====== Immobile Foci ====== Back [[Fantasy Hero]] Magical item ideas by Jeffery Keown ===== The Laan ===== Long ago, a god died on a great slab of stone. As his blood soaked into the rock, some small part of his power stayed behind. Now, those who touch the stone feel their will expand, their resolve harden, the mind attains a steely, razor edge. The Laan is a large, flat, rune-carved rock found in Thundai, near the village of Roos. Several times a year, diviners from all over the continent arrive to cast powerful spells. **The Laan**: Aid EGO 8d6, Area Of Effect (8" Radius; +1) (160 Active Points); OIF Immobile (Location; -1 1/2) Note: The Laan is a large, flat, rune-carved rock found in Thundai, near the village of Roos. Several times a year, diviners from all over the continent arrive to cast powerful spells. ===== Chaos Node ===== Several times each century, Sphere Unspeakable crashes into the Sphere where Caleon resides. Reality cracks and is slow to heal. Every few weeks, the flow of pure Chaos peaks. Unwise wizards seek out these places, hoping to cast their biggest, most dangerous spells in larger, more hazardous fashion. The lucky ones merely get flashier spells, those unlucky enough end up Chaos-Tainted. They become chaos, leaving their bodies subject to ruin by the forces of Essence and Unlight. Chaos Nodes spring up at random once a month, somewhere. **Chaos Node**: (Total: 600 Active Cost, 205 Real Cost) Aid Any One Chaos Spell 10d6, Any One Chaos Spell, One at A Time (+1/4), Explosion (+1/2), Nonselective Target (-1/4) (150 Active Points); Window Of Opportunity (once per Month; window remains open for 1 Turn; -3 1/2), OIF Immobile (Location; -1 1/2) (Real Cost: 25) plus Major Transform 10d6 (Normal Person to Chaos-Tainted, Transform), Explosion (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Partial Transform (+1/2) (450 Active Points); OIF Immobile (Location; -1 1/2) (Real Cost: 180) 0 ===== Unlight Node ===== Where death has placed her mark, Unlight, the wasted scraps of souls shredded and discarded gathers in her footprint. The pooled magical dross builds up until some foolhardy necromancer gathers it for his own use. Unlight gathers near battlefields, graveyards and Maws. **Unlight Node**: (Total: 600 Active Cost, 205 Real Cost) Aid Any One Unlight Spell 10d6, Any One Unlight Spell, One at A Time (+1/4), Explosion (+1/2), Nonselective Target (-1/4) (150 Active Points); Window Of Opportunity (once per Month; window remains open for 1 Turn; -3 1/2), OIF Immobile (Location; -1 1/2) (Real Cost: 25) plus Major Transform 10d6 (Normal Person to Unlight Scarred, Transform), Explosion (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Partial Transform (+1/2) (450 Active Points); OIF Immobile (Location; -1 1/2) (Real Cost: 180) 0 ===== SoulWind Gale ===== In some places, the SoulWind blows with such force that channellers can tap into it, overwelming their senses and powering their spells with a flood power. Its use is hazardous, however. Too much of this power can rip the soul from your very body, send it flying on the SoulWind. While you are soulless, you do not detect as alive, food "turns to ash in your mouth" and you cannot be healed by Soulwind channelling. Graveyards provide positive pressure to the SoulWind, Maws are negative pressure. If the two are too close together, a Gale can form between them. **SoulWind Gale**: (Total: 600 Active Cost, 205 Real Cost) Aid Any One SoulWind Channel 10d6, Any One Unlight Spell, One at A Time (+1/4), Explosion (+1/2), Nonselective Target (-1/4) (150 Active Points); Window Of Opportunity (once per Month; window remains open for 1 Turn; -3 1/2), OIF Immobile (Location; -1 1/2) (Real Cost: 25) plus Major Transform 10d6 (Normal Person to Soul-Tossed, Transform), Explosion (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Partial Transform (+1/2) (450 Active Points); OIF Immobile (Location; -1 1/2) (Real Cost: 180) 0 ===== Essence Node ===== Essence leaks into the universe beyond where our mere senses can detect. In some "weak spots" in reality, Essence burns a great hole in the cosmos. Find this place, at the right time, and your spells will be powerful indeed. Drink too deep, and Essence will carve runes in your flesh, leaving you vulnerable to Unlight and Chaos magics. Essence nodes tend to form in ancient cities, ruins and areas of surpassing beauty. Whether one causes the other or vice-versa is not known. **Essence Node**: (Total: 600 Active Cost, 205 Real Cost) Aid Any One Essence Channel 10d6, Any One Essence Channel, One at A Time (+1/4), Explosion (+1/2), Nonselective Target (-1/4) (150 Active Points); Window Of Opportunity (once per Month; window remains open for 1 Turn; -3 1/2), OIF Immobile (Location; -1 1/2) (Real Cost: 25) plus Major Transform 10d6 (Normal Person to Essence-Afflicted, Transform), Explosion (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Partial Transform (+1/2) (450 Active Points); OIF Immobile (Location; -1 1/2) (Real Cost: 180) 0 ===== Acquired Disadvantages (For Transform Effects) ===== === Essence Afflicted === 20 Vulnerability Essence Affliction: 2 x Effect Chaos and Unlight Magic (Common) 10 Dependence: Essence Magic Takes 3d6 Damage (Easy To Obtain, 6 Hours) === Chaos-Tainted === 20 Vulnerability: Chaos Touched: 2 x Effect Essence and Unlight Magic (Common) 10 Dependence: Chaos Magic Takes 3d6 Damage (Easy To Obtain, 6 Hours) === Unlight-Scarred === 20 Vulnerability: Unlight Scarring: 2 x Effect Chaos and Essence Magic (Common) 10 Dependence: Unlight Magic -Takes 3d6 Damage (Easy To Obtain, 6 Hours) === Soul-Tossed === 10 Physical Limitation: Soul-Tossed (Frequently, Slightly Impairing) Note: Character cannot be healed by SoulWind Magic. 10 DF: Soul-Tossed (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses) 10 Dependence: SoulWind Magic Takes 3d6 Damage (Easy To Obtain, 6 Hours)