==== KS: Magic Item Creation ==== == [Mage] == True mages alone may summon the energies required to imbue non-magical materials with magic essence. This process is lengthy and expensive: it takes 1 day of labor and one gold piece per ten active points of the item desired, and at the end, the mage will find his standard (non-specialist) mana pool completely drained. Yet, success is still no guarentee, as every 10 active points subtracts one from the skill roll (made at the end of the labor period). A laboratory is absolutely required, as are items of the highest quality to work on. Character points spent on creating magical items are never refundable, but if the mage has no experience to spend he may choose to age unnaturally one year per point lacking. This aging may be reversed by further magic, of course. Elves and other races immune to aging must simply pay the experience.