==== Weapon and Shield Style: ==== === 1st Level: === == Required: == * KS: Weapon and Shield Style (1 pt) == Allows: == * Defensive Throw (3 pts). * An additional OCV level with favored shield type (2 pts). === 2nd Level: === == Required: == * KS: Weapon and Shield Style (2 pts) == Allows: == * An additional DCV level with OIF: shield and that costs END (3 pts). === 3rd Level: === == Required: == * KS: Weapon and Shield Style (3 pts) == Allows: == * //[[Expert Shield Use]]// [missile deflection] (5 pts). * An additional OCV level with favored shield type (2 pts). === 4th Level: === == Required: == * KS: Weapon and Shield Style (4 pts) == Allows: == * An additional DCV level with OIF: shield and that costs END (3 pts).