===== Cloud Writing ===== On occasion, a spell-caster might need to leave a message for all to see. This spell allows the caster to leave clearly visible writing high overhead using wisps of vapor gathered from the air. \\ \\ **College:** Change \\ **Philosophy:** Transfiguration \\ **Special Effects:** Arcane Magic, Change, Transfiguration \\ **Effect:** Sight Group Images \\ **Casting Time:** 1 Minute \\ **Target/Area Affected:** 10 Kilometer Radius \\ **Duration:** Constant \\ **Range:** 1600 Meters \\ **Active Cost:** 40 \\ **Skill Roll Penalty:** -2 \\ **Real Cost:** 9 \\ **END Cost:** 3 \\ //**Cloud Writing:** Images (Sight Group) - Area Effect (1 Meter Radius; +1/4), Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4), Uncontrolled (Lasts 1 Hour; +1/2), Increased Maximum Range (1600 Meters; +1), MegaArea (1 Meter = 10 Kilometers; Not Scaleable; +1)(40 Active Points); Only To Write By Shaping The Clouds (+1), Extra Time (1 Minute; Activation Only; -3/4), Not In Low Overcast Or Foggy Weather, Winds Of More Than 10 KPH, Or Underwater (-1/2), Requires A Power Skill: Transfiguration Magic Roll (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4).// == Spell created by Jack Butler == ---- Go back to [[start]]