====== The Chronicles of Counter-Harn: Cast of Characters ====== //Note: This page contains an alphabetical summary of all notable characters who have appeared or been mentioned in the Counter-Harn Chronicles to the current turn. Summaries of characters who merit full write-ups contain links to the write up in question.// **Bardo the Moneylender (671-).** Bardo is a master in the Mercantyler’s Guild, and is the most prominent moneylender in northern Kaldor. Many of the nobles in northern Kaldor, and some from other parts of the kingdom, are in debt to him. He is also heavily involved in the caravan trade and maintains three multi-story buildings in Gardiren to house his business. A rail-thin man, his wife’s immense girth is known throughout the Realm. His business is part owned by House Curo, who provided his start-up capitol twenty-five years ago, and remain his very silent partners. **Bernan, Sir Daynes (683-).** Sir Daynes is the Bailiff of Kyg, which he oversees for Earl Troda Dariune, and is the older brother of Sir Pallon Bernan. Sir Daynes is known to be an irreligious man, and shocking rumors surrounding the wild parties he throws at his townhouse in Tashal are common among the nobility, as well as impolitic to discuss. **Bernan, Pallon (690-).** Countess Curo’s husband, Pallon was made Lord of Solinda and Nausch when the couple wed. He is the younger brother of Sir Danyes Bernan, the Constable of Kyg. Sir Pallon is the Realm’s leading jousting champion and has won the Grand Melee at Olokand three years running. He and Sir Reinhardt Maddox, the Baron of Nurelia, are known to be rivals. **Bvarlan (? - ).** A mysterious, one-eyed, scarred warrior of middle years, Bvarlan has been one of House Curo’s most effective and closely-held operatives for many years. He has no official position, but enjoys unprecendented access to the Countess and is invariably involved in the Clan’s most sensitive – as well as unpleasant – affairs. Few know of his connection to House Curo. He is commonly believed to be a Knight from the South, perhaps Melderyn. **Caldeth, Earl Declaen (677- ).** The Earl of Vemion whose seat is at Minarsas, Earl Declaen is defended from the Jarin rulers of the former Kingdom of Pagostra. A brilliant manager of assets, he has turned his clan into one of the wealthiest in Kaldor. He is known to be a voracious reader, but is stubbornly parochial as well. His wife, ten years his senior, was rendered blind and speechless by a terrible palsy, but he remains a famously loyal husband and harpers compose songs dedicated to his loving, husbandly devotion. His daughter, Thilisa, is the wife of the Earl Sedris Meleken of Qualdris. **Curo, Countess Elsbeth (693- ).** The Countess of Neph and Sheriff of Osselshire, Countess Curo is the daughter of Earl Hemisen Curo (d. 717) and Princess Vanua Eldensa (d. 693). She is one of the realms wealthiest and most influential magnates, and is known to be a favorite of her uncle the King. She is descended from House Tane, the first kings of Kaldor, on her father’s side. **Curo, Sir Hardeth (677-).** Countess Curo’s uncle, Sir Hardeth backed his half-brother’s brother’s decision to appoint Elsbeth as Clanhead and Heir. Sir Hardeth is a member of Elsbeth’s inner-circle and has been appointed to serve as her Constable in Hutop. At forty, Sir Hardeth is a vigorous and virtuous knight. It is understood Sir Hardeth’s oldest son, Byrn, soon to be knighted, will be Elsbeth’s heir if she has no children of her own. He is married to Meliara Kynn, the sister of the Archbishop of Caleme, the leader of the Kadoric Church. **Curo, Earl Hemisen (662-717).** Countess Curo’s father and predecessor as Earl of Neph, Hemisen Curo was a leonine man of immense girth who’s passions led him to father numerous bastards (almost all girls), and to ultimately dig his grave with his teeth in 717. A competent intriguer and man of business, he married Princess Vanua Eldensa in 693, placing his line in the race for the throne. **Curo, Dame Sophia (679- ).** Countess Curo’s paternal aunt, Dame Sophia is an ordained priestess in the Order of the Shattered Spear and the Knight Commander of the Order of St. Claudia, Our Lady of Paladins. She is known to be at odds with several of Kaldor’s Bishops – not the least of which is the Bishop of Nurez, Ilor Hadan, but maintains a cordial relationship with the Order of the Balm of Joy, and her sister in law, Meliara Kynn, the sister of the Sarakela of Kaldor. Her personal Chapter House, one of the few of comprised entirely of female knights, is near Yeged. **Dubone, Sir Trent (690- ).** A foreign-born knight from Shorkyne on the mainland, Sir Trent is an exemplary warrior and competent tactician who has participated in battles and sieges on a much larger scale than are normally seen on Harn. He is known to be somewhat effete and wooden in social situations, but keeps House Curo’s forces – in terms of quality – on par with the King’s High Guard. **Ethasial, Lady Candace (672- ).