====== M41 Mystic ====== These are the skills most common to Librarians, Telepathica, and Sanctioned Psykers, as well as a good many Wyrds and such. ====SKILLS==== ^ Cost ^ Name ^ | | M41 Mystic | | 5 | 1) Analyze: Psyker Disciplines 12- | | 6 | 2) +2 with any three offensive Disciplines | | 3 | 3) Conversation 11- | | 3 | 4) Cryptography 11- | | 3 | 5) Deduction 11- | | 3 | 6) KS: The Warp 12- | | 3 | 7) Oratory 11- | | 3 | 8) Paramedics 11- | | 3 | 9) Persuasion 11- | | 5 | 10) Psyker 12- | | 3 | 11) WF: Common Melee Weapons, Laser Pistols | **40** Total Skills Cost