====== Rituals ====== Rituals in the Advent campaign will be handled with __Power Rolls__ rather than making someone pay 10 points for the Grand Conjunction that works once each generation. There are numerous permutations of this roll so each separate skill will list several possible rituals. ==== Warding ==== Warding spells are the most basic version and one of the few that can achieve //nearly// permanent effect. Warding a place or object involves the use of magic circles, invocations, and inscription. Typically, through the use of these spells the wizard erects a barrier that is invisible and intangible to mortals but damnably difficult to get past as a supernatural creature. * Simple Warding: Time - 10 minutes. Skill Roll: Base; Effect: Minor wards that will delay supernatural creatures intent on entry. 10 point Ablative Forcewall (PD/ED/MD/PD) Affects Desolid. After the wall has been disrupted to an 11- roll it is considered destroyed. * Strong Wards: Time - 2 hours. Skill Roll: -5; Effect: Stronger and more persistent wards that will stop supernatural creatures unless they are prepared to breech a ward this strong. 15 point Forcewll (PD/ED/MD/PD) Affects Desolid. Once breached the wall is gone. * Elaborate Wards: Time 1 Week: Skill Roll: -10; Effect: Elaborate wards are often meant to serve as standard wards but also serve another specific purpose such as giving a warning to vampires or demonic spirits. There are different version of elaborate wards but each new use will have to be discovered separately. * ---Lock Down Ward: This ward raises at 30 point forcewall but it remains in effect for 24 fours and is inescapable after it is triggered. This spell is invisible but it effects all creatures. * ---Vampiric Warding: This ward is a strong ward but when a vampire touches the ward it triggers a change environment - it releases the daylight that it has stored up. It take 2-3 days of sunshine for the ward to recharge. ==== Summoning ==== There are things beyond the kin of mortal kind who answer to the right call. Summoning is knowledge of that right call. This is a most dangerous art for many of the grimoires on the subject were written by devils and djinn themselves. They trap careless mortals into thinking that they have the power to command whatever spirits they conjure but in the end it is they who end up as vessels for some malevolent spirit. Not all summoning is evil, if that is a word allowed in the company of wizards. Some seek to summon the spirit of someone lost to them. Others seek the knowledge of the fae. There are a myriad of reasons that one would master summoning but it is always the fools seeking to conjure demons who "make the news." * Beckon: Time 10 minutes: Skill Roll: 0; Effect; this is the simplest of summonings, it actually only attracts the attention of local spirits. There is no coercion or compulsion involved. Be forewarned, just because you are fishing with minnows does not mean you cannot catch a shark. ==== Alchemy ==== ==== Astral Magic ==== ==== Grand Rites ====