==== Mounted Combat ==== === 1st Level: === == Required: == * KS: Mounted Combat (1 pt) == Allows: == * Mounted combat experts and their mounts are at full DCV even when moving at non-combat speed, with a riding roll. * Charge, only when mounted (2 pts). * [[+1 DCV to rider and mount]], only when mounted and moving at full combat speed or greater (3 pts). === 2nd Level: === == Required: == * KS: Mounted Combat (2 pts) == Allows: == * An additional 3 pt rank in HtH or Ranged, only when mounted. * Passing strike, only when mounted (3 pts). * [[+1 OCV to rider and mount]], only when mounted (4 pts). === 3rd Level: === == Required: == * KS: Mounted Combat (3 pts) == Allows: == * Moving shot, only when mounted, requires a riding roll (2 pts). * Flying dodge, only when mounted (3 pts). * +2 DCV to rider and mount, only when mounted and moving all full combat speed or greater (7 pts). === 4th Level: === == Required: == * KS: Mounted Combat (4 pts) == Allows: == * An additional 3 pt rank in HtH or Ranged, only when mounted. * +2 OCV to rider and mount, only when mounted (8 pts). * +3 DCV to rider and mount, only when mounted and moving all full combat speed or greater (10 pts).