===== Inquisitor ===== These are my conversions of Games Workshop's awesome Inquisitor "Narrative WarGame." Essentially, one could play Inquisitor as-is, without conversion, but for players wanting more balance and universality (?) I've converted a big chunk of it to HERO. I've a few weapons and what-not left to do, and I'll update the Wiki when they are complete. For descriptive text and the like, see [[http://www.specialist-games.com/inquisitor/rulebook.asp|the Inquisitor Rulebook]] at specialist-games.com. ==== Characters ==== == Races == [[Space Marine]] [[Eldar]] [[Orks]] [[Imperials]] [[Ogryn]] [[Squats]] (Demiurg??) [[Ratlings]] [[Sensei]] [[Tau]] [[Vespid]] [[Kroot]] [[Visteon]] [[Alien Generator]] == Careers == [[Ordo Malleus]] [[Ordo Heriticus]] [[Ordo Xenos]] [[Mystic]] [[Warrior]] [[Sage]] ===== Gear ===== Weapons: http://www.angelfire.com/ok3/markdoc/Inquisitor/inquistor_index.htm [[Armor]] ===== Powers ===== [[Psyker Disciplines]], Eldar Powers, Chaos Marks, and Acts of Faith ===== Vehicles ===== ===== Threats ===== [[Necrons]] [[Tyranids]] [[Other WH40K Monsters]]