====== Kamarathin Equipment ====== === Legend === **c** = Crown (100 Farthings) **p** = Pence (10 Farthings) **f** = Farthing **d** = Penny (0.1 Farthings) **b** = Bit (0.01 Farthings) ===Layout=== **Name of item** //description// (Price in Farthings) Price in coins of different denominations ---- ====Alchemy==== ** Acid, Standard ** (650) 6c 5p \\ ** Acid, Strong ** (1050) 10c 5p \\ ** Acid, Weak ** (450) 4c 5p \\ ** Armillary ** (35000) 350c \\ ** Astrolabe ** (20000) 200c \\ ** Brazier, Large, Bronze ** (550) 5c 5p \\ ** Brazier, Large, Iron ** (400) 4c \\ ** Brazier, Small, Bronze ** (250) 2c 5p \\ ** Brazier, Small, Iron ** (150) 1c 5p \\ ** Censer ** (100) 1c \\ ** Mortar & Pestle ** (0.30) 3d \\ ====Animals==== ** Bull ** (1200) 12c \\ ** Calf ** (300) 3c \\ ** Chicken ** (2) 2f \\ ** Cow ** (750) 7c 5p \\ ** Donkey ** (320) 3c 2p \\ ** Duck ** (4) 4f \\ ** Goat ** (500) 5c \\ ** Goose ** (7) 7f \\ ** Horse, Heavy ** (800) 8c \\ ** Horse, Light ** (450) 4c 5p \\ ** Horse, Medium ** (600) 6c \\ ** Lamb, Coarse Wool ** (150) 1c 5p \\ ** Lamb, Fine Wool ** (200) 2c \\ ** Mule ** (400) 4c \\ ** Ox ** (900) 9c \\ ** Pig, Suckling ** (40) 4p \\ ** Pig ** (250) 2c 5p \\ ** Pony ** (400) 4c \\ ** Sheep, Coarse Wool ** (350) 3c 5p \\ ** Sheep, Fine Wool ** (500) 5c \\ ** Swan ** (350) 3c 5p \\ ** Warhorse, Greater ** (7500) 75c \\ ** Warhorse, Lesser ** (2000) 20c \\ ====Clothing, Female==== ** Caul ** // Netted Cap // (8) 8f \\ ** Cloak, Fur-Lined ** (25) 2p 5f \\ ** Cloak, Fur-Lined ** (25) 2p 5f \\ ** Cloak, Hooded, Woolen ** (12) 1p 2f \\ ** Cloak, Woolen ** (9) 9f \\ ** Coat, Heavy Linen ** (18) 1p 8f \\ ** Coif, Linen ** (6) 6f \\ ** Coif, Woolen ** (3) 3f \\ ** Dress, Cloth ** (18) 1p 8f \\ ** Dress, Coarse ** (10) 1p \\ ** Dress, Exotic ** (70) 7p \\ ** Dress, Fine ** (35) 3p 5f \\ ** Dress, Kirtle ** (15) 1p 5f \\ ** Garters, Leather ** (1) 1f \\ ** Girdle, Leather ** (10) 1p \\ ** Gloves, Formal ** (20) 2p \\ ** Gloves, Fur-Lined ** (4) 4f \\ ** Gorget, Linen ** (6) 6f \\ ** Headwraps, Linen ** (12) 1p 2f \\ ** Hennin ** (10) 1p \\ ** Loincloth ** // Simeret Design // (3) 3f \\ ** Moccasins ** // Kvonite Design // (5) 5f \\ ** Robe, Sleeveless, Hooded, Woolen ** // Matharian Design // (12) 1p 2f \\ ** Shift, Linen ** (14) 1p 4f \\ ** Shift, Woolen ** (10) 1p \\ ** Shoes (Pattens) ** // Wooden Overshoes // (5) 5f \\ ** Shoes, Fine Leather ** (20) 2p \\ ** Shoes ** (5) 5f \\ ** Stockings, Linen ** (5) 5f \\ ** Stockings, Woolen ** (1) 1f \\ ** Wimple ** (4) 4f \\ ====Clothing, Male==== ** Apron, Cloth ** (0.80) 8d \\ ** Apron, Leather ** (8) 8f \\ ** Baldric ** (1.50) 1f 5d \\ ** Belt Pouch, Large ** (0.14) 1d 4b \\ ** Belt Pouch, Small ** (0.08) 8b \\ ** Belt, Fur ** (5.50) 5f 5d \\ ** Belt, Leather, Sword ** (1.40) 1f 4d \\ ** Belt, Leather ** (1) 1f \\ ** Boots, Formal ** (40) 4p \\ ** Breeches ** (6) 6f \\ ** Buckle, Brass ** (5) 5f \\ ** Buckle, Copper ** (0.60) 6d \\ ** Buckle, Gold ** (2000) 20c \\ ** Buckle, Iron ** (0.08) 8b \\ ** Buckle, Silver ** (180) 1c 8p \\ ** Cassock, Linen ** (22) 2p 2f \\ ** Cassock, Woolen ** (10) 1p \\ ** Cloak, Fur-Lined ** (25) 2p 5f \\ ** Cloak, Hooded, Fur-Lined ** (32) 3p 2f \\ ** Cloak, Hooded, Woolen ** (12) 1p 2f \\ ** Cloak, Woolen ** (9) 9f \\ ** Coat, Heavy Linen ** (18) 1p 8f \\ ** Coif, Linen ** (6) 6f \\ ** Coif, Woolen ** (3) 3f \\ ** Gloves, Formal ** (20) 2p \\ ** Gloves, Fur-Lined ** (4) 4f \\ ** Gorget, Linen ** (6) 6f \\ ** Hose, Linen ** (5) 5f \\ ** Hose, Woolen ** (1) 1f \\ ** Loincloth ** // Simeret Design // (3) 3f \\ ** Moccasins ** // Kvonite Design // (5) 5f \\ ** Robe, Sleeveless, Hooded, Woolen ** // Matharian Design // (12) 1p 2f \\ ** Shirt, Linen ** (6) 6f \\ ** Shirt, Woolen ** (3) 3f \\ ** Shoes (Pattens) ** // Wooden Overshoes // (5) 5f \\ ** Shoes (Poulaines) ** // Long-Toed Shoes // (0.50) 5d \\ ** Shoes, Fine Leather ** (20) 2p \\ ** Shoes ** (5) 5f \\ ** Slippers, Leather ** (3) 3f \\ ** Stirrup Pants, Linen ** (8) 8f \\ ** Surcoat ** (9) 9f \\ ** Tabard ** (7) 7f \\ ** Tunic, Linen ** (7) 7f \\ ** Tunic, Woolen ** (4) 4f \\ ** Vest ** (4) 4f \\ ====Clothing, Religious==== ** Belt, Beaded ** (3) 3f \\ ** Belt, Rope ** (0.02) 2b \\ ** Bishop's Miter ** (0.50) 5d \\ ** Robe, Linen ** (2) 2f \\ ** Robe, Ornate ** (15) 1p 5f \\ ** Robe, Woolen, Coarse ** (1) 1f \\ ** Robe, Woolen, Fine ** (1.80) 1f 8d \\ ** Sandals, Leather ** (4) 4f \\ ** Sandals, Rope ** (0.07) 7b \\ ** Shift, Linen ** (14) 1p 4f \\ ====Containers==== ** Amphora ** // 12 Gallons // (2) 2f \\ ** Backpack, Canvas, Large ** (10) 1p \\ ** Backpack, Canvas, Medium ** (7) 7f \\ ** Backpack, Canvas, Small ** (5) 5f \\ ** Backpack, Leather, Large ** (7) 7f \\ ** Backpack, Leather, Medium ** (4) 4f \\ ** Backpack, Leather, Small ** (2) 2f \\ ** Barrel ** // 12 Gallons // (12) 1p 2f \\ ** Barrel ** // 25 Gallons // (20) 2p \\ ** Barrel ** // 50 Gallons // (40) 4p \\ ** Barrel ** // 100 Gallons // (100) 1c \\ ** Beaker, Glass ** // 1 Pint // (450) 4c 5p \\ ** Bottle, Glass ** // 1 Quart // (650) 6c 5p \\ ** Bottle, Pottery ** // 1 Quart // (0.40) 4d \\ ** Bucket, Canvas ** // 5 Gallons // (30) 3p \\ ** Bucket, Canvas ** // 1 Gallon // (10) 1p \\ ** Bucket, Leather ** // 1 Gallon // (0.50) 5d \\ ** Bucket, Leather ** // 5 Gallons // (1) 1f \\ ** Bucket, Wooden ** // 5 Gallons // (0.30) 3d \\ ** Bucket, Wooden ** // 1 Gallon // (0.20) 2d \\ ** Canteen ** // 1 Pint // (0.20) 2d \\ ** Canteen ** // 2 Pints // (0.50) 5d \\ ** Canteen ** // 1 Gallon // (1) 1f \\ ** Chest, Large, Wood & Iron ** // 2' x 2' x 3' // (55) 5p 5f \\ ** Chest, Large, Wood & Leather ** // 2' x 2' x 3' // (30) 3p \\ ** Chest, Medium, Wood & Iron ** // 18" x 18" x 24" // (45) 4p 5f \\ ** Chest, Medium, Wood & Leather ** // 18" x 18" x 24" // (20) 2p \\ ** Chest, Small, Wood & Iron ** // 1' x 1' x 2' // (32) 3p 2f \\ ** Chest, Small, Wood & Leather ** // 1' x 1' x 2' // (10) 1p \\ ** Crock, Pottery ** // 5 Gallons // (0.40) 4d \\ ** Jar, Glass ** // 8 Ounces // (150) 1c 5p \\ ** Jar, Glass ** // 1 Pint // (4) 4f \\ ** Jar, Glass ** // 1 Quart // (8) 8f \\ ** Jar, Glass ** // 1 Gallon // (40) 4p \\ ** Jar, Pottery ** // 8 Ounces // (0.16) 1d 6b \\ ** Jar, Pottery ** // 1 Pint // (0.03) 3b \\ ** Jar, Pottery ** // 1 Quart // (0.05) 5b \\ ** Jar, Pottery ** // 1 Gallon // (0.20) 2d \\ ** Sack, Large ** (5) 5f \\ ** Sack, Small ** (3) 3f \\ ** Vial, Glass ** // 4 Ounces // (60) 6p \\ ** Vial, Pottery ** // 4 Ounces // (0.08) 8b \\ ** Vial, Tin ** // 4 Ounces // (0.20) 2d \\ ** Waterskin ** // 1 Gallon // (3) 3f \\ ** Waterskin ** // 5 Gallons // (7) 7f \\ ====Cooking & Eating==== ** Bowl, Large, China ** // 1 Quart // (50) 5p \\ ** Bowl, Large, Pewter ** // 1 Quart // (0.60) 6d \\ ** Bowl, Large, Pottery ** // 1 Quart // (0.30) 3d \\ ** Bowl, Large, Wooden ** // 1 Quart // (0.08) 8b \\ ** Bowl, Small, China ** // 1 Pint // (20) 2p \\ ** Bowl, Small, Pewter ** // 1 Pint // (0.20) 2d \\ ** Bowl, Small, Pottery ** // 1 Pint // (0.10) 1d \\ ** Bowl, Small, Wood ** // 1 Pint // (0.06) 6b \\ ** Cauldron, Iron, Large ** // 50 Gallons // (30) 3p \\ ** Cauldron, Iron, Medium ** // 20 Gallons // (15) 1p 5f \\ ** Cauldron, Iron, Small ** // 10 Gallons // (7.50) 7f 5d \\ ** Drinking Horn, Ornate ** // 1 Pint // (20) 2p \\ ** Drinking Horn, Plain ** // 1 Pint // (0.40) 4d \\ ** Fork, Gold, 2-tined ** (1200) 12c \\ ** Fork, Pewter, 2-tined ** (0.07) 7b \\ ** Fork, Silver, 2-tined ** (100) 1c \\ ** Goblet, Crystal ** // 1 Pint // (1250) 12c 5p \\ ** Goblet, Glass ** // 1 Pint // (750) 7c 5p \\ ** Goblet, Gold ** // 1 Pint // (2000) 20c \\ ** Goblet, Silver ** // 1 Pint // (60) 6p \\ ** Kettle, Iron, Large ** // 5 Gallons // (5.50) 5f 5d \\ ** Kettle, Iron, Small ** // 3 Gallons // (3.50) 3f 5d \\ ** Knife, Gold ** (1500) 15c \\ ** Knife, Pewter ** (0.09) 9b \\ ** Knife, Silver ** (100) 1c \\ ** Ladle, Pewter ** (0.08) 8b \\ ** Ladle, Silver ** (80) 8p \\ ** Ladle, Wooden ** (0.30) 3d \\ ** Mug, Pewter ** // 1 Pint // (0.20) 2d \\ ** Mug, Pottery ** // 1 Pint // (0.10) 1d \\ ** Mug, Silver ** // 1 Pint // (60) 6p \\ ** Mug, Wooden ** // 1 Pint // (0.02) 2b \\ ** Pan, Iron, Large ** (0.80) 8d \\ ** Pan, Iron, Small ** (0.60) 6d \\ ** Pitcher, China ** // 2 Quarts // (120) 1c 2p \\ ** Pitcher, Pewter ** // 2 Quarts // (3) 3f \\ ** Pitcher, Pottery ** // 2 Quarts // (5) 5f \\ ** Pitcher, Silver ** // 2 Quarts // (200) 2c \\ ** Pitcher, Wooden ** // 2 Quarts // (0.30) 3d \\ ** Platter, Pewter, Large ** (0.30) 3d \\ ** Platter, Pewter, Small ** (0.10) 1d \\ ** Platter, Silver, Large ** (1200) 12c \\ ** Platter, Wooden, Large ** (0.04) 4b \\ ** Platter, Wooden, Small ** (0.03) 3b \\ ** Pot Hanger, Large ** (3.50) 3f 5d \\ ** Pot Hanger, Medium ** (1.50) 1f 5d \\ ** Pot Hanger, Small ** (0.80) 8d \\ ** Pot, Iron, Large ** // 1 Gallon // (2.50) 2f 5d \\ ** Pot, Iron, Medium ** // 1 Quart // (1) 1f \\ ** Pot, Iron, Small ** // 2 Pints // (0.70) 7d \\ ** Salt Cellar, Gold ** (7500) 75c \\ ** Salt Cellar, Pewter ** (60) 6p \\ ** Salt Cellar, Silver ** (800) 8c \\ ** Spit, Large ** (4.20) 4f 2d \\ ** Spit, Mechanical ** (1500) 15c \\ ** Spit, Portable ** (1.20) 1f 2d \\ ** Spit, Small ** (2) 2f \\ ** Spoon, Gold ** (800) 8c \\ ** Spoon, Pewter ** (0.08) 8b \\ ** Spoon, Silver ** (80) 8p \\ ** Spoon, Wooden ** (0.01) 1b \\ ** Trencher, Pewter, Large ** (0.12) 1d 2b \\ ** Trencher, Pewter, Small ** (0.09) 9b \\ ** Trencher, Wooden, Large ** (0.03) 3b \\ ** Trencher, Wooden, Small ** (0.02) 2b \\ ====Food==== ** Ale ** // 1 Pint // (0.02) 2b \\ ** Apple Cider, Fermented ** // 1 Pint // (0.03) 3b \\ ** Apple Cider, Fresh ** // 1 Pint // (0.01) 1b \\ ** Apples, Dried, Bushel ** (1.40) 1f 4d \\ ** Beans, Dried, Bushel ** (0.20) 2d \\ ** Beef, Jerked ** (0.20) 2d \\ ** Beef, Salted ** (2) 2f \\ ** Beef, Smoked ** (0.70) 7d \\ ** Beer, Double ** // 1 Pint // (0.03) 3b \\ ** Beer, Small ** // 1 Pint // (0.01) 1b \\ ** Beer ** // 1 Pint // (0.02) 2b \\ ** Bitter ** // 1 Pint // (0.03) 3b \\ ** Black Bread ** (0.03) 3b \\ ** Brandy ** // 1 Pint // (0.30) 3d \\ ** Butter, Salted ** (1.50) 1f 5d \\ ** Cheese, Average ** (0.08) 8b \\ ** Cheese, Fine ** (0.15) 1d 5b \\ ** Cheese, Poor ** (0.03) 3b \\ ** Cloves, 4 oz. ** (20) 2p \\ ** Fish, Dried ** (0.10) 1d \\ ** Fish, Salted ** (0.20) 2d \\ ** Garlic, 4 oz. ** (5) 5f \\ ** Hardtack ** (0.10) 1d \\ ** Honey ** (1600) 16c \\ ** Lard ** (1) 1f \\ ** Lentils, Bushel ** (0.20) 2d \\ ** Mead ** // 1 Pint // (0.50) 5d \\ ** Mint, 4 oz. ** (3) 3f \\ ** Mustard Seed, 4 oz. ** (5) 5f \\ ** Nutmeg, 4 oz. ** (20) 2p \\ ** Nuts, Bushel ** (0.04) 4b \\ ** Olive Oil ** // 1 Gallon // (8) 8f \\ ** Parsley, 4 oz. ** (1) 1f \\ ** Pepper, 4 oz. ** (1600) 16c \\ ** Pork, Salted ** (1.20) 1f 2d \\ ** Pork, Smoked ** (0.70) 7d \\ ** Rosemary, 4 oz. ** (30) 3p \\ ** Saffron, 4 oz. ** (500) 5c \\ ** Sage, 4 oz. ** (18) 1p 8f \\ ** Salmon, Smoked ** (0.30) 3d \\ ** Salt ** (5) 5f \\ ** Stout ** // 1 Pint // (0.03) 3b \\ ** Sugar ** (50) 5p \\ ** Thyme, 4 oz. ** (0.70) 7d \\ ** Trencher, Bread ** (0.10) 1d \\ ** Vinegar ** (0.01) 1b \\ ** Waybread ** (0.06) 6b \\ ** Whiskey ** // 1 Pint // (0.50) 5d \\ ** Wild Berries, Dried, Bushel ** (0.60) 6d \\ ** Wine, Average ** // 1 Pint // (0.06) 6b \\ ** Wine, Excellent ** // 1 Pint // (0.15) 1d 5b \\ ** Wine, Fine ** // 1 Pint // (0.08) 8b \\ ** Wine, Perfumed ** // 1 Pint // (1.80) 1f 8d \\ ** Wine, Poor ** // 1 Pint // (0.04) 4b \\ ====Household==== ** Bed Curtains, Linen, Ornate ** (750) 7c 5p \\ ** Bed Curtains, Linen, Plain ** (500) 5c \\ ** Bed Curtains, Linen, Plain ** (500) 5c \\ ** Bed Curtains, Woolen, Ornate ** (350) 3c 5p \\ ** Bed Curtains, Woolen, Plain ** (20) 2p \\ ** Bed, Large ** // 8' x 8' // (12) 1p 2f \\ ** Bed, Medium ** // 5' x 6' // (1.50) 1f 5d \\ ** Bed, Small ** // 3' x 6' // (0.80) 8d \\ ** Bed, State ** // 10' x 10' // (1250) 12c 5p \\ ** Bench, Wooden, 2-Person ** // 1' x 4' // (0.13) 1d 3b \\ ** Bench, Wooden, 4-Person ** // 1' x 8' // (0.30) 3d \\ ** Bench, Wooden, 6-Person ** // 1' x 12' // (0.50) 5d \\ ** Bird Cage, Wooden ** (1.50) 1f 5d \\ ** Blanket, Heavy ** (3) 3f \\ ** Blanket, Light ** (2) 2f \\ ** Book Case ** // 3' x 5' x 1' // (0.80) 8d \\ ** Book Stand ** (0.30) 3d \\ ** Brush, Grooming ** (2) 2f \\ ** Candelabra, Bronze ** (26) 2p 6f \\ ** Candelabra, Gold ** (35000) 350c \\ ** Candelabra, Pewter ** (1.50) 1f 5d \\ ** Candelabra, Silver ** (3000) 30c \\ ** Candelabra, Wooden ** (0.80) 8d \\ ** Candle, Tallow ** // Lasts 2 Hours // (0.03) 3b \\ ** Candle, Wax ** // Lasts 4 Hours // (10) 1p \\ ** Carpet, Coarse ** // 5' x 10' // (5) 5f \\ ** Carpet, Exotic ** // 5' x 10' // (600) 6c \\ ** Carpet, Fine ** // 5' x 10' // (35) 3p 5f \\ ** Chair, Wooden, Ornate ** (20) 2p \\ ** Chair, Wooden, Plain ** (0.60) 6d \\ ** Chandelier, Bronze ** (1000) 10c \\ ** Chandelier, Wood ** (34) 3p 4f \\ ** Comb ** (0.10) 1d \\ ** Feather Mattress ** (20) 2p \\ ** Metal Hand Mirror ** (25) 2p 5f \\ ** Rushlight ** // 1 