====== The City Boroughs ====== === Uptown === **Wayne Island** Uptown is the playground of the ridiculously wealthy. The island is populated with estates, yacht clubs, two golf courses, and a private air strip. Many Estates have their own helipad access. The prestigious Trinity Hospital recently built a new satalite facility in Uptown with generous donations. Upper Trinity, as it is called, has already earned a reputation for its outstanding service. Enhanced police presence, private security, and state of the art security systems make Uptown one of the safest places to live. ==== Down Town ==== **Hudson Island** The quiet Downtown area is the seat of the city authority, housing both the mayor and all the major public works buildings. Downtown is newly built and stately in its marbled architecture. The government seat was relocated from Brownfield less than a decade ago. Small neighborhoods provide residents for many civil servants but many chose to live elsewhere to avoid the noise of Halifax International Airport. ==== Old Town ==== **Sable Island** Old Town, the southern end of Union Island, primarily serves the industrial needs of the city and as a home to immigrants. It is a low-income district filled with laborers, ethnic gangs, and vice. Dozens of small neighborhoods give this region a quaint charm despite the high crime rate. The residential regions cluster on the western half of the island. Old Town is also where one will find Reynolds Park, the home of the Union City Saints baseball team and Cellular Colosseum which houses the Union City Marauders football. ==== Midtown ==== **York Island** Midtown is the upscale business district and the most famous skyline in the world. Dozens of commercial and residential highrises soar above the western shores while upscale residential condos trail away to the east. During business hours Midtown is the most populated district but few people actually live here. Midtown is also the home of two universities, museums, the theater district, and several major hospitals. ==== Brownfield ==== **Caine Island** The Renfield Waste center collected the city trash for decades and deposited it in the vast landfill that became Caine Island. New laws passed at the start of the 21st century required a massive clean up and attempts to mitigate the environmental damage but such works have been slow and fraught with setbacks. Still, several new buildings have gone up - so called Class A eco-friendly buildings. There hasn't been a flood of interest in the low priced office spaces from the private sector but a few of the buildings are being occupied by government agencies and military centers. Rats are still a major problem on the island and fumes can become overwhelming on still days. The east harbor still houses a facility dedicated to the disposal of toxic waste. The city council has tried for years to shut down the Echelon Center but they are unable to find takers for the toxic assets. ==== Fell's Point ==== After the Zero Point Event Union City was overwhelmed by refugees from the Atlantic states. Many were penniless and had nothing save what they could wear or carry. They found a home at Fell's Point. During the last decade the city slowly lost control over the region until now it is an autonomous city operating within the city bounds. Residents tap the city grid for electricity, siphon water, steal telephone lines, and build in an utter state of anarchy. There were attempts early on to control Fell's Point but the Riot of 2014 resulted in 26 dead police officers and the city will to enforce civic rules died with the police officers. Fell's Point is a lawless, anarchic society about which little is officially known. There is an estimated 75,000 citizens of Fell's Point but that number is more guess that census. The resident are not on tax rolls, they receive no bills, there is no garbage service, no police service. Resident get by as they can visiting with former nurses and doctors as needed when they are ill and submitting to overlords when they are threatened. ==== Coventry ==== ==== Haven ====