===== Half-Ogres ===== === Characteristics price === STR cost 1, CON cost 1.5, BOD cost 1.5, SPD cost 15, DEX cost 5, INT cost 2 === Characteristics maxima === STR max 25, PD max 10, ED max 10, REC max 12, STUN max 60, EGO max 14, COM max 12 === Powers === * Infravision (5 pts). * +5 PRE, only when trying to intimidate (3 pts). * Tough Skin, 1 damage resistance (1 pt). * 1 level Growth, 0 END persistent, always on (7 pts). * Good sense of smell, +1 PER (1 pt). * Poor eyesight, -1 PER (-2 pts). * -2 with all PRE skills (-10 pts). * -5 INT (-5 pts). * Leaping and Swimming cost increased to 2 pts/''. === Disadvantages === * Physical Lim “Large and bulky.” Infrequently, slightly (5 pts). Total cost: 15 points characteristics + 0 points powers = **15 points**