** The older sister of Baron Wevran Ethasial of Setrew and mother of Baron Reinhardt Maddox, whom she bore after an adulterous affair with Sir Barnabas Maddox of X in 693. Shortly after Reinhardt’s birth she entered the a small cloister of the Order of the Balm of Joy near Yeged as a lay member in minor orders. A confident of Dame Sophia and the Mother Superior of her order, she was instrumental in seeing her son squired with House Curo. In late 719 Lady Candace left her cloister to run her son, Baron Reinhardt Maddox’s, household at Caer Nurel. **Ethasial, Sir Romlach (696- ).** Sir Romlach is the son of Baron Wevran Ethasial of Setrew, who has left Setrew’s military and criminal affairs in his hands. A temper-bound warrior who has killed several men in duels, he is currently involved in more than one potentially lethal feud. Under his administration, the conditions of Setrew’s serfs are some of the worse in the kingdom. He is Baron Reinhardt Maddox of Nurelia’s cousin. **Ethasial, Baron Wevran (674- ).** Baron Wevran Ethasial of Setrew is a vassal of Countess Curo and one of Kaldor’s largest landholding nobles. A vain, greedy man, he is not highly trusted by his liege, and has been upbraided both by Countess Curo, and her father before her, for sidestepping his responsibilities on more than one occasion. It is said any cleverly worded appeal will have an audience at his table. He is also known to frequent Sir Daynes Bernan’s parties in Tashal. Setrew is an ill-omened place and has been the source of many dark rumors over the years. Baron Wevran typically leaves military matters and affairs of justice to his son, Sir Romlach. He is Baron Reinhardt Maddox of Nurelia’s uncle. **Faranir of Tonot (690- ).** One of Baron Reinhardt’s most trusted retainers, Faranir is a Master in the Weaponsmith's Guild who was cheated out of his father’s business by his older brother. After a brief and difficult period in Gardiren, he found himself conscripted during the Kaldor-Tharda conflict in the Chelen gap in 714, after which, needing work, he became one of Countess Curo’s personal armsman. A brilliant man and visionary beyond his time, he has a talent for almost any craft he puts his hands to, and has made plans for numerous revolutionary inventions. He is a particular friend of Garoth of Olokand. He has left military service to open a forge at Caer Nurel, where he is again working as a (bonded) master smith. **Garoth of Olokand (692- ).** One of Baron Reinhardt Maddox’s most trusted retainers, Garoth was a huntsman in the Royal Castle at Olokand before rumors of an affair with the wife of one of the principle knights in the High Guard led the Royal Huntsman to arrange for him to take service in Gardiren, where he served as one of Countess Curo’s personal armsmen, and as the pack master for her Great Harbalese hunting dogs. An expert hunter and woodsman, Garoth has won several archery contests at tournaments and fairs. He now serves as the Baron Maddox’s Chief Huntsman in Nurelia. **Indama, Sir Harapa (688 - ).** The son of Baron Chemin Indama of Getha, Sir Harapa is the Sheriff of Nephshire and holds Bidow from the Crown. A fashionable man, Sir Harapa holds his post both because of blood relations to Clan Elendsa and the fact that, like his father, he is a staunch King’s man. **Indama, Sir Chemin (667 - ).** The Baron of Getha who holds his seat from the Crown, Sir Chemin was once a great jousting champion, but left the tourney’s due to the loss of an eye. Though he remains a formidable warrior, Sir Chemin now prefers to watch his sons compete. Sir Chemin is also the Ranger of the Kanir and Krista forests, a position given to him by his son, Sir Harapa, as a sinecure. He is known to be a staunch King's man. **Inthin, Kamran (695-).** The second son of Sir Verdis Inthin, Kamran realized early on that his family could not afford to squire two sons, and volunteered for the Army of the Chelmarch as soon as he was of age, seeing a great deal of action. He left the army to apprentice to the Master Harper Ryhnn of Thay and achieved the rank of Journeyman in the Harpers guild, but soon tired of the Harpers life and returned to military service, this time in the Army of the Osselmarch. Kamran has entered the service of Countess Curo in the hopes of one day being knighted, and has been placed with her vassal Baron Reinhardt of Nurelia. **Inthin, Sir Verdis (666- ).** One of Countess Curo’s vassals, Sir Verdis is the Lord of Vispoten. His firstborn son, Sir Wels, will one day inherit from him. His second son, Kamran, serves Baron Maddox of Nurelia. **Jaunvar, Sir Eldan (649- ).** Countess Curo’s ancient Chamberlain, Sir Eldan is a survivor of numerous bloody campaigns in his youth, and a shrewd judge of character. He is entrusted with running Gardiren when the Countess is absent, and is known throughout Kaldor as a fiercely loyal retainer of House Curo, as well as being one of the most brutally frank and impolitic men in all of Kaldor. His grandnephew, Sir Vanderis, is the lord of Amewold. **Kural of Yeged (797- ).