====== Tigris Lepus - (Tiger Bunny) ====== {{:resources:tigerbunny.jpg|}} The strangest of all the werecreatures is the Tigris Lepus. There are many theories of how this creature evolved, but the most likely is a rabbit narrowing escaping the attack of weretiger. Although other theories of bored magicians and/or the bizarre mating habits of furry werecreatures cannot be discounted entirely. Rumors that it is an egg-laying mammal only makes its origin all that more confusing (if true). Although the creature cannot morph its shape, it can adjust its size with the normal ease of a shapeshifter. Going from bunny size to large tiger size within a few seconds. (Tales tell that it is even easier under the light of a full moon or when prevoked.) For large size, use the stats of Lion or Tiger. Add the fact that it will regenerate (even from death) from any and all wounds that are not silvered or properly enchanted. Add armor up to 6PD, not vs. silvered or magical weapons. Instead of running it hops at roughly 30 MPH. For small stats, use Domestic Cat. Add the fact that it will regenerate (even from death) from any and all wounds that are not silvered or properly enchanted. Add armor up to 6PD, not vs. silvered or magical weapons. Rumors tell that it cannot attack or transform while carried by the scruff of the neck, if true, this would be an effective albeit a temporary way to prevent the beast from harming anyone.