====== Monk ====== ===== 1st Level: ===== === Required: === * Asceticism (3 pts). * KS: Religious Scriptures (3 pts). * Literacy in chosen language (1 pt). * KS: Martial Art (2 pts). * Acrobatics (1 pt). * Breakfall (1 pt). * EGO > 12 * Psych Lim “Eschews wealth, common, moderate." === Allows: === * One additional rank in the acrobatics, climbing, and breakfall tight group. * One additional combat rank in chosen martial art (3 pts). * One additional DCV level with –½ limitation, “not while encumbered or heavily armored” (3 pts). * +1d6 hand-to-hand attack (3 pts). * Defense maneuver (3 pts), martial dodge (4 pts), martial block (4 pts), and martial disarm (4 pts). * All other (3 pt) martial maneuvers allowed by martial art chosen. * [[Adrenal Moves]], +1 on DEX rolls to use a held action (2 pts). * Lightning Reflexes, +1 DEX to act first with all actions (1 pt). ===== 2nd Level: ===== === Required: === * Asceticism (5 pts). * KS: Martial Art (3 pts). * Acrobatics (3 pts). * Breakfall (3 pts). * +1’’ running (2 pts). * One martial art maneuver. * EGO > 13 === Allows: === * Two additional ranks in the acrobatics, climbing, and breakfall group. * Two additional combat ranks in chosen martial art (6 pts). * [[Fists of Fury]] (1 pt). * HTH Rapid attack, -½ not while encumbered or heavily armored, -¼ only with chosen martial art (3 pts). * Defensive strike (5 pts), offensive strike (5 pts), sacrifice strike (5 pts), and defense maneuver (5 pts). * [[Missile deflection]] (3 pts). * Simulate Death (3 pts). * [[Focus Ch’i]], 2d6 Aid (3 pts). * +10 END, -½ only for monk powers or martial art sweep attacks (3 pts). * All other (4 pt) martial maneuvers allowed by martial art chosen. * [[Adrenal Moves]], +2 on DEX rolls to use a held action (4 pts). * Lightning Reflexes, +2 DEX to act first with all actions (2 pt). ===== 3rd Level: ===== === Required: === * Asceticism (7 pts). * KS: Martial Art (5 pts). * +2’’ running (4 pts). * Simulate death (3 pts). * One martial art maneuver. * EGO > 14 === Allows: === * Three additional ranks in the acrobatics, climbing, and breakfall group. * Three additional combat ranks in chosen martial art (9 pts). * Two additional DCV levels with –½ limitation, “not while encumbered or heavily armored” (7 pts). * Killing strike (4 pts), nerve strike (4 pts), and defense maneuver (8 pts). * [[Fists of Fury]] (2 pts). * Purity of Body, immunity to disease (3 pts). * +2’’ superleap (2 pts). * +2d6 hand-to-hand attack (6 pts). * Diamond mind, mental defense (5 pts). * [[Diamond body]], 25% damage reduction, 5 damage resistance (7 pts). * [[Wholeness of Body]], 2d6 healing (3 pts). * [[Focus Ch’i]], 3d6 Aid (5 pts). * [[Evasive]] (15 pts). * [[Adrenal Moves]], +3 on DEX rolls to use a held action (6 pts). * Lightning Reflexes, +3 DEX to act first with all actions (3 pt). * All other martial maneuvers allowed by martial art chosen. ===== 4th Level: ===== === Required: === * Asceticism (9 pts). * Mental defense (5 pts). * Immunity to disease (3 pts). * +3’’ running (6 pts). * Two martial art maneuvers. * EGO > 15 === Allows: === * Four additional ranks in the acrobatics, climbing, and breakfall group. * Four additional combat ranks in chosen martial art (6 pts). * Defense maneuver (10 pts). * +3’’ superleap (3 pts). * Diamond mind, mental defense (10 pts). * Timeless Body, immunity to aging (3 pts). * [[Dimension Door]], 10’’ Teleport (4 pts). * [[Gliding]], 10’’ (5 pts). * [[Monk's Paralysis]], 2d6 Mental Entangle (4 pts). * [[Focus Ch’i]], 4d6 Aid, two different characteristics at once (7 pts). * +20 END, -½ only for monk powers or martial art sweep attacks (5 pts). * [[Adrenal Moves]], +4 on DEX rolls to use a held action (8 pts). * Lightning Reflexes, +4 DEX to act first with all actions (4 pts). ===== 5th Level: ===== === Required: === * Asceticism (11 pts). * Mental defense (10 pts). * +4’’ running (8 pts). * Immunity to aging (3 pts). * EGO > 16 === Allows: === * Five additional ranks in the acrobatics, climbing, and breakfall group. * Five additional combat ranks in chosen martial art (6 pts). * Three additional DCV levels with –½ limitation, “not while encumbered or heavily armored” (10 pts). * +3d6 hand-to-hand attack (9 pts). * +4’’ superleap (4 pts). * Diamond mind, mental defense (15 pts). * [[Wholeness of Body]], 3d6 healing (5 pts). * Immunity to all poisons (10 pts). * [[Tongue of the Sun and Moon]], universal translator, 15- (12 pts). * [[Planar travel]] (6 pts). * [[Gliding]], 16’’ (8 pts). * [[Focus Ch’i]], 4d6 Aid, all characteristics at once (13 pts). * [[Adrenal Moves]], +5 on DEX rolls to use a held action (10 pts). * Lightning Reflexes, +5 DEX to act first with all actions (5 pts).