//Here is my work in progress. This is the raw work; directly from brain to screen with no eiditing or revision. Any suggetions are welcome, I simply ask that you email them to me or post them on the discussion boards rather than edit this page. Thanks.// **An Introduction to Jade Empire Martial Arts** Within the Jade Empire various schools that teach the ancient secrets of not only the physical martial arts but also the arts of controlling ones chi to harness magical energy, allowing one to conjure fire or ice and even to transform into demons or spirits, are scattered across the land. In these schools students, often beginning their training as early as age four, struggle to master themselves so that they may one day master the world around them. Although there are many masters and two competing spiritual philosophies, four styles of martial arts have come to dominance with over ninety per cent of the schools teaching only those martial styles. In addition to these martial styles there are a wide variety of weapon styles, support styles, magic styles and transformation styles that are taught, at least to those who can master them. At a typical martial arts school a student will be put through a program something like what is outlined below. Upon first arriving they are assigned to menial work such as caring for livestock, working in the fields, doing laundry and other housework and any other task that is required for the running of the school. The students are adequately fed, clothed and housed during this time but are ignored by teachers and older students and treated like servants by the schools permanent staff. This treatment usually lasts for two to six months and is the first test of a student’s dedication to learning. After a student’s initial time of servitude they are rewarded by having part of their day given over to exercises designed to increase their flexibility, strength and stamina and to the study of philosophy and meditation designed to begin to awaken their mind to the flow of Chi and sharpen their awareness so they may begin to learn how to focus. They are still expected to perform duties for the school but these are normally split between working in the kitchen and attending senior students and teachers. Such tasks are both easier and more educational than their previous work. Once a student is deemed to be ready to begin his training in earnest he will be summoned by the Master. The student spends an entire day with the Master being questioned about how he sees his role in the world, what he hopes to gain by his training and other topics. This helps the Master determine both what martial style will most suit the student and which path he is likely to follow. At sunset the student is sent to the meditation garden where he spends the next week in fasting and meditation to cleanse his spirit and prepare for the final phase of his training. During this time he receives no food and only one glass of water a day, is allowed only four hours of sleep and must spend the rest of his day in meditation. On the morning of the eighth day the Master summons him at sunrise and personally serves breakfast. The student then has three days to himself to spend how he pleases, on the fourth day his training begins in earnest. This is an introduction on how to use the martial arts found in Jade Empire in a Fantasy Hero setting. It will cover not only the martial arts styles and powers but also the philosophy behind them and some advice on how to integrate these martial arts into a mainly “western” campaign. For those who may be familiar with the source material you will notice a few minor changes, mostly in the form of additional maneuvers, this was done to integrate the styles fully into the HERO system. In addition I have added several powers not found in the game but which are logical extensions of mystical martial arts powers. The information below is separated into three sections; Section one covers the four different styles of martial arts: martial, magic, support and transformation. Section two covers additional martial arts powers, the new power of Multi-Style and information on the Chi and Focus END reserves. Section three is the GM section and will have tips and suggestions on how to handle character creation and development, address some issues that may arise in running martial arts characters in mainly “western” settings and other advice on using these new styles and powers without letting them become unbalancing.