===== Mystic Darts ===== This spell creates a series of small arrowhead shaped darts of magical force that the caster can project at any living target he can see with deadly effect. The spell is inherently accurate and rarely misses. **College:** Forces \\ **Philosophy:** Evocation \\ **Special Effects:** Arcane Magic, Forces, Evocation, Force \\ **Effect:** RKA 1d6 \\ **Casting Time:** 1/2 Phase \\ **Target/Area Affected:** Single Creature \\ **Duration:** Instant \\ **Range:** 170 meters \\ **Active Cost:** 34 \\ **Skill Roll Penalty:** -2 \\ **Real Cost:** 11 \\ **END Cost:** 3 //**Mystic Darts:** Ranged Killing Attack 1d6 - Armor Piercing (+1/4), Area Effect (1 Meter Radius; Selective), Line Of Sight (+1/2)(34 Active Points); Requires A Power Skill: Evocation Magic Roll (-1/2), Spell (-1/2), Can Only Affect One Target Within The Area Of Effect (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Only vs. Living Beings (-1/4).// == Spell created by Jack Butler == ---- Go back to [[start]]