==== Martial Arts ==== === 1st Level: === == Required: == * KS: Chosen Martial Art (1 pt) == Allows: == * May sweep an individual target three times in one phase instead of the typical two with bare hands. * +1d6 hand-to-hand attack (3 pts). === 2nd Level: === == Required: == * KS: Chosen Martial Art (2 pts) == Allows: == * An additional 2 or 3 pt rank in chosen martial art. * All 3 point maneuvers allowed by chosen martial art. * Adrenal Moves, +2 on DEX rolls to use a held action (5 pts). * Lightning Reflexes, +2 DEX to act first with all actions (2 pts). === 3rd Level: === == Required: == * KS: Chosen Martial Art (3 pts) == Allows: == * All 4 point maneuvers allowed by chosen martial art. * Defense maneuver (3 pts). * [[Fists of Fury]] (1 pt). * +10 END, -1 only for martial art sweep attacks (2 pts). * +2d6 hand-to-hand attack (6 pts). === 4th Level: === == Required: == * KS: Chosen Martial Art (4 pts) == Allows: == * An additional 2 or 3 pt rank in chosen martial art. * All maneuvers allowed by chosen martial art. * HTH Rapid attack, -½ not while encumbered or heavily armored, -1 only with chosen martial art (2 pts). * [[Fists of Fury]] (2 pts). * +20 END, -1 only for martial art sweep attacks (5 pts). * [[Adrenal Moves]], +2 on DEX rolls to use a held action (5 pts). * Lightning Reflexes, +2 DEX to act first with all actions (2 pts).