I plan to scavenge character sheets where I can. So, here is a list of published characters who will be residing in Union City. In some cases I changed the name to something a little more palatable for Urban Fantasy. **Hudson City: The Urban Abyss** * Cleopatra: page 222 * The Cainite: page 254 * El Condenado: page 257 * Shango: page 264 **Predators** * Buckshot: page 15 * Caligula (called Chester on the streets): page 17 * Janus: page 27 * Speargun: page 33 * Carl Spears: page 37 * Strad: page 44 * Blood Orchid: page 109 * Brahma (called Tex): page 112 * Brother Namaan (substantially changed): page 114 * Cerberus (called Jaws):page 119 * Heretic (called Confessional Killer): page 155 * Rodrick Kane: page 167 * Stonehenge (called Irish Mike): 205