====== Races ====== ===== Xenians ===== ==== Cactacae ==== Description : Cactus-men are usually taller and always bulkier than humans. They appear to be a human-cactus hibrid. No two Cactacae look alike - often covered in vegetable scars of healed wounds and random spines. Many pluck their spines in order to work with other races - especially on their hands. \\ Diet: Omnivores. \\ Society: Cactacae are a warrior race. Many act as bodyguards for other races. They are difficult to kill with normal weapons - giving rise to "Reaverbows" which shoot large spinning metal disks. The ghetto for Cactacae in New Crobuzon is known as The Glasshouse. And is a large hemispherical construction of metal and glass covering several city blocks. Cactacae prefer the higher temperatures maintained inside. \\ Cactacae are proud of their scars. Book Reference: Cactacae appear in all three books. ==== Garuda ==== Description: Garuda are larger than humans and bear a strong resemblance to humanoid vultures (but with an extra pair of limbs - giving them four humanoid limbs, and wings. That is 2 legs, 2 arms and 2 wings). \\ Diet: Garuda are omnivores \\ Society: Garuda are pure anarchists. Their highest crime is to deny another sentient being the ability to make choices. This includes things such as rape (choice of sex) and murder (which denies all future choices). \\ Book Reference: The segue passages in each chapter of Perdido Street Station are written by one of the main characters - a criminal Garuda name Yagharek who had his wings removed. ==== Handlingers ==== Description: Handlingers are a parasitic race. They appear similar to human hands, but with a tail. The tail digs into the host's flesh. There are two castes of Handlinger - Dextrier (right hand) warrior caste, that is able to fly and breathe fire, and the Sinistrier (left hand) ruler caste, that has psionic powers. Host bodies are effectively dead the moment a Handlinger possesses them. \\ Diet: As host body. However, Handlingers have been known to maltreat their host bodies. \\ Society: The Sinistrier caste rules them in a psychic council. In New Crobuzon they are another secret society who has come to an arrangement with the Mayor. The mayor's ex-rival/now second in command - is a Handlinger. Book Reference: MonttJohn Rescue - The Mayor's aid in Perdido Street Station. \\ ==== Hotchi ==== Description \\ Diet \\ Society \\ Book Reference ==== Khepri ==== (named after the Egyptian god) | //"Refflick, Lin," he said. "Bath time." Lin stamped in irritation. \\ New Crobuzon was a huge plague pit, a morbific city. Parasites, infection and rumour were uncontainable. A monthly chymical dip was a necessary prophylactic for the khepri, if they wanted to avoid itches and sores.// | Description: Females are tall, skinny, red-skinned humanoids that are sexually compatible (but not fertile) with humans, their heads are Scarab beatles - fully functional beatles about two feet long. Khepri do not have vocal cords. They're speach consists of sign-language with their headlegs, and various chemicals puffed out by their heads. They are able to exude chitin and build objects with it (usually statues or houses). Khepri statues are an artform. All Khepri have enhanced senses. \\ Males are giant Scarab beatles about two feet in length, and non-sentient. Usually kept secluded in large swarms. Diet: Khepri are vegetarian, and prefer fruit. \\ Society: Khepri live in matriarchies (of course). There is a large empire near Bas-Lag. Inside New Crobuzon there is a small community of Khepri living in their own area (ghettoisation happens often in New Crobuzon) in Kinken. Khepri tend towards academic occupations. \\ One of the two largest (and only) organised crime syndicates is run by a Khepri - Francine 2 (also known as Ma Francine). Book Reference: The main protaganist of Perdido Street Station has a Khepri lover, named Lin - a reknowned artist. \\ [[http://www.curufea.com/games/crobuzon/khepri.php|Khepri Package]] | //I see clearly as you, clearer. For you it is undifferentiated. In one corner a slum collapsing, in another a new train with pistons shining, in another a gaudy painted lady below a drab and ancient airship... You must process as one picture. What chaos! Tells you nothing, contradicts itself, changes its story. For me each tiny part has integrity, each fractionally different from the next, until all variation is acĀ­counted for, incrementally, rationally.// | Khepri communicate with a mixture of chymical sprays and headleg sign language. Some Khepri who wish to communicate with non-Khepri also use a form of sign language that can translate into Ragamoll, and carry around a board on which to write messages for those that don't know sign language but can read. ==== Scabmettlers ==== Description: A tribal warrior race that lives near the oceans of Bas-Lag. Known for their magics of the blood, which is under a great deal of pressure in their bodies and congeals at an incredibly fast rate into an iron hardness. Scabmettlers are covered in ritual scarring in various patterns. Their name derives from their ability to shape their blood as it leaves their body, forming a kind of armour. Scabmettlers that are hit with edged weapons, which penetrate their body, bleed explosively - the wound spraying the weapon with blood which congeals almost instantly, often trapping it. \\ Diet: Scabmettler are omnivores. \\ Society: As warriors they move to where they can fight, often becoming mercenaries or pirates. During their relaxtion time they often drink a special tea that has an anticoagulate effect, as Scabmettlers have been known to suffer from a whole body clotting, turning them into an organic statue. \\ Book Reference: Some of the pirates on Armada in The Scar are Scabmettlers. ==== Striders ==== Description \\ Diet \\ Society \\ Book Reference \\ ==== Vodyanoi ==== Descrption: Vodyanoi are human-sized frogs and are almost humanoid. As an amphibian, they require regular immersion in ,preferrably clean, water. Witout regular supplies of water they will dehydrate and scar. \\ Diet: Vodyanoi are omivores. \\ Society: Most work on the docks of New Crobuzon. Many use a form of "Water Magic" and are able to shape water, and have it sustain its shape for a period of time - manipulating it as you would clay. Great shamans are able to summon Undine - water elementals. \\ Book Reference: The main protaganist of Perdido Street Station often drinks at the Dying Child whose bartender is the Vodyanoi known as Silchristchek. \\ The Caucus members are attacked by tribal Vodyanoi in Iron Council. ==== Wyrman ==== Description: Wyrman are small semi-intelligent gargoyle-like humanoids. They infest New Crobuzon much like rats. They are, however, able to carry messages and talk. \\ Diet: Wyrman are omnivores.\\ Society: None. Book Reference: Wyrman appear in Perdido Street Station. ===== Humans ===== ==== Humans ==== Description \\ Diet: Humans are omnivores. \\ Society \\ Book Reference \\ ==== Remade ==== Description: Remade are created/modified from the other races the majority of them are human however - xenian remade are rare. The most common Remade seen is a criminal that has been through the Punishment Factories. Although some Remade are job specialists that have voluntarily been remade. Occasionally animals will be Remade to be more task specific (steam powered legs for horses, or enhanced nasal brain tissue for dogs). Nothing is created for a Remade's parts - they are taken from elsewhere, if a Remade has an extra pair of arms, the arms have come from someone else - usually a corpse. \\ Diet: As original race. And possibly coal if they have steam-powered parts. \\ Society: Remade are shunned and opressed. The most famous Remade is Jack Half-a-prayer, leader of the fReemade - Remade who have become rebels and bandits. Most people do not realise that Mr Motley, the leader of the other major organised crime syndicate is a Remade. He is, possibly, the quintessential Remade. \\ Book Reference: Jack is in Perdido Street Station. Remade and fReemade appear in all three books. ==== Vampires ==== Description: As per other genres \\ Diet: As per other genres \\ Society: Another secret sub-culture. It is unknown if they have a special arrangement with the Mayor. \\ Book Reference: A vampire was also susceptible to Slake Moths in Perdido Street Station \\