====== Earth in the Union Setting ====== As the capital world of the Union, Earth is the center of an ever-expanding sphere of influence and exploration. The Union's highest technology is found here, as are the headquarters of many powerful Union organizations, public and privately-held corporations and is considered the Holy See of the [[Universal Church]]. Terrans live in great city-sized floating habitats; the Arcologies. Earth's climate is controlled, and cities can be moved to balance the sentient need for habitation and the planet's need for energy exchange. The actual continents are relatively devoid of intelligent life. North America's East Coast and Southern Europe being the last two examples of Urban Sprawl on the planet. The interiors of the continents have been returned to a pristine state not seen for hundreds of thousands of years. Extinct species were recreated using cutting edge biotech and released into the newly reforged wilderness. Earth Orbit has been a crowded place for over 500 years. Pressurized habitats of all sorts drift around each other in the darkness above the planet. The Spacer population is over twelve million. ===== Installations ===== ==== Patrol ==== ===== Physical Data ===== Diameter: 12742 kilometers Distance from Sol: 1 AU Gravity: 1 G Year: 365.25 Earth Days Moons: 1 (Luna) Orbital Velocity: 29.79 km/sec Atmosphere: Standard Population: 7.6 Billion