** Countess Curo’s unrecognized, illegitimate half-brother, Kural was raised in the home of his mother’s husband, no assistance from his father, Earl Hemisen Curo. Following in his mother’s husbands footsteps he became a master in the lexicographers guild, but was appointed Bailiff of Caer Nurel by his half-sister out of respect for the deathbed wish of their father in 717. During his tenure he has avoided his feudal obligations, run the fief into the ground, abused the peasants, logged the kings forests, and conspired to commit treason against his liege. **Maddox, Sir Barnabas (670- ). **A vassal of Baron Uthris Pierstel of Tonot, Sir Barnabas is the father of Baron Reinhardt Maddox and the Lord of Whyaryn. An otherwise decent man, his household and the fief’s economic business are run by his wife, who seems to have him utterly cowed. He leaves the military affairs of the fief in the hands of his son, Gadod, and is found staying in the manors of friends and relatives more than his own home. He is known to be an excellent judge of land and horseflesh. **Maddox, Lady Dura (674-).** The wife of Sir Barnabas Maddox, the Lady Dura is a punctilious, unforgiving, mean-spirited, self-righteous, abrasive pinch-penny who’s only redeeming quality seems to be that she is a competent administrator and a zealot when it comes to her children’s interests. **Maddox, Sir Gadod (691- ).** The eldest son and heir of Sir Barnabas Maddox, Gadod is martially inclined and has assumed the responsibility for military affairs at Whyaryn Manor in his father’s stead. He is well liked by the peasants, having taken his father’s highly traditional and easy going approach in terms of jurisprudence, despite his mother’s success in raising him to be an irredeemable pinch-penny. Gadod is a frequent participant in the summer campaigns against the barbarian tribes and a staunch advocate of the Order of St. Claudia’s crusade against the Paegelin tribes south of Ossel Bridge. **Maddox, Baron Reinhardt (693- ).** ((Player Character)) The Baron of Nurelia whose seat is at Caer Nurel, Sir Reinhardt is one of Countess Curo’s most trusted retainers. The bastard son of Lady Candace Ethasial and Sir Barnabas Maddox of Whyaryn, Reinhardt was recognized by Sir Barnabas, but sent to study for holy orders at Abriel Abbey when he reached adolescence. Lady Candace, with the aid of Dame Sophia, arranged for him to be squired at Gardiren. Upon being knighted he was placed in charge of then Lady Elsbeth Curo’s personal armsmen. Though he is often called “The Black Son” and “Bastard Knight” behind his back, Sir Reinhardt is a highly chivalrous man. His recent appointment as Baron of Nurelia has stunned many, and added the appellation “Paper Baron,” to his list of unwanted titles. **Maleken, Earl Sedris (689- ).** The Earl of Ossel whose seat is in Qualdris, Earl Sedris is known to be a highly valorous and “King’s man” through and through. He is well loved by his vassals and respected by the nobility. He left Qualdris in the winter of 717 to pursue a murderer and has not returned. Many assume he had met an untimely end, and speculation of who will ascend to his post swirls throughout the halls of power. **Maleken, Countess Thilisa (695- ).** The wife of Earl Sedris Meleken of Ossel, and eldest daughter of Earl Declaen Caldeth, Thilisa has administered her husbands lands, and fulfilled his duties as Earl, since he departed in the winter of 717. Due to the length of his absence many believe Earl Meleken will not return, which has led many a knight to consider Thilisa as a potential match for themselves or their sons. She has rebuffed all such advances to date. **Pierstel, Uthris (683- ).** The Baron of Tonot, Uthris Pierstel is a vassal of Earl Troda Dariune. Well liked by his people, Baron Uthris is nontheless known to be a temperamental, very class conscious man. The lord of a border region, he has seen much fighting, most of it against barbarians, and has the scars to prove it. **Pierstel, Lady Velna (704-).**The daughter of Baron Uthris Pierstel of Tonot, and one of Countess Curo’s Lady’s in Waiting. **Rivers, Sir Miles (677- ).** Knight-Sergeant of one of Gardiren’s companies of heavy horse, Sir Miles has served House Curo for twenty years and is well respected by his fellow knights, as well as the common born soldiers. New recruits, common or gentle, live in fear of him, but most recognize the lessons he imparts may one day prove to be the difference between life and death. Slowed by age and injury, Sir Miles remains a formidable warrior with many tricks up his sleeve. **Vemin, Lady Urda (658- ).** Countess Curo’s former governess, Lady Urda is both the head of her the Countess’s Lady’s Maids and House Curo’s exchequer. A sour, hawk-faced old spinster with a shrewd, abacus-like mind, Lady Urda managers Gardiren’s domestic affairs, as well as the Countess’s extensive personal accounts with demanding perfectionism and remarkable efficiency. --- //[[queenann01@013.net|David Queenann]] 2006/02/15 14:58//