anti-Animal Shell]] *[[Creeping Doom]] *[[Giant Insect]] === Charm Sphere === == First Level == *[[Animal Friendship]] *[[Remove Fear]] == Second Level == *[[Charm Mammal]] *[[Cloak of Bravery]] *[[Cloak of Fear]] *[[Command]] *[[Enthrall]] *[[Free Action]] *[[Hold Person]] *[[Imbue with Spell Ability]] *[[Sap Will]] == Third Level == *[[Quest]] === Combat Sphere === == First Level == *[[Barkskin]] *[[Magical Stone]] *[[Remove Fear]] == Second Level == *[[Cloak of Bravery]] *[[Cloak of Fear]] *[[Prayer]] *[[Retribution]] *[[Spiritual Hammer]] *[[Strength]] *[[True Aim]] == Third Level == *[[Aura of Protection]] *[[Battle Healing]] *[[Blade Barrier]] *[[Deadly Poison]] *[[Flame Strike]] === Divination Sphere === == First Level == *[[Augury]] *[[Detect Ailment]] *[[Detect Magic]] *[[Detect Poison]] *[[Detect Scrying]] *[[Detect Snares/Pits]] *[[Find Traps]] == Second Level == *[[Detect Lie]] *[[Divination]] *[[Locate Object]] *[[Obscure Object]] *[[Speak with Dead]] *[[Stone Tell]] *[[Tongues]] *[[Undetectable Lie]] == Third Level == *[[Commune]] *[[False Seeing]] *[[Reflecting Pool]] *[[True Seeing]] === Elemental Sphere === == First Level == *[[Produce Flame]] *[[Resist Fire]] *[[Water Breathing]] *[[Water Walk]] == Second Level == *[[Fire Trap]] *[[Flame Blade]] *[[Heat Metal]] *[[Meld into Stone]] *[[Protection from Fire]] *[[Pyrotechnics]] *[[Spike Stones]] *[[Stone Shape]] *[[Stone Tell]] == Third Level == *[[Air Walk]] *[[Banish Elemental]] *[[Chariot of Sustarre]] *[[Conjure Elemental]] *[[Control Elemental]] *[[Earthquake]] *[[Fire Quench]] *[[Fire Seeds]] *[[Fire Storm]] *[[Immunity to Fire]] *[[Transmute Metal to Wood]] *[[Transmute Rock to Mud]] *[[Transmute Water to Dust]] *[[Wall of Fire]] *[[Wind Walk]] === Healing Sphere === == First Level == *[[Cause Light Wounds]] *[[Cure Light Wounds]] *[[Preserve Body]] *[[Regain Health]] *[[Ward against Death]] == Second Level == *[[Absorb Essence]] *[[Absorb Pain]] *[[Cause Serious Wounds]] *[[Cure Serious Wounds]] *[[Slow Poison]] *[[Restore Mind]] *[[Restore Physique]] *[[Restore Senses]] == Third Level == *[[Cause Critical Wounds]] *[[Cure Blind/Deafness]] *[[Cure Critical Wounds]] *[[Cure Disease]] *[[Envigorating Nourishment]] *[[Harm]] *[[Heal]] *[[Mass Heal]] *[[Neutralize Poison]] *[[Raise Dead]] *[[Slay Living]] *[[Wash of Pain]] === Plant Sphere === == First Level == *[[Barkskin]] *[[Goodberry]] *[[Locate Plant]] *[[Pass Without Trace]] *[[Shillelagh]] == Second Level == *[[Entangle]] *[[Overgrowth]] *[[Pass Plant]] *[[Plant Door]] *[[Plant Growth]] *[[Snare]] *[[Speak with Plants]] *[[Spike Growth]] *[[Sticks to Snakes]] *[[Tree]] *[[Wall of Thorns]] *[[Warp Wood]] == Third Level == *[[Anti-Plant Shell]] *[[Hallucinatory Forest]] *[[Liveoak]] *[[Transport Via Plants]] *[[Turn Wood]] === Protection Sphere === == First Level == *[[Barkskin]] *[[Divine Health]] *[[Divine Protection]] *[[Protection from Evil]] *[[Resist Cold/Fire/Lightning]] *[[Silence]] *[[Spell Resistance]] == Second Level == *[[Curse]] *[[Dispel Magic]] *[[Glyph of Warding]] *[[Negative Plane Protection]] *[[Protection from Fire]] *[[Remove Curse]] *[[Remove Paralysis]] *[[Repel Insects]] *[[Sanctuary]] == Third Level == *[[Aura of Protection]] *[[Dispel Evil]] *[[Paralyze]] *[[Spell Immunity]] === Sun Sphere === == First Level == *[[Blinding Light]] *[[Light]] *[[Resist Heat and Light]] == Second Level == *[[Continual Light]] *[[Daylight]] *[[Healing Glow]] *[[Plant Growth]] *[[Rainbow Bridge]] *[[Searing Light]] *[[Starshine]] *[[Sun Shield]] == Third Level == *[[Divine Radiance]] *[[Multi-Hued Bow]] *[[Sunray]] === Weather Sphere === == First Level == *[[Faerie Fire]] *[[Obscurement]] *[[Resist Electricity]] *[[Wind Riding]] == Second Level == *[[Call Lightning]] *[[Control Temperature]] *[[Protection from Electricity]] *[[Wind Wall]] == Third Level == *[[Control Winds]] *[[Ice Storm]] *[[Immunity to Electricity]] *[[Sleet Storm]] *[[Summon Weather]] *[[Summon Winds]]