====== Genres for Hero ====== ===== Dr. Suess HERO ===== I will not roll d8 or more\\ I will not even roll d4\\ I will not check a chart or card\\ I will not play a class ("Not bard!")\\ I will not choose an alignment\\ I will not have rule confinement\\ I will not bow to a DM\\ One system then\\ Hero I am ===== Politically Correct Hero ===== * Impulsively Random Special Needs = Accidental Change * Experienced = Age * Health and Welbeing Special Need Requirements = Dependence * Carer = Dependent NPC * Appearance Enhancements = Distinctive Features * Anger issues = Enraged/Berserk * Needed = Hunted * Differently Physical (or Physically Challenged) = Physical Limitation * Individual Outlook = Psychological Limitation * Socially Advantaged = Reputation * Competitive = Rivalry * Socially Challenged = Social Limitation * Environmentally Challenged = Susceptibility * Differently Lucky = Unluck * Differently Invulnerable = Vulnerability ===== Rhyming Hero ===== Player A: "I hit him with an Energy Blast, 5d6 hard and fast."\\ GM: "He aborts to dodge, adds DCV. Your shot goes wide as you can see.."\\ Player B: "Can I attack?"\\ GM: "Your SPD?"\\ Player B: "3, DEX 12"\\ GM: ".. and 4 CV I see, you're sure to miss - oh what glee"