====== Magical Polearms ====== ==== Trident of the Sea-Lords ==== //(by Wyrm Ouroboros)// -- //Luooshusssahhanah//, 'Water-Drop', Deeping //Only three things survive from the First Days: the first bit of Earth, the first drop of Water, the first tongue of Fire. Earth bore Water; little childling Air was riven from the two by the strike of Fire upon them. Thus always does Fire strive to break Stone and vanish Water; thus do Water and Stone smother Fire and part it from its child Air./// -- From many primitive tribals' legends of creation. The Trident of the Sea-Lords is a great three-tined polearm in a classic design, three grips (fore, mid-shaft, and near-buttstock) moulded into its making. Depending on the light, the time of day, the feel of the wind, the depth of the water, and the emotions of the wielder, the weapon's appearance can vary from a glinting, glittery sun-off-the-top-of-the-waves blue to a murky deepwater green to a white-flecked near-ebon storm-tossed-wave nigh-black. It is ever-changing, but universally very long -- and, according to some, capable of both appearing and vanishing into thin air. **History**: For once, the tales have it right; this really IS the remnant of the first Water. From before all gods but the Creator, this is the first droplet whence came all other water; this is the Water that was assaulted by jealous Fire, to unwillingly birth Air. The Trident has since been in the possession of gods and men, sea-elves and sea-ogres, the humble, the mighty, the profound and the profane. Some scholars (none of whom ever have seen, much less carried, the Trident) say that it has a sentience of its own; if this is true, it is a brutish, primal sentience, expressed not in thoughts, words, or even emotions, but rather in more ... elemental forms. The Trident is currently in the keeping of the Priest-Duke Kaelan in the coastal city of Mith Koesh. 53-year-old Kaelan is a powerful priest of the shark-god Manno-niuhi, influential in the faith he represents as well as within the country his duchy is a part of. He is not a cruel ruler, but his reign is what one wit described as 'scrupulously ruthless', not unlike the sharks that frequent the Bay of Koesh. His eldest, 17-year-old daughter She'itsha, is being groomed to succeed him, as she is the only one of his six children to fully follow his path as both politico and priestess. **Game Statistics**: Trident of the Sea-Lords: 36 Points MultiPower: the First Water, 61 Active Points, OAF Extreme Difficulty (-2): 20 Points u) 2d6 HKA, 0 END (+½), +2 Stun Multiplier (+½), (60 Active Points); 18 STR Minimum (-1), Hand-And-A-Half Weapon (-¼), OAF Extreme Difficulty (-2) (1 Point, END for Strength) u) 2d6 RKA, ½ END (+¼), +1 Stun Multiplier (+¼), No Range Modifier (+½); 18 STR Minimum (-1), Hand-And-A-Half Weapon (-¼), OAF Extreme Difficulty (-2) (1 Point, 3 END) u) Clairsentience, Sight Group, x16 Range (1,600"), 'Mobile' Viewpoint ('No Range Modifier', +½) (60 Actives); OAF Extreme Difficulty (-2), One Sense Only (Normal Sight, -¼), Only From the Viewpoint of Water/Liquid (-½), Incantations (-¼): (1 Points, 6 END) u) Clairsentience, Sight Group, Cross-Dimensional (Elemental Plane of Water, 150" Range), 'Mobile' Viewpoint ('No Range Modifier', +½), Megascale (1"=10km) (60 Actives); OAF Extreme Difficulty (-2), One Sense Only (Normal Sight, -¼), Only From the Viewpoint of Water/Liquid (-½), Incantations (-¼): (1 Points, 6 END) u) Flight, 10", x2 Noncombat (20"), Usable Underwater (+¼), 0 END (+½), Usable Simultaneously by 8 Others (+1¼) (60 Actives); OAF Extreme Difficulty (-2), Concentrate ½ DCV (-¼), Usable Only Underwater (-½): (2 Points) u) Flight, 10", x8 Noncombat (80"), Usable Underwater (+¼), 0 END (+½) (61 Actives); OAF Extreme Difficulty (-2), Concentrate ½ DCV (-¼), Usable Only Underwater (-½): (2 Points) PLUS 'Aquatic Ease': 3 2-Point Penalty Skill Levels (6 Actives); Only Applies in Water to DCV and DC Penalties (-1), IAF Extreme Difficulty (-1½): 2 Points 'Aquatic Survival': Life Support: Expanded Breathing (Water), High Pressure, Intense Cold (8 Actives); 'IIF' Extreme Difficulty (-1¼): 4 Points 'Natural Immunity': Life Support, Immune to Phytotoxins and Zootoxins (10 Active Points); Only Those Produced by Aquatic Beings (-½), 'IIF' Extreme Difficulty (-1¼): 4 Points PLUS Concealment, 20- (25 Actives); IIF Extreme Difficulty (-1¼), Trident Only (-¼): 10 Points The Trident of the Sea Lords certainly carries even more vast and terrible powers; according to tales from around the world, the First Water can summon or calm hurricanes and tsunamis, break off the bases of islands (especially volcanic ones) and sink them, and destroy whole armies with barely more than a wave of the tri-pronged tip. Less impressive powers may perhaps be that the wielder is immune to any water-based attack (Force Field, 0 END, Persistent, Inherent, Always On, Only vs. Water-Based Attacks), or can redirect the ocean's currents to protect himself and his companions (Force Wall or Missile Deflection). The powers above are, however, the only abilities that the Priest-Duke Kaelan has displayed. As a cornerstone of the world itself, Luooshusssahhanah can never be truly destroyed; it can, however, be temporarily sundered. It is considered to have a DEF of 24 against such 'weapon-breaker' techniques, but if it is broken, the water of which it consists will simply flow away, naturally. Somewhere else in the world, the Water-Drop will reform. Certain powers of the Trident are considered 'IIF'; if the trident is somehow taken away from its rightful owner, the new owner must bear the weapon for a full week before the previous owner loses those benefits (i.e. 'Aquatic Survival' and 'Natural Immunity'). Thus, simply pinning the Trident's owner and taking the weapon away won't cause them to suddenly go *squish* due to water pressure. == Special Effects Hints == **RKA**: The weapon itself is thrown; hit or miss, it will sink into the target, ground, or vanish into the surrounding water, coalescing out of the air (or water, whatever) within the wielder's hand. Clairsentience: The wielder must 'pour' the trident into a sizeable bowl, then send her senses out, skipping from liquid surface to liquid surface. The view can be from a wine cup, a bucket of water, out of a bath, under the sea, or even -- with great effort -- from a drop of rain or the face of a cloud. Flight: Trident in hand, the wielder simply wills the direction she (and her companions) desire to go; the water around her pushes the wielder that way. Companions, provided they are suitably close to the wielder, can be carried along, albeit at a reduction in speed. Concealment: At the desire of the wielder, the Trident may reform itself; Duke Kaelan carries it around constantly as a sacred charge, 'concealed' within a large waterskin out of which he 'pours' water into his hand, the weapon reforming itself as it emerges. And, if you like: Duke Kaelan of Mith Koesh, Priest of Manno-niuhi: 27 Strength, 15 Dex, 20 Con, 20 Body, 17 Int, 18 Ego, 23 Pre, 16 Com. VPP Priest Spells/Blessings/Judgements, 75 Pool Points, primarily focussed on combat, war, judgement, death, and the sea. Highly experienced combat veteran, with the Trident as a favored but by no means only weapon.