====== Slayers Spells C ====== ===== Change Earth ===== "Earth below, heed my command!" Minor Transform 3d6 (Adjusts Hardness And Mositure Content Of Earth Or Rock), Area Of Effect (3" Radius; +1) (60 Active Points); Spell (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) Shamanist [Earth]. Skill Roll -2. This spell can be used to make minor changes to the ground surface at range. The amount of change is slight. For instance normal earth can be transformed to mud or soft stone, soft stone could be changed to normal earth or hardened to granite, mud could be changed into normal earth, etc. The effects are not very deep, if it is assumed that a hex of earth has 19 BODY (the same as stone) then the depth of change only extends to a depth of about three feet. The spell can create a mire to slow your foes of be used to get a wagon easily past a muddy patch. ===== Chaotic Disintegrate ===== “Manaku Soromu Zanaku Sakurimu!” Killing Attack - Ranged 4d6, Armor Piercing (+1/2), Affects Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+1/2) (120 Active Points); Spell (-1/2), Beam (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Limited Power Effectiveness Is Halved Against Good Aligned Creatures (-1/4) White [Holy]. Skill Roll -6. The caster fires a beam of pure white divine power to strike the target. Most lesser evil creatures will be disintegrated. (What constitutes evil and good are up to the GM). Incorporeal creatures and even Mazoku are venerable to this spell. The spell is know only by the Golden Dragons of the Temple of Ceiphied in the Outer World. This spell was most likely invented specifically for fighting Mazoku. More powerful casters can cast more powerful versions but realistically the cap on damage should be around 20 DC (6 1/2d6 RKA). This should probably be a spell from a fourth college; Holy Magic. Holy magic is similar to white magic but more powerful and is known only by the above mentioned Golden Dragons. ===== Clone ===== Summon 100-point Copy of Original Being (20 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Day, -4), OAF Immobile Fragile Expendable (Extremely Difficult to obtain new Focus; Copy Cultivator, Tissue Sample & Expensive Consumables; -3 1/4), Spell (-1/2) Sorcery. Skill Roll -0. This is the spell whereby a copy of a being can be made. It is probably best used as a plot devise rather than a spell that a player character will use. The process of creating a copy is complex and a closely guarded secret known only by members of certain sorcerer guilds. It is an expensive process with exacting requirements. The process of making a copy seems to be very closely related to the process of making a chimera. First off the caster needs a Copy Cultivator. These are invariably huge, unmovable pieces of arcane equipment. Despite their size they are surprisingly delicate and tricky to maintain. A character that operates one should probably have one or more special skills (specifics are left up to the GM). Creating a copy is a process that can not be rushed. It takes “a day and a night” to make a copy (a full 24 hours). If the process is rushed the copy will either be a complete failure or something greatly weakened will result. In a mishap in the Slayers anime an army of tiny (6” tall) copies of Lina and Gourry resulted, each with the mentality of a toddler. Each of the tiny copies later disappeared in puffs of smoke. The process also requires expensive consumables (exact materials are a trade secret). As a result if you manage to hire someone to make a copy for you they will likely charge a small fortune. However in some cases you can get a free copy made by volunteering some of your genetic material for experimentation. Note that this is rarely a good idea! The last requirement is often the easiest to obtain. You must have a tissue sample from the original to make a copy. This sample can be quite small, a few strands of hair, nail clippings, a drop of blood, etc. This means that if you have a large tissue sample you can potentially make a large number of copies. It also seems to be about as costly to make multiple copies at once as it is to make a single copy. Having numerous copies of a single being running around poses problems that most sane people don’t want to face. Copies have all the memories that the original had at the time the tissue sample left the original. By default copies are created with the knowledge that they are not the original though it might be possible for a copy creator to hide this knowledge from the copy. In the case of normal people it is possible to create a copy that has the full skills and abilities of the original. Therefore any copy of a competent normal (50 points plus 50 points of disadvantage) or less will be a perfect duplicate. Difficulties arise when a copy is made of a more powerful being though (any character of greater than 100 total points). If a copy of a more powerful being is made any points over 100 will be halved. For example if you try to make a copy of a 232 point character the copy will have 100+(132/2)=166 points. Where points are deducted to make up for this deficit are up to the GM or the PC if the player is the creator. A copy can never exceed the original in any way. If an original has an Acrobatics 14- skill then the copy can only have it at that level or less. Copies of powerful beings almost always are perfect as far as physical characteristics are concerned but they may have lesser mental characteristics (INT, EGO and to a lesser degree PRE). A copy can only be made with tissue samples from the original. For reasons not clearly understood a copy can not be made from tissue obtained from a copy. The spell above is geared toward making copies of normal creatures (100 points or less) if you need a more powerful copy just add more active points. ===== Concealment ===== Mystic Group Images 1" radius, +/-5 to PER Rolls, 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Week (+1/2), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1), Mobile (+1) (70 Active Points); Spell (-1/2), Set Effect (Only Be Invisible To Clairvoyance; -1/2), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) White. Skill Roll -0. When cast upon an item or character the subject is hidden from magical observation (generally this is Clairvoyance of some sort). Once cast the END expended in the spell can not be recovered until the spell expires or the caster cancels it. A determined scryer can overcome the concealment by buying PER bonuses to their Clairvoyance spell. Likewise the caster of the Concealment spell can make the spell more effective by boosting the PER modifier in their spell. The only practical limit is who can afford the more costly spell and therefore make the associated Skill Roll needed to cast it. ===== Cure Blindness or Deafness ===== Healing BODY 8d6+1 (standard effect: 25 points) (83 Active Points); Limited Power Only To Restore Eyesight Or Hearing (-1), Gestures, Requires Gestures throughout (-1/2), Spell (-1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Incantations (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) White. Skill Roll -0. This spell will not restore eyes or ears that have been destroyed or removed. It can only be used to restore function to those organs that are damaged (but intact) or magically altered (drained, transformed, etc.). Eyesight is a 25 point ability and hearing is 20 points (see pages 350-351 of 5ER). Spells to heal other senses can be built in a similar fashion. This spell appears only in the D20 Slayers materials. ====== ====== Back to [[slayers]]