Hour // (0.01) 1b \\ ** Seat Cushion, Fine ** (1.50) 1f 5d \\ ** Seat Cushion, Ornate ** (24) 2p 4f \\ ** Seat Cushion, Plain ** (0.10) 1d \\ ** Shaving Razor ** (5) 5f \\ ** Sheets, Linen ** (140) 1c 4p \\ ** Sheets, Woolen ** (50) 5p \\ ** Sleeping Furs, Heavy ** (7.50) 7f 5d \\ ** Sleeping Furs, Light ** (5) 5f \\ ** Sleeping Straw ** // 1 Weeks Worth // (0.01) 1b \\ ** Soap, Coarse ** (0.70) 7d \\ ** Soap, Perfumed ** (2.50) 2f 5d \\ ** Stool, Wooden ** (0.06) 6b \\ ** Table, Wooden, Large ** // 4' x 12' // (10) 1p \\ ** Table, Wooden, Medium ** // 4' x 8' // (0.70) 7d \\ ** Table, Wooden, Small ** // 3' x 3' // (0.50) 5d \\ ** Tapestry, Coarse ** // 4' x 6' // (20) 2p \\ ** Tapestry, Exotic ** // 4' x 6' // (2000) 20c \\ ** Tapestry, Fine ** // 4' x 6' // (50) 5p \\ ** Tapestry, Ornate ** // 4' x 6' // (300) 3c \\ ** Torch Stand ** (0.40) 4d \\ ** Tub, Wooden ** // 25 Gallons // (20) 2p \\ ** Water Clock ** (7500) 75c \\ ** Window Pane, Glass, Stained ** // Size, cost and weight will generally vary // (5000) 50c \\ ** Window Pane, Glass ** // 6" x 6" // (500) 5c \\ ====Medicine==== ** Basin, Bleeding ** // 1 Quart // (0.08) 8b \\ ** Bleeding Lancet ** (2) 2f \\ ** Book, Medical ** (2000) 20c \\ ** Cranial Drill ** (4) 4f \\ ** Crutches ** (0.20) 2d \\ ** Eyeglasses ** (100) 1c \\ ** Flat Probe, Bronze ** (40) 4p \\ ** Hook, Bronze ** (80) 8p \\ ** Hook, Steel ** (350) 3c 5p \\ ** Knife, Surgical ** (5) 5f \\ ** Lancet, Bleeding ** (2) 2f \\ ** Leeches ** // 50 contained in 1 pint of water // (2) 2f \\ ** Linen Bandage ** (1) 1f \\ ** Mortar & Pestle ** (0.30) 3d \\ ** Pegleg, Ivory ** (100) 1c \\ ** Pegleg, Wooden ** (8) 8f \\ ** Saw, Amputation ** (3.50) 3f 5d \\ ** Surgical Scissors, Bronze ** (150) 1c 5p \\ ** Suturing Needle, Curved ** (3) 3f \\ ** Syringe, Bronze & Gut ** (350) 3c 5p \\ ** Thread ** // 50 Yards // (0.20) 2d \\ ** Tongue Depressor, Bronze ** (20) 2p \\ ** Tooth Wrench ** (3) 3f \\ ** Wire, Gold ** // 50' // (500) 5c \\ ** Wire, Silver ** // 50' // (40) 4p \\ ====Miscellaneous==== ** 10' Pole ** (20) 2p \\ ** Brush, Cleaning ** (2) 2f \\ ** Brush, Grooming ** (2) 2f \\ ** Brush, Hair ** (5) 5f \\ ** Chess Set, Ornate ** (150) 1c 5p \\ ** Chess Set, Standard ** (20) 2p \\ ** Comb ** (0.10) 1d \\ ** Dice, Pair, Clear ** (8) 8f \\ ** Dice, Pair, Loaded ** (4) 4f \\ ** Dice, Pair ** (0.20) 2d \\ ** Flag, Large ** // 3' x 5' // (100) 1c \\ ** Flag, Small ** // 18" x 36" // (50) 5p \\ ** Map Case, Leather ** (10) 1p \\ ** Map, Continent ** // 20" x 30" // (300) 3c \\ ** Map, Known World ** // 20" x 30" // (600) 6c \\ ** Map, Local ** // 20" x 30" // (30) 3p \\ ** Map, National ** // 20" x 30" // (100) 1c \\ ** Map, Regional ** // 20" x 30" // (50) 5p \\ ** Spyglass ** (15000) 150c \\ ** Stilts ** // 7' Tall // (25) 2p 5f \\ ** Walking Stick ** (2) 2f \\ ====Musical Instruments==== ** Aeolian Harp ** // Chordophone // (250) 2c 5p \\ ** Bagpipes ** // Aerophone // (100) 1c \\ ** Bell, Church ** // Idiophone // (120) 1c 2p \\ ** Bells ** // Idiophone // (4) 4f \\ ** Castanets ** // Idiophone // (0.40) 4d \\ ** Chimes ** // Idiophone // (10) 1p \\ ** Cittern ** // Chordophone // (100) 1c \\ ** Cymbals ** // Idiophone // (35) 3p 5f \\ ** Drum ** // Membranophone // (1.50) 1f 5d \\ ** Dulcimer ** // Chordophone // (230) 2c 3p \\ ** Fiddle ** // Chordophone // (140) 1c 4p \\ ** Fife ** // Aerophone // (0.80) 8d \\ ** Harp, Large ** // Chordophone // (160) 1c 6p \\ ** Harp ** // Chordophone // (80) 8p \\ ** Hunting Horn ** // Aerophone // (20) 2p \\ ** Hurdy-Gurdy ** // Hurdy-Gurdy // (100) 1c \\ ** Jew's Harp ** // Chordophone // (0.40) 4d \\ ** Kettle Drum ** // Membranophone // (35) 3p 5f \\ ** Lute ** // Chordophone // (120) 1c 2p \\ ** Lyre ** // Chordophone // (90) 9p \\ ** Mandolin ** // Chordophone // (90) 9p \\ ** Ocarina ** // Aerophone // (0.12) 1d 2b \\ ** Pan Pipes ** // Aerophone // (0.80) 8d \\ ** Rattle ** // Idiophone // (0.03) 3b \\ ** Recorder ** // Aerophone // (9) 9f \\ ** Sackbut ** // Aerophone // (250) 2c 5p \\ ** Sitar ** // Chordophone // (100) 1c \\ ** Tabor ** // Membranophone // (0.80) 8d \\ ** Tambourine ** // Membranophone // (9) 9f \\ ** Triangle ** // Idiophone // (1.20) 1f 2d \\ ** Trumpet, Fanfare ** // Aerophone // (60) 6p \\ ** Viol ** // Chordophone // (240) 2c 4p \\ ** Xylophone, Metal ** // Idiophone // (140) 1c 4p \\ ** Xylophone, Wooden ** // Idiophone // (40) 4p \\ ** Zither ** // Chordophone // (220) 2c 2p \\ ====Outdoor Survival==== ** Blanket, Heavy ** (3) 3f \\ ** Blanket, Light ** (2) 2f \\ ** Camp Bed, Cloth & Wood ** (150) 1c 5p \\ ** Camp Bed, Leather & Wood ** (350) 3c 5p \\ ** Candle, Tallow ** // Lasts 2 Hours // (0.03) 3b \\ ** Candle, Wax ** // Lasts 4 Hours // (10) 1p \\ ** Fire Starting Bow ** (5) 5f \\ ** Fish Hook & Line ** (0.10) 1d \\ ** Fish Trap ** (3) 3f \\ ** Fishing Net, Large ** (80) 8p \\ ** Fishing Net, Small ** (50) 5p \\ ** Flint & Steel ** (10) 1p \\ ** Hammock, Canvas ** (300) 3c \\ ** Hammock, Leather ** (6) 6f \\ ** Lamp ** (5) 5f \\ ** Lantern ** (12) 1p 2f \\ ** Oil, Lamp ** // 1 Pint // (1) 1f \\ ** Pavilion ** (1000) 10c \\ ** Sleeping Furs, Heavy ** (7.50) 7f 5d \\ ** Sleeping Furs, Light ** (5) 5f \\ ** Tent, Canvas, 2-Man ** (120) 1c 2p \\ ** Tent, Canvas, 4-Man ** (240) 2c 4p \\ ** Tent, Canvas, 8-Man ** (500) 5c \\ ** Tent, Leather, 2-Man ** (70) 7p \\ ** Tent, Leather, 4-Man ** (150) 1c 5p \\ ** Tent, Leather, 8-Man ** (250) 2c 5p \\ ** Tinderbox ** (0.30) 3d \\ ** Torch ** // Lasts 1 Hour // (0.10) 1d \\ ====Religious==== ** Altar Cloth, Ornate ** // 6' x 3' // (250) 2c 5p \\ ** Altar Cloth, Plain ** // 6' x 3' // (1.40) 1f 4d \\ ** Aspergill, Bronze ** (25) 2p 5f \\ ** Aspergill, Gold ** (20000) 200c \\ ** Aspergill, Silver ** (3500) 35c \\ ** Bishop's Ring ** (5000) 50c \\ ** Censer ** (100) 1c \\ ** Chalice, Ornate ** // 1 Pint // (150) 1c 5p \\ ** Chalice, Plain ** // 1 Pint // (0.20) 2d \\ ** Holy Symbol ** (1) 1f \\ ** Incense ** (30) 3p \\ ** Prayer Beads ** (0.20) 2d \\ ** Reliquary ** (2500) 25c \\ ** Snuffing Bell ** (0.50) 5d \\ ====Scriptorium==== ** Balance Weights ** (20) 2p \\ ** Balance ** (120) 1c 2p \\ ** Bindery Glue ** // 1 Pint // (0.30) 3d \\ ** Book Covers ** (1.50) 1f 5d \\ ** Book, Religious ** (1000) 10c \\ ** Book, Scholarly ** (2000) 20c \\ ** Chalk, 10 Pieces ** (0.03) 3b \\ ** Counter Boards ** (1.50) 1f 5d \\ ** Gold Leaf ** // 6" x 6" sheet // (25) 2p 5f \\ ** Hourglass ** (400) 4c \\ ** Ink, Black ** // 1 Pint // (1.50) 1f 5d \\ ** Ink, Colored ** // 1 Pint // (15) 1p 5f \\ ** Inkwell, Horn ** (0.60) 6d \\ ** Inkwell, Silver ** (100) 1c \\ ** Inkwell, Tin ** (10) 1p \\ ** Jettons (20) ** (0.19) 1d 9b \\ ** Minute Glass ** (200) 2c \\ ** Paint ** // 1 Pint // (0.70) 7d \\ ** Paper ** // 30" x 40" // (8.50) 8f 5d \\ ** Parchment ** // 30" x 40" // (6.50) 6f 5d \\ ** Personal Seal, Bronze ** (8) 8f \\ ** Personal Seal, Gold ** (5000) 50c \\ ** Personal Seal, Silver ** (500) 5c \\ ** Portable Writing Case ** (250) 2c 5p \\ ** Quill Pens ** (0.80) 8d \\ ** Scrolls, Papyrus ** (1500) 15c \\ ** Scrolls, Parchment ** (1000) 10c \\ ** Sealing Wax ** // 4 Ounces // (150) 1c 5p \\ ** Vellum ** // 30" x 40" // (8) 8f \\ ** Writing Brush ** (0.10) 1d \\ ** Writing Tablet, Slate ** (60) 6p \\ ** Writing Tablet, Wax ** (400) 4c \\ ====Sewing==== ** Sewing ** ** Cloth, Coarse ** // 6' x 50' // (30) 3p \\ ** Cloth, Exotic ** // 6' x 50' // (1500) 15c \\ ** Cloth, Fine ** // 6' x 50' // (600) 6c \\ ** Cloth, Normal ** // 6' x 50' // (150) 1c 5p \\ ** Needle ** (1.20) 1f 2d \\ ** Pin ** (0.40) 4d \\ ** Shears ** (6) 6f \\ ** Thread, Colored ** // 50 Yards // (3) 3f \\ ** Thread ** // 50 Yards // (0.20) 2d \\ ** Wire, Gold ** // 50' // (500) 5c \\ ** Wire, Silver ** // 50' // (40) 4p \\ ====Thieves & Spies==== ** Caltrops (20) ** (0.10) 1d \\ ** Chisel, Cold ** (6) 6f \\ ** Crowbar, Heavy ** (8) 8f \\ ** Crowbar, Standard ** (6) 6f \\ ** Grappling Hook ** (12) 1p 2f \\ ** Lock, Average ** (40) 4p \\ ** Lock, Complex ** (70) 7p \\ ** Lock, Simple ** (20) 2p \\ ** Lockpicks, Average ** (10) 1p \\ ** Lockpicks, Fine ** (50) 5p \\ ** Lockpicks, Poor ** (6) 6f \\ ** Metal File, Large ** (17) 1p 7f \\ ** Metal File, Large ** (17) 1p 7f \\ ** Metal File, Medium ** (12) 1p 2f \\ ** Metal File, Small ** (8) 8f \\ ** Padlock, Average ** (23) 2p 3f \\ ** Padlock, Complex ** (90) 9p \\ ** Padlock, Simple ** (12) 1p 2f \\ ** Purse-Cutter, Blade ** (24) 2p 4f \\ ** Rope, Light, 50' ** (0.40) 4d \\ ** Rope, Standard, 50' ** (0.60) 6d \\ ** Rosin ** (4) 4f \\ ====Tools & Machines==== ** Adze ** (2.50) 2f 5d \\ ** Anvil, Heavy, Portable ** (300) 3c \\ ** Anvil, Light, Portable ** (200) 2c \\ ** Anvil, Standard ** (500) 5c \\ ** Auger ** (2.50) 2f 5d \\ ** Awl ** (1.50) 1f 5d \\ ** Bellows, Portable ** (0.20) 2d \\ ** Bellows, Standard ** (5) 5f \\ ** Blast Furnace ** (7500) 75c \\ ** Block & Tackle ** (70) 7p \\ ** Bow Drill ** (0.30) 3d \\ ** Brace & Bit (Hand Drill) ** (50) 5p \\ ** Branding Iron ** (0.80) 8d \\ ** Brush ** (0.20) 2d \\ ** Carding Comb ** (0.10) 1d \\ ** Carpenter's Square ** (0.60) 6d \\ ** Chain (per Foot) ** (20) 2p \\ ** Chain, Heavy (per Foot) ** (50) 5p \\ ** Chain, Measuring ** (35) 3p 5f \\ ** Chisel, Cold ** (6) 6f \\ ** Chisel, Masonry ** (4) 4f \\ ** Chisel, Wood ** (4) 4f \\ ** Crowbar, Heavy ** (8) 8f \\ ** Crowbar, Standard ** (6) 6f \\ ** Drill Bits, Iron ** (4) 4f \\ ** Drill Bits, Steel ** (50) 5p \\ ** Forge, Portable ** (200) 2c \\ ** Forge, Standard ** (400) 4c \\ ** Grindstone ** (280) 2c 8p \\ ** Hammer, Armorers ** (15) 1p 5f \\ ** Hammer, Blacksmith ** (22) 2p 2f \\ ** Hammer, Carpenters ** (0.70) 7d \\ ** Hatchet ** (1.20) 1f 2d \\ ** Hoe ** (0.60) 6d \\ ** Ingot, Bronze ** (70) 7p \\ ** Ingot, Gold ** (40000) 400c \\ ** Ingot, Iron ** (0.30) 3d \\ ** Ingot, Lead ** (50) 5p \\ ** Ingot, Silver ** (4000) 40c \\ ** Iron Spikes (10) ** (24) 2p 4f \\ ** Iron Wedge ** (3.60) 3f 6d \\ ** Ladder, Wooden, 12' ** (1.50) 1f 5d \\ ** Lathe ** (1250) 12c 5p \\ ** Mallet, Wood ** (0.30) 3d \\ ** Metal File, Large ** (17) 1p 7f \\ ** Metal File, Medium ** (12) 1p 2f \\ ** Metal File, Small ** (8) 8f \\ ** Nails ** (50) 5p \\ ** Pick Axe ** (0.70) 7d \\ ** Pickfork ** (1.50) 1f 5d \\ ** Pliers, Large ** (3.80) 3f 8d \\ ** Pliers, Small ** (2) 2f \\ ** Plow Blade, Iron ** (7) 7f \\ ** Plow, Wooden ** (12) 1p 2f \\ ** Potter's Wheel ** (60) 6p \\ ** Pulley, Large (5:1) ** (3.50) 3f 5d \\ ** Pulley, Small (2:1) ** (2.80) 2f 8d \\ ** Rake, Wooden ** (0.40) 4d \\ ** Rope, Hawser, 50' ** (2.60) 2f 6d \\ ** Rope, Heavy, 50' ** (1) 1f \\ ** Rope, Light, 50' ** (0.40) 4d \\ ** Rope, Standard, 50' ** (0.60) 6d \\ ** Scythe, Reaver ** (3) 3f \\ ** Scythe ** (1.80) 1f 8d \\ ** Shepherd's Crook ** (0.40) 4d \\ ** Shovel ** (1.60) 1f 6d \\ ** Sickle ** (1.50) 1f 5d \\ ** Spindle ** (0.50) 5d \\ ** Tongs, Large ** (2.20) 2f 2d \\ ** Tongs, Small ** (1.20) 1f 2d \\ ** Weaving Loom, Large ** (90) 9p \\ ** Weaving Loom, Small ** (45) 4p 5f \\ ** Wedge, Splitting, Iron ** (1) 1f \\ ** Wedge, Staying, Wooden ** (0.05) 5b \\ ** Whitewash ** // 10 Gallons // (0.70) 7d \\ ** Windlass ** (75) 7p 5f \\ ** Winnowing Flail ** (0.30) 3d \\ ** Wire, Iron, 10' ** (0.30) 3d \\ ** Wire-Drawing Machine ** (65) 6p 5f \\ ** Wood Axe ** (2.50) 2f 5d \\ ** Wood File, Large ** (17) 1p 7f \\ ** Wood File, Medium ** (12) 1p 2f \\ ** Wood File, Small ** (8) 8f \\ ** Wood Glue ** // 1 Pint // (0.40) 4d \\ ** Wood Saw, Iron ** (3.50) 3f 5d \\ ** Wood Saw, Steel ** (9.50) 9f 5d \\ ====Transport & Tack==== ** Bit & Bridle ** (150) 1c 5p \\ ** Boat, 10' ** // Carries up to 454kg // (700) 7c \\ ** Boat, 20' ** // Carries up to 1,814kg // (1100) 11c \\ ** Canoe ** // 2 People // (800) 8c \\ ** Cart, Dog ** // 1 Dog to draw Carries up to 1 Person // (150) 1c 5p \\ ** Cart, Horse ** // 1 Horse/Ox to draw Carries up to 3 people // (400) 4c \\ ** Cart, Pony ** // 1 Pony to draw Carries up to 2 people // (250) 2c 5p \\ ** Closed Coach, 2 Horse ** // Carries up to 4 people // (2000) 20c \\ ** Closed Coach, 4 Horse ** // Carries up to 4 people // (4000) 40c \\ ** Coracle ** // 3 People // (80) 8p \\ ** Draft Harness ** (750) 7c 5p \\ ** Driving Whip ** (150) 1c 5p \\ ** Horse Chair, Enclosed ** // 2 People // (1750) 17c 5p \\ ** Horse Collar ** (80) 8p \\ ** Horseshoe, Common ** (0.20) 2d \\ ** Horseshoe, Warhorse ** (0.60) 6d \\ ** Mast & Sail ** (250) 2c 5p \\ ** Oar ** (15) 1p 5f \\ ** Ox Yoke ** (10) 1p \\ ** Paddle ** (8) 8f \\ ** Riding Crop ** (20) 2p \\ ** Saddle Bags, Large ** (120) 1c 2p \\ ** Saddle Bags, Medium ** (50) 5p \\ ** Saddle Bags, Small ** (20) 2p \\ ** Saddle Blanket ** (5) 5f \\ ** Saddle, Pack ** (100) 1c \\ ** Saddle, Riding ** (1500) 15c \\ ** Saddle, War ** (3000) 30c \\ ** Stirrups ** (40) 4p \\ ** Wagon, Large ** // 4 Horses/Oxen to draw Carries up to 816kg // (800) 8c \\ ** Wagon, Small ** // 2 Horses/Oxen to draw Carries up to 544kg // (600) 6c \\ ---- Go back to [[start]]