===== Black Lightning ===== With this spell, the caster launches a bolt of crackling, night-black lightning at the target creature. Despite its appearance, the lightning is not actually electricity but rather is pure necromantic magic. Magic that offers protection against electricity is thus useless against this spell, though spells which offer protection against Necromancy are effective. **College:** Matter \\ **Philosophy:** Necromancy \\ **Special Effects:** Arcane Magic, Matter, Necromancy, Death \\ **Effect:** RKA 3d6 \\ **Casting Time:** 1/2 Phase \\ **Target/Area Affected:** Single Creature \\ **Duration:** Instant \\ **Range:** 450 meters \\ **Active Cost:** 45 \\ **Skill Roll Penalty:** -2 \\ **Real Cost:** 18 \\ **END Cost:** 4 //**Bolt Of Lightning:** Ranged Killing Attack 3d6 (45 Active Points) - Requires A Power Skill: Necromancy Magic Roll (-1/2), Spell (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4).// == Spell created by Jack Butler == ---- Go back to [[start]]