**Zoot** The Zoot are a race descended from forest-dwelling rabbits. They stand roughly 3 feet tall. Their fur ranges through all colors normally found on rabbits. Once in a great while, a Zoot grows horns. They are considered natural leaders and warriors. About 4% of the population are NaZoot. In ancient times, they lived in underground cities called Warrens, and to this day, they do not build windows into their walls. They are not private at all, discussions, debates and other social customs occur right out in public. Family groups live in a “common room” style, with few locks and other barriers. Zoot Package Deal\\ Cost Ability\\ 6 Fast:+2 DEX\\ 4 Rabbit Ears: +4 to Hearing PER Rolls\\ 5 Lightning Reflexes: +3 DEX to act first with All Actions\\ 7 Rabbit Legs: Leaping (4” Forward, 2” Upward) (Accurate)\\ Value Disadvantages\\ -2 -2 STR\\ -4 -2 CON\\ -4 Small Creature Package Deal (Fantasy HERO p52) 12 Total Cost of Package\\ Cost Options\\ 6 Horns: 2d6 HA, Reduced Penetration (-¼